









• Jealousy: destructive, terrifying & natural emotions
Good vs. evil: lago's battle against Othello and Cassio
Appearence vs.
• Jealousy: destructive, terrifying & natural emotions
Good vs. evil: lago's battle against Othello and Cassio
Appearence vs.

Topics/Themes • Jealousy: destructive, terrifying & natural emotions Good vs. evil: lago's battle against Othello and Cassio Appearence vs. reality: lago seems "honest" while being manipulative Race: Othello's same race sets him apart Constellation of the main characters Othello: protagonist, black general of the Venetian army, difficult life as a soldier, vulnerable to jealousy in his love for Desdemona Desdemona: white daughter of the Venetian senator Brabantio, secrettly married to Othello lago: villian, Othello's ensign Michael Cassio: Othello's lieutenant, used by lago to play on Othello's insecurities about Desdemona's loyality Emilia: lago's wife, Desdemona's servant Roderigo: jealous suitor of Desdemona ● Othello-Shakespeare ● Short overview of the plot Conflict between lago (low rank soldier) and Moor Othello (noble black general) ● Othello who is secretly married to a white woman called Desdemona who is the daughter of a prominent senator named Brabantio. He finds out and is completely furious, he decides to disown Desdemona lago has a secret jealousy and resentment towards Othello because a soldier named Lieutenant Cassio has been put in front of him and also suspects that Othello has been cheating with his wife Waiting on revenge, lago plans a devious comeback to plant suspicions in Othello's mind that Desdemona has been having an affair with Cassio He decided to start a street fight which Cassio is blamed for, and is then dismissed from his post by Othello Desdemona...

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takes up Cassio's case with her husband, which only increases his suspicions that the pair are lovers While all of this is happening lago manages to find a treasured handkerchief from Desdemona that was given to her by Othello He somehow gets the handkerchief on Cassio so that Othello sees it and he finally concludes that the possession is proof of the affair Due to the jealousy, he orders lago to murder Cassio ● Othello decides to strangle Desdemona ● ● ● Immediately afterwards her innocence is proved and lago's treachery exposed Othello kills himself and lago is taken into custody by the authorities.