


Notes from The Midnight Driver Kapitel Zusammenfassung







1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old
1.Boop Boop Boop
2.Gnome run
3. The wake Up
4. Day of the
A 16 years old
Patient Salomon
16 old

Unit/Section 1.Boop Boop Boop 2.Gnome run 3. The wake Up 4. Day of the dork-wit Who? A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis) 16 old guy (Alex) Police officer, Police officer(Sarge) 16 old guy(Alex), a Lady(Alex mum, Janet) a man (Alex dad, Simon)), nurse (Anderson), doktor. (Dr. Friedman) 16 years old guy(Alex), a Lady (Alex mum), A guy (Bryan Gilson), a girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) Reading Log When? Friday evening in September Saturday morning in September Sunday and Monday in September Where? Hospital Home from Alex, street, police office Hospital Alex home, school What? guy A guy sitting next to an old who will probably die, cause he is connected with a ventilor A guy wants to drive to his dad with his moms' car, but he gets drunk. He drives in the garden of Mrs. Wilson and crashes her lawn gnomes. The police come and arrest him and take him to the police station. A police officer, whose name is Sarge asks Alex some questions and does some fingerprints. Sarge sees, that Alex has blood on his hand, so he takes some wet wipes and want to swipe the blood away. But Alex jumps up and Sarge's coffee flows on Sarge's pants. He changes his pants and he calls the ambulance. Alex wakes up in the hospital. His mum sitting next to his bed and tells him that he is and idiot and beats him. His dad comes into the room and his parents begin to argue and put the blame on each other. Alex pushes a button and nurse Anderson comes in. She told. the...

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family that Alex isn't hurt that much and calls Dr. Friedman, he says what happened to him and clears up about his diagnosis. Next, he falls asleep. Alex plays e-guitar, which he was given at his birthday from his dad, at her mothers home. His mum comes in and asks him why he got drunk and drove with her car. He answers that he wanted to have fun, and she took his best friend from phone to her and the computer didnt work, and he got bored. After that her mum tells him, how to get over the next month until the court date. He will be picked up from school by his mum, he will do his homework and stay the whole day at home, in the evening he will go at least at 10pm to his bed. In the next morning, he's going to school and Brian Gilson speaks to him and asks him about last Friday. The guy tries to ignore him and stays relaxed. Alex girlfriend Laurie Flynn comes to them and supports Alex, but she asks him about the Friday too. Unit/Section 5. My day in Court Who? 16 old guy(Alex), Men(Alex dad, Simon), men(Alex uncle, Larry his attorney) Reading Log When? Thirty days after the accident Where? Court What? Alex dad tries to call him, but he doesn't want to talk to him. And he meets his uncle Larry his attorney. He is going into the court hall, but it doesn't look like he thought it looked. He thought that it looked much older and the people wore old things, but they wore normal business wear. A police officer and two paramedics walk in. The family wait for the judgment Unit/Section 6. Solomon 7. Plan B 8.Laurie meets Sol 9.Sol gets interested Who? A 16 years old guy(Alex), three nurses( Caudelle Green, Juanita Case, Leonora McCarthy), Patient( Salomon Lewis) A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient(Salomon Lewis) A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis), A girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex, a Lady(mum from Alex) Reading Log When? 27th October nursing home 10th November nursing home A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis) Where? Friday in November What? November nursing home Alex has his first day as a social worker in the nursing home. He should care about Salomon Lewis. When he asks about him the nurses say, that he shouldn't be too nice to him. He walks into the room where Salomon lying in his bed and watching TV. The old guy offends Alex in Yiddish and harasses a nurse. After this terrible day Alex writes a letter to Judge Trent and says that he would change his job, but she wants Alex to stay with her. Alex visits Salomon on his second day Salomon. He pretends he doesn't know who Alex is and calls the nurse, but Salomon hurries to say that it was a joke and Alex were gullible. Alex says that he read the book, which is written by Salomon too, and he doesn't like that much. Salomon is thinks otherwise. Later they play poker and Salomon wants to be called Sol. Alex writes a letter to Judge Trent for another time and lists three poins: 1. Teach someone a life lesson 2. Learn a life lesson 3.pay back $500.00 for the damage he did to Mrs. Wilson's lawn gnomes Also he do much lovelier 200h by another job, as for the rest 94h with Mr.Lewis, he doesn't know how he could pay Mrs. Wilson's the Damage by this pay lesson. But Mrs. Trent answers that he should do it for the nursing home end. Laurie convinced Alex mum to stay by him and care about him, so she could go outside. The teenager goes to the nursing home and visits Mr. Lewis. Just like the nurses said to Alex, he said to Laurie that she shouldn't be too nice to Salomon Alex introduces his best friend Laurie, but Salomon says that she is her husband, they start to argue and Mr.Lewis leaves the room. It is cool when he comes in and they talk. Laurie cares about Sol. Alex brings his guitar to Salomon and tells him to play for him. Salomon really likes it and Alex should played more songs. Also he was really stunning, cause Alex does something, what Salomon liked. In the evening he writes the first positiv letter to the Trent Unit/Section 10. Half An Answer Who? A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis) 11. Happy Holidays A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient (Salom on Lewis), a man(Alex dad, Simon) 12. The Ball Falls Reading Log When? December A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient(Salomon Lewis), A girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex, a Lady (mum from Alex) December December Where? nursing home Alex What? A boy write a song about the life of a Jewish guy for the patient Salomon. He plays it in front of him with his guitar and the old man was very emotional and stunning, cause of the song was especially written for him and the boy spends lots of time for this Alex home,nursing every day in the nursing home. home home,nursing home Alex wanted to visit in the holidays Salomon As the guy came one day at home, his dad stood in front of him and said that he tried to call them, but Alex apologized for that, cause he was very busy and his mail server didn't work. His dad said that he wanted to move to Philadelphia, because he broke up with his girlfriend. Alex was very stunned about this. Then Alex visits Salomon, who has been connected with an ventilator. He told the guy something about his daughter, who will spend every year with flowers by Salomon. After a time Mr. Lewis wants Alex to leave cause he wants to read a book. The nurses talk about Salomon's daughter never visiting him. In the end of the day Alex writes about the day and he asks if he could stay there, also when he doesn't have to. In the morning Alex mum and Alex talk, but she is very strange. So Alex leaves and goes to the nursing home in Mr.Lewis room, who hasn't been contacted to the Flynn, best friend ventilator anymore. Salomon convinces Alex to spend New Year's Eve with Laurie for many years. Alex and Laurie talk and she says that his mother is pregnant, cause she dated one guys from the internet. Sol gets to know that Alex only cares about him because he must do it, both talk about it and Solomon is very upset, so Alex leaves. Sol apologizes for the phone but Alex didn't. want to come back. The evening Laurie and Alex spend alone, cause his mother is going out for a date. In the night his mom steps in with his dad and Alex is very confused. Unit/Section 13. Happy New Year A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon 14.Enter the Cha-KINGS 15.home Again Who? 16. Am I A Great Musician or what? Lewis), A girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex, a A 16 old guy(Alex), A girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) The CHA- Kings (Anette&Steven) Lady(mum from Alex), a men( Alex dad, Simon) A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient(Salom on Lewis) Reading Log When? A 16 old guy(Alex), A girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) The CHA- Kings (Anette & Steven) 1th January Where? Alex home 2th January School 2th January nursing station 26th January School What? In the morning Laurie, Alex, Alex dad and his mum breakfast together. As Laurie leaves Alex mum says that it was a nice evening, and they fall in love once as again and at the restaurant the band plays the song from their marriage. Alex wasn't convinced if this wasn't a coincidence. So he asks his dad if he paid them for playing their song, and he says yes. The guy was very skeptical, but her mum said that it was very romantic.. In the school Alex goes to the musician room and watches Steve and Anette while playing their instruments. Steve and Anette are a couple and named CHA-Kings by Alex. The guy wants to organize a jazz concert, where he can demonstrate that he learned something and he says that its a completely win win situation and the CHA-Kings should join in. Cause they did it before they say yes and join in. Alex goes to the nursing station and apologises for running out and didn't come back. Salomon says that this isn't the problem, rather that he says "but" in every apologise. The guy tells him his idea with the concert and he likes it and wants to come, cause he said that it makes more sense to join in than sitting there lonely. In the evening he writes a letter to Judge Trent and tells him about his idea and asks him another time he could stay with Salomon, cause he thinks that when he doesn't will come anymore he will be very sad. Alex and the CHA-Kings rehears for the first time for their concert. Anette and Steven say that he doesn't play that much nice and he has to practice. After that he meets Laurie and they tell from they crush. Because Laurie doesn't want to be a couple with Alex, he says that he loves Stefanie, a cheerleader. In the evening he invites judge Trent but he won't come, because he spent his time another way. Unit/Section 17. A night for surprise 18. Darkness 19. The Valentine's Day Massacre Who? A 16 old guy (Alex), A girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) The CHA- Kings(Anette&Steven), Patient Salomon Lewis) A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salom on Lewis) Reading Log When? 16 years old guy(Alex), A guy (Bryan Gilson), a girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex), a girl(Sara) and a guy (Bred) January 26th January nursing home Sunday in January Where? What? nursing home, One day before Alex and the CHA-Kings want Alex home, to organize the concert, Anette says that they school should move it, cause Alex still can't play that nice and they want a perfect concert. Alex convinces Anette so it can take place. The next day all people, who got invited by Alex are at the concert. He gives a speech before he starts to play the first piece. The guy is satisfied with himself. In the break Sol comes to him and says that he needs his help that much, cause he took his false glasses with him. After their discussion Alex run to his room and want to take his glasses, but instead of the glasses a key is lying in the case. So Alex runs back to the concert and wants to tell him that he couldn't find his glasses, but Sol was on the stage and playing guitar, the guy realised that it was a trick. After the piece was ended everybody applauds and Alex plays the last piece. At the end of the evening Sol explain that he didn't play guitar for 27 years. Alex. wants to know what was going on with the key, but Sol doesn't want to tell. He breaks down and want to drive to his room. School, hospital Alex speaks in the evening after the concert with Sol and asks him why he stopped playing Sol answers that Alex didn't ask him anytime about anything. But he tells a story about his life. He says that he was a nice musician, so he organised concerts. But after a dispute with his wife Ethel, she drove car and got crashed by a drunken trucker and died. Sol was very angry, that Alex drove drunk. Laurie doesn't ask Alex if he wants to spend Valentine's Day with her and go to the ball, so Sarah asks him and he says yes, although he cannot understand her that much, because she got brackets. Brad asks Laurie and she says yes too. Before the couples go to the ball Alex gets caller by the nursing home, because Sol got driven away by the ambulance because of his lung infection and Alex and Sara drive of course to him. In the hospital Sol confuses Sara with Laurie and Sara gets mad about this. So they drive back to the school. Alex explains the situation and Laurie takes very fast care about Sol and wants to drive with Alex back to the hospital. Then the old guy wants to speak with Alex and he says that he Alex should forget Sara and dance with Laurie. In the elevator they almost kiss but the doors open and Sarge and one assistent stay in front of them. Back in -school Brad is very confused and Sara disappointed. Unit/Section 20. Good Morning, 16 years old world guy(Alex), A 21. The Mission 22. The Saints Go Marchin' In Who? 23. The work of Breathing guy (Bryan Gilson), a girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex), a girl (Sara) and a guy (Bred) A 16years old guy(Alex), Patient Salom on Lewis) A 16 years old guy(Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis), a Lady (mum from Alex), a men( Alex dad, Simon) A 16 years old guy (Alex), Patient Salomon Lewis), A girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) When? Reading Log Monday 16th February 23th February March March Where? School nursing home, Alex home nursing home nursing home, Lauries home What? The next day Laurie meets Alex in school and kisses him in front of Bryan." Brad an Sara are a couple and Alex and Laurie make jokes like every day. In the evening Alex best friend writes judge Trent a letter, in which he announces his last few days with the concert and the story of Sols wife. Alex visits Sol in the nursing home. Sol wants Alex to play the guitar for him, but he says no, because he can play much better. During the following visits Salomon will help Alex to be a nicer musician, because Anette and Steven organise a concert in April will join in, he reacts very confused cause he doesn't know this before. After discussion Alex says yes and in days he will practise with Sol. At home his father and his mother meet. His dad cooks in the kitchen and his mom wants to hang up a marriage picture, but she hurts herself and the picture breaks down. His dad comes very fast and helps her. Alex practises for the first time with Sol, who explain the story of Jazz andand that this have to be played with Swing, or it is a sad song. Alex recalls that they played a duo and Sol has to have a guitar too. So Alex gives him his telecaste and he wants to buy a new cheep guitar. Sol ask Alex if he still had his key and he should go to his locker and open it. In the locker were many pictures from his family, record collections and photos from musicians and Judy. And a dusty. guitar, which he takes with him .The old man gives it to him as a gift. He wouldn't accept, but after a discussion he takes they practise a little more. Alex visits Sol in the nursing home, but he isn't there. The nurse, Leonora says that he is to the doctor because of some tests due to his bad shape. Alex goes to his locker and takes his guitar out. An hour later Sol comes in, but he isn't in a that good mood. He looks very tired and lies down in his bed. Alex plays something for him, but Sol has problems to breath, so the nurses and Alex runs to Laurie, who is very her mother, but Alex tries to cool her tells her about Sol and what he found in and Sol's gift. They almost kiss, but which almost crashes in and they fall on the ground Unit/Section 24. Peace in my tribe 25. Finale 26. Coda 27.The Saints Go Marchin In Again Who? 16 old. guy (Alex), a Lady(Alex mum, Janet) a man (Alex) dad, Simon) A 16 old guy(Alex), - A girl(Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) The CHA- Kings (Anette & Steve n), Patient Salomon Lewis), judge trent A 16 old guy(Alex), A girl (Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) Patient Salomon Lewis), judge trent (daughter of Sol), a lady (Mr.Goldfarb) A 16 old guy(Alex); A girl Laurie Flynn, best friend from Alex) The CHA- Kings(Anette & Stev en),judge trent Reading Log When? 3th April April Where? June Alex home Concert April nurse home Church What? Alex wants to speak with his parents about the problem, that he has had in last weeks but his parents don't think it's a problem. All three give a big huge and after that Alex mum goes upstairs in bed. Alex and his dad enjoy their tea and his if Alex wants to know. anything. But he said he is fine, with what he told him in December. After this he writes a letter to the Judge and announces his day and invite him for the last concert says that she will come The day of the concert all members meet back stage. Alex is nervous but the others say that he is much better the last weeks and the concert will be no problem. On the stage they are fantastic and do a nice show, but Sol sings instead of playing the guitar. All people are fascinated and applaude. The judge runs on the stage and hugs Sol and calls him ,,dad". So Judy is his daughter. Sol's daughter visits him for two weeks cause he's getting worse and worse. The last day Alex, Laurie, Sol, Sols daughter and Mr. Goldfarb are sitting next to his deathbed. Before he will die, he has an extra personal sentence for judge Trent Judy, Laurie and Alex and Alex. After that he dies. In the church everybody were there, who knew Sol. Alex played something with his guitar for him and the next piece with the CHA-Kings. After a time the people stop crying and began to smile. In the evening Alex writers a letter to Judy and tell her what will happened. Laurie will go to his mother in the holidays, Alex parents will probably marry another time and he will go to work in the nurse home, because he liked some of the oldies very much and get much money for it.