


Outline und Comparison schreiben







Q1, Englisch GK
outlining information
Exam: 27.10.2020
only focus on relevant aspects, do not sum up the complete tex

OUTLINE AND COMPARISON Q1, Englisch GK outlining information Exam: 27.10.2020 only focus on relevant aspects, do not sum up the complete text! Collect information on the required aspect (s), use own words & own order • start with introductury sentence relating to the issue you focus on, if given: hame genre, title, author, date then write the main part → write down all essential information concerning task do not include repetitions, irrelevant details, pronoun "I, opinion/comments, quotations/direct speech → own words & Structure, simple present, direct →indirect speech, paraphrase or umbrella terms, write less than about one third of original text. comparing literary texts/ experiences show the connection between most important content points to the task you may be asked to discuss or comment on/assess certain aspects. collect ideas, make notes for differences and similarities & decide on structure. introduction: explain the point of comparison (topic: aims & ambitions) • main part: present main points of comparison, give relevant information • conclusion: Sum up why you think differences or similarities are more important give well founded arguments/reasons/examples • Use paragraphs (Point-Example-Explanation), linking words → Comparison: in the same way, similarly, likewise, like, also, equally, as with,... → contrasts: however, but, yet, otherwise, on the one...other hand, even though, unlike, instead of, alternatively, in contrast,... use your notes while writing, link ideas convincingly, only refer to...

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important aspects