


Oral exam - cartoon







• Cartoon
Oral Exam
o one Sentence
o information about the author, the title, the type (Cartoon), the creation time and place

• Cartoon Introduction Oral Exam o one Sentence o information about the author, the title, the type (Cartoon), the creation time and place o short summary/issue/ theme (just one sentence) Description o describe systematically o important element o is background information needed to understand (the message of) the picture? o describe people in present progressive o describe objects in the simple present O speech bubbles o captions o body language / facial expressions o relationship between people Analysis o what is the message of the picture? of the picture o explain the message o is the picture aimed to a specific group (e.g. like young people)? o what is the effect of the picture? o how is the effect achieved? o is the specific language, light, colors, focus or a special perspective in the picture? o are the people well known? o do they have names? o is the location know to us? Evaluation o is the picture ccessfully by transmitting his message? o is the picture historical? o personal opinion / thoughts o supports the picture the own opinion?

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