


New York







Central Park (Manhattand
`park in Manhattan.
The Statue of Liberty_
-305 feet tall
- symbol of freedom o
Central Park (Manhattand
`park in Manhattan.
The Statue of Liberty_
-305 feet tall
- symbol of freedom o
Central Park (Manhattand
`park in Manhattan.
The Statue of Liberty_
-305 feet tall
- symbol of freedom o

NEW YORK Sehenswürdigkeiten Central Park (Manhattand `park in Manhattan. The Statue of Liberty_ -France -305 feet tall - symbol of freedom of Americans- The Empire State Building_ gave the us the Statue of Liberty -102 storys -it's in Manhattan - it's 1,250 feet height -completed 1939 Chinatown -first Chinese immigrants lived here - lots of Chinese restaurants and stores. -cultural food Boroughs -Manhattan - Brooklya -Queens - Staten Island - Brox NEW YORK US IMMIGRATION 1626 -Dutch immigrants founded New Amsterdam. 1630: -Dutch bought Little Oyster Island from Native Americans 1664: - English had taken New Amsterdam from the Dutch -- they named it New York 1785: -Samuel Ellis bought Little Oyster Island - he named it Ellis Island 1820: -immigrants go to New York --they landed at Manhattan 1845 -famine in Island start -Irish people left on ships to New York 1892 NEW YORK US immigration -immigrant station in Manhattan closed. -immigrant station in Ellis Island opend - first immigrant was a Irish girl. 1907: officials sent sick people back 1954: --immigrant station on Ellis Island closed Today: Fimmigrants from Mexico, India and China

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