


Maverick Carter characterization {the hate u give}







Maverick Carter - characterization
Maverick Carter is a character in the novel "The hate u give", written by Angie Thomas,
published in 2017

Maverick Carter - characterization Maverick Carter is a character in the novel "The hate u give", written by Angie Thomas, published in 2017. He is the father of Starr Carter, the main character who witnessed her friend Khalil getting shot. Maverick ist thirty-six years old and lives with his wife Lisa and his kids Sekani and Starr in Garden Heights. Starr describes him as a bald dark brown person, with a slender body, and tattoos on his arms. (p. 35/39) He appears to be a very religious person since he follows the Black Panthers 10-Point- programm (p.34). His habit to spend hours in the garden (p.39) makes him look calm an nature loving. Maverick has his own store which does not only make him independent, but also organized and responsible. The encounter with Mr. Lewis, a customer who was rude, shows that he is also able to stay calm and polite in stressful situations. (p.41) Additionally, Maverick shows his emotional side and does not hide his sadness, when it comes to the death of his mother. (p.43) On the other hand, he shows his brave, protective side, after he confronts King. "But if you touch Seven again, I'll owe you an ass whooping." (p.48 1.27f). As a father, he is protective and strict. He doesn't like it when black...

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people are in a relationship with white people since he had bad experiences with them in the past. Some people may say he is overprotective because he does not want her daughter to date until she is forty. (p.43) His parental love towards Starr us expressed strongly through the tattoo of her as a baby with a motivational quote beneath "Something to live for, something to die for." (p.39 1.27f.)# His caring but not intrusive behaviour is noticeable after the conversation with Starr where he asks if she would like to talk with him about last night. (p.40) In Conclusion Maverick is a responsible polite person who isn't afraid to protect others or confront people that did something bad. In comparison with Starr, he appears a bit braver and less afraid to speak which could be influenced by his age.