


Political System of the United States







18 NOV 2020
The political system of the united States
• us constitution ratified in 1790
branches of the
legislative bran

18 NOV 2020 The political system of the united States • us constitution ratified in 1790 branches of the Constitution three legislative branch (Congress) ⇒two chambes House of Representatives •435 seats • Representatives serve for two years senate •100 senators •serve for 6 years 1•13 is eleced every 2 years judical branch. (Supreme Court) → The Congress can highest court in the federal judicary •nine Jusrices appointed for life executive branch (Administration) =>headed by the president and independent of the legislature Gymnasium Gars am Inn • also commander- in-chiep for armed forces 0 system of checks and balances - prevents abuse of power by any branch - each part of the us government can check the others' decisions Cabinet •vice president is executive depart ments: e.g. Secretaries of Defense Treasury, Interior and state - passivetolratify laws and treaties - overrule President's veto (² majority woR) -regulate commerce, taxes, spending and military expences -declare war =>The Supreme Court can: -decare executive actions. and laws unconstitutional → The President can: - propose lapprovelveto laws. - make treaties with foreign countries. - nominale supreme Court judges - be impeached by congress angeklagt • Voting - two parties: Democrats (more liberal); Republicans (more - each party's canidate for President conservative) is selected in a long process (primaries) - citizens elect Electoral collage (every 4 years) the people vole directly • Representatives (number based on) • senatores (exachy 2) vole indirectly • Presidential Elections (electing members of Electoral colage)! -electoral Collage vores for vice president and president

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