


Red- Characteristic ( Dallas Woodburn)







In the short story "Red" from Dallas Woodburn, posted in 2005, we get to recognize Grace,
a lonely person, she's t

Characteristic 30.01.2021 In the short story "Red" from Dallas Woodburn, posted in 2005, we get to recognize Grace, a lonely person, she's the main charakter in this story. Grace lost her mom, while she was young. In the short story we get quite a few informations, which assist us to explain and appre- hend the individual of Grace. The story is written out oft the view from grace, she ist the principle individual withinside the story. Grace's fashioned via way of means of the worry- ing experience, that her mom died in an early age, the motive become cancer. Through the loss of her mother, Grace has developer anxiety disorders and fear of loss, such fears are also part of their character. Grace is lacking her mom all of the time, she recollects all of the moments, and matters, she experienced together along with her. We can't infer the age from Grace from the tale. Grace maintain saying, that she will be able to in no way overlook the reminiscences together along with her mom, she regularly matters approxi- mately the moments, while she noticed her dying withinside the clinic and cannot do some- thing to assist her. Grace remains very unhappy about the demise, we will read, that she cry's, reason of old reminiscences together...

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along with her mum, nonetheless very regular- ly. In the flashbacks we learn how to recognize, that withinside the beyond grace become regularly very bored, while she did things together along with her mum. Since her demise she got depressed and unhappy. That shows, that the writer wanted to offer us the mas- sage, that we must use the time with lovable persons, reason the time isn't forever, howe- ver the reminiscences live after demise, too. All in all Grace is a lonely person, who has nonetheless learn how to come over the demi- se of her mom. Losing a own circle of relatives member, or normally someone who you want very an awful lot is in no way clean to process. I know how grace feels after losing important people, as I lost my grandma and my uncle within four weeks in 2015. However, I think grace has to come to terms with the death of her mother and see what has happen- ed with different eyes. In order to come to terms with the death she should get professional help to reduce the depression.