


(political) speech analysis







→The excerpt from.. Speech (called...), which was delivered in... on the occasion of..., aims
to declare
→The excerpt from.. Speech (called...), which was delivered in... on the occasion of..., aims
to declare
→The excerpt from.. Speech (called...), which was delivered in... on the occasion of..., aims
to declare

S . S U . 1. KURSARBEIT 11/2 P S M →The excerpt from.. Speech (called...), which was delivered in... on the occasion of..., aims to declare to (the audience) that... ca. 50 Wörter title? who? where and when? to what audience? on what occasion ? on what topic (s) with what main aim? M conclusion T E A Y body 1. identify the rhetorical device 2. figure out its function 3. connect function with content с introduction My analysis will focus on how ... employs different rhetorical devices and strategies like (personal pronouns, enumeration, ...) to (maintain the audience's interest as well as evoke a feeling of belonging /unity in them). R L Stylistic device H Y use your own words to avoid being too close to the text - be autonomous The speaker employs a case of... in order to stress the fact how... immoral and tyrannical African dictators are. summary of results historical relevance (of the speech) personal Statement 1 A S N repetition alliteration (courage and confi- dence) anaphora (if we believe, if we fight) C D E S V 1 с E S possible aims / effects to stress/ to put emphasis on / to emphasize / to draw attention to key words/ major arguments / impor- tant aspects to increase intensity. Stylistic device usage of personal pronouns drastic/vivid (lebendig) descriptions G claims (instead of well balan- ced arguments) rhetorical question (Have you ever thought of...?) enumeration (to enumerate) increase in intensity • comparison (to compare sth. to/ with sth.) / Simile personification (to personify) e.g. the USA bear responsi- bility metaphor (for) / image or symbol (for) irony / sarcasm hyperbole / exaggeration to quote experts/authorities to refer to statistics/polls/ research direct speech /...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

address of the listeners 0 get 0 word / phrase say D W pretty often / pretty much 0 possible aims / effects to involve the listeners speaker presumes / presupposes that the audience. Supports his point of view / agrees with him. speaker wants to involve his opinion on the aud. to create the illusion of a unity / mutual under- standing • to appeal to.... • to involve audience (attention) Stimulate them to think about old beliefs to emphasize / to stress Sth. to make the audience aware of the extent of the problem • to arouse interes+ to simplify complicated matters by referring everyday / known experiences / phenomena /-non • to simplify matters by reducing complexity to imply that an abstract phenomenon can (re)- act as a unit . the emotions rather than to reason the audience's conscience no room left for doubt or questions speaker presumes that the audience agrees with him (appeal to general knowledge / common sense) . . to arouse interest to simplify to illustrate indirect criticism to be polemic to Stress/highlight a fact to back up/ Support one's own arguments to eliminate doubt to make them feel involved to appeal to the audience's conscience D Synonyms claim admit state is are quite often rather avoid kind of /sort of T O U S E word/ phrase thing/ things (e.g. the most important things) way much / way too all in all / overall с O M M E N T Synonyms values ideas beliefs much too far too taking all these analytical aspects into account/ into consideration, one has to admit in conclusion to summarize Hintergrund wissen hauptsächlich eigene Meinung brainstorming/notes → Pro /contra Tabelle nummerieren + Begründung • 3-5 Argumente/ Beispiele These bilden Introduction • The (political) speech.. (title)... raises the question/ introduces the problem of.. in the following I will / I am now going to comment on the statement that is touched upon in (speaker)'s (political) speech conclusion • To Sum up. I am of the opinion. To come to a final conclusion body referring to the view / arguments / example of the speaker... considering the fact that.. • another significant point / fact / argument is... you also have to take into consideration that... I am convinced (that)... on the one hand..., on the other hand In contrast to... I (do not agree with the idea that / of... I would like to point out that.... Looking at the two sides / taking both sides into consideration, I have to say Aufbau 4 - 4 Einleitung Hauptteil Kontraargumente > stärkstes > schwächstes Proargumente > schwächstes > stärkstes Schlussteil