


Outline und Comparison schreiben leicht gemacht - Englisch Übung und Beispiel


Outline und Comparison schreiben leicht gemacht - Englisch Übung und Beispiel
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33 Follower


A comprehensive guide on writing outlines and comparisons in English, focusing on exam preparation and effective writing techniques. The document covers key strategies for outlining information and comparing literary texts or experiences.



Outline and Comparison Writing Guide

This guide provides essential strategies for writing an outline and comparison in English, particularly useful for exam preparation. It covers techniques for effectively summarizing information and comparing literary texts or experiences.

Outlining Information

The guide emphasizes the importance of focusing on relevant aspects when outlining. Key points include:

  • Begin with an introductory sentence related to the main issue, including genre, title, author, and date if given.
  • Write the main part with essential information pertaining to the task.
  • Use your own words and structure, employing simple present tense and indirect speech.
  • Avoid repetitions, irrelevant details, personal pronouns, opinions, and direct quotations.
  • Aim to write less than one-third of the original text.

Highlight: When outlining, use paraphrasing or umbrella terms to concisely convey information.

Comparing Literary Texts or Experiences

For comparison writing, the guide suggests:

  • Collect ideas and make notes on differences and similarities.
  • Structure your comparison with an introduction, main part, and conclusion.
  • Use paragraphs following the Point-Example-Explanation format.
  • Employ linking words to show similarities and contrasts.

Example: Linking words for comparison include "similarly," "likewise," and "equally," while contrast words include "however," "on the other hand," and "in contrast."

Vocabulary: "Umbrella terms" refer to broad categories that encompass more specific items or concepts.

The guide stresses the importance of providing well-founded arguments, reasons, and examples in your comparison. It also advises using notes while writing to ensure all important aspects are covered and ideas are linked convincingly.

Definition: An outline in English is a concise summary of key points, typically used to organize thoughts before writing a fuller text.

This comprehensive approach to outline schreiben and comparison schreiben Englisch provides students with a solid foundation for tackling various writing tasks in their English studies.

Q1, Englisch GK
outlining information
Exam: 27.10.2020
only focus on relevant aspects, do not sum up the complete tex

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Outline und Comparison schreiben leicht gemacht - Englisch Übung und Beispiel

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33 Follower


A comprehensive guide on writing outlines and comparisons in English, focusing on exam preparation and effective writing techniques. The document covers key strategies for outlining information and comparing literary texts or experiences.








Outline and Comparison Writing Guide

This guide provides essential strategies for writing an outline and comparison in English, particularly useful for exam preparation. It covers techniques for effectively summarizing information and comparing literary texts or experiences.

Outlining Information

The guide emphasizes the importance of focusing on relevant aspects when outlining. Key points include:

  • Begin with an introductory sentence related to the main issue, including genre, title, author, and date if given.
  • Write the main part with essential information pertaining to the task.
  • Use your own words and structure, employing simple present tense and indirect speech.
  • Avoid repetitions, irrelevant details, personal pronouns, opinions, and direct quotations.
  • Aim to write less than one-third of the original text.

Highlight: When outlining, use paraphrasing or umbrella terms to concisely convey information.

Comparing Literary Texts or Experiences

For comparison writing, the guide suggests:

  • Collect ideas and make notes on differences and similarities.
  • Structure your comparison with an introduction, main part, and conclusion.
  • Use paragraphs following the Point-Example-Explanation format.
  • Employ linking words to show similarities and contrasts.

Example: Linking words for comparison include "similarly," "likewise," and "equally," while contrast words include "however," "on the other hand," and "in contrast."

Vocabulary: "Umbrella terms" refer to broad categories that encompass more specific items or concepts.

The guide stresses the importance of providing well-founded arguments, reasons, and examples in your comparison. It also advises using notes while writing to ensure all important aspects are covered and ideas are linked convincingly.

Definition: An outline in English is a concise summary of key points, typically used to organize thoughts before writing a fuller text.

This comprehensive approach to outline schreiben and comparison schreiben Englisch provides students with a solid foundation for tackling various writing tasks in their English studies.

Q1, Englisch GK
outlining information
Exam: 27.10.2020
only focus on relevant aspects, do not sum up the complete tex

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