


Präsentation zu "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"







The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time
Indian by Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie
The Absolutely True Diary
of a Part-Tim

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie RESERVATION RD STOP Sherman Alexie The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Klett English Editions Klett 20טגקס Ipopular Roger handicap lisp basketball Wellpinit Mr P brain native Junior's trainer american Junior/Arnold (main character) basketball native Wellpinit understandably native american never tough showing live with her sont Rowdy (Junior's best friend) Strong Junior's grandmother Mary (Junior's sister) Popular Reardon native DEVO americ "Mary runs away Characters Penelope (Junior's girlfriend) Teacher dreams tap recorder Junior's mother native american Reardon student Gordy (A friend of Junior) Jazz Sax Player! €₂ Oskar Junior's father books Junior's dad; Www WARN Indian Eugene (like an onkel to Junior) Summary The book "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” is about a boy named or Arnold or Junior how most people call him, who is part of a native american tribe, but goes to a school, where no other native american goes to. Junior is a boy, who is born with a brain damage. Junior grew up in a poor household with his parents, who are alcoholics but do many sacrifices for their family, his grandmother, who he likes to talk to when he needs advice, and his sister Mary, who does not live there anymore. He has to deal with bullying and his bestfriend Rowdy protecs him. When Junior decides to switch from the school of the reservation to another, he and Rowdy start fighting. The first weeks at the new school he cannot make friends, gets weird looks and has to deal with racist comments. In that time he is feeling lonely. After time he is respected...

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by other students, gets a girlfriend named Penelope and a friend named Gordy. At school he is part of the basketball team. Playing in the team Eugene, who is like uncle to Junior, is a big supporter. Over the months Mary has contacted Junior sometimes. Mary now lives in Montana, is married to a guy she met in a casino, looks for a job and writes a book. Junior is also trying to stay in contact with Rowdy as good as he can, but most of the time he gets mean responses. First Junior looses his grandmother, a short time later Eugene and then his sister. All this lost and experience he gets in the book, maks him realize that he is much more than he thought he was and that he has never been alone. He also makes it up to Rowdy. • Washington • Reservation Junior's school "Reardon" The places are completely different. The reservation is the place Junior grew up at and his family and other members of their tribe live at. It is poor. At Reardon's Junior is the only native american and the other students got money. It is like the main character is living two lives. WHITE ● Setting Indian's A BRIGHT FUTURE Ralph Lauren Ergonomic backpack (with phone) POSITIVE ROLE MODELS Timer Tommy Hilfiger- khakis HOPE Air Jordans INDIAN A VANISHING FAST Kmart T-shirt A FAMILY HISTRY OF DIABETES D CANCER Sears blue jeans -(2 pairs fo $0.990) (-1ts din-thirty!) Glad garbage book bug RNE CRUSHING REALITY canvas fenis shres of Safeway ENTERING Spokane Indian Reservation FIRE DANGER EXTREME Conflict The book deals with the conflict of living between two cultures and not knowing who you are and where you belong. After going to another school and all the lost he had to go threw, the main character realizes that he is and belonges to much more than he thought he did. For Example to the Spokane Indian, but also to the American Immigrants, Basketball player and much more. That also made him realize that he has never been alone in his loneliness. Native Americans Junior is a native american Racism Other students were at the beginning and Penelope's father is racist against Junior. Eating Disorders ↳ Penelope has one. Bullying Junior experiences it. Themes Poverty Juniot grows up in poverty and explains how it affects him. Grief ↳ Due to all the lost Junior has to experience, he also experiences much a grief and also how different grief can be. Death ↳ Many people Junior was closed to has died. Favorites My favorite chapter is chapter 17 because I like the school dance and how happy everyone was. Except for the times Junior got anxious about money. But at the end of the day even that turned out good for him because he finally revealed that secret to Penelope and got help from Roger and her. I also like chapter 29 & 30 much because even though Junior has lost much, he had a big realization and made it up to Rowdy. Recommendation? I would recommend the book because many young people struggle about their identity like Junior did and I think the book can give them some food for thoughts. You can also learn much about native americans, which is really cool considering that you often do not have the opportunity to learn much about them. 4/5 ★