


Utopia & Dystopia / The Circle Lernzettel







Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,
Utopia /Dystopia
· definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression,

Utopia /Dystopia · definition Utopia: A utopia is a perfect world. In utopias, there are no problems like war, disease, poverty, oppression, discrimination, inequality and more. The word utopia was made up from Greek roots by Sir Thomas More. In 1516, More wrote a book called Utopia. Depending on the Greek roots used, utopia can either mean no place or good place. characteristics: peaceful government ->great emphasis on sustainability (=Nachhaltigkeit) and equality -> End all wars, conflicts, crises and terrorism -> paradise-like -optimistic abt. future society -Citizens Live in a harmonious state definition dystopia: A dystopia, on the other hand, is a world in which nothing is perfect. The problems that plogue our world are often even more extreme in dystopias. Dystopia is a play on the made-up word utopia using the prefix dys, which means bad or difficult. Words like dysfunctional or dyslexia illustrate the use of this prefix. characteristics : -World that is worse than ours -> propaganda is used to control the citizens of society -> information, independent thought and freedom are restricted -> a figure head or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society -> Citizens are afraid of the outside world and the government Absolute control by the system (dictatorship) > individuality and dissent (-Widerspruch) are bad discrimination, bad living conditions...

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(sickness, poverty) -War and terrorism -no policy - Limited freedom -> pessimistic about the future society (Difference) pressure, manipulation, control, fear of getting cought, being tortured, losing all social contacts and being humiliated, world's governments are dehumanized The Circle Study Guide general information published in 2013 by Dave Eggers a young woman's rise through an innovative tech company, whose power begins to threaten the foundations of democratic institutions from college to working world examines issues including surveillance, privacy, how technology can interfere with our lives Summary: Part I: •Mae got her job at The Circle" through her friend Annie Allerton there's an elite inner circle, where Annie is already in Grang of 40) the Circle campus is made up of several buildings named after historical eras • Eamon Bailey - one of the company's leaders · Three wise men three leaders ·Ty Gospodinov - founder ⋅Tru You -> a unified operating system to streamline a person's online accounts into one ·Dan Mae's supervisor (Aufsicht) • Company Slogan "Community First" and PPT "Passion, Participation, Transparency" • Customers can give ratings Francis Likes Mae, they kissed Part I: ·Mae memorized the basics of her job •Mae's approval rises and her rating climbs Francis has a tragic past inspired him to work in child security SeeChange" by Eamon -> cameras every where all that happens must be known" • Mae's father has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (sklerose) and her parents can't pay the treatment *Francis child security project planting chips in childrens bones ·Mae meets Kalden - Gina gives her a new monitor L> one for outer Circle, one for inner cirde, Location /interactions -> Zing's data is aggregated into a Parti Rank -jealousy, competition trough 2ing Part III • Mae struggles to keep up with her work and online social interactions so she cuts back on socializing L> Mae has a meeting with Dan and Alistair, who is really mad cause she didn't show up on his brunch Alistair is overly sensitive Annie tells her not to worry cause ·Mae kisses Francis and he participates in "durdur" a program designed to research potential dating partners - her whole data is showed onscreen • Mercer (Mae's ex-bf) cares for Mae's parents, he also criticises the circle Dr. Villalobos is Mae's physician -> suggests Annie about putting Mae's father on the company plan and gives her a health tracking bracelet Part IV •Annie's upset that Mae didn't tell her about her father's MS-diagnosis ·Mae's father is now on the Compary plan Mae flirts with Kalden after an event Mae tells Annie abt. it and she makes fun of her L, they can't find any info when they look up kalden •Dan meets up with Mae cause her rank is too low L₂ they call her selfich for not participating in the company • Mae and Francis try to have sex and he films and won't delete it Port TV: •Annie tells Mae about the impossibility of deleting information · Stenton gives a presentation about the Circles mission · The Cirde announces plans to install "SeeChange" cameras > all interactions public • Mae encounters Kalden again and they explore underground caves housing data storage units . Mae's self-importance at the Circle grows becomes an official representative •Mae promotes Mercers work but he confronts her about her obsession with technology Part XV •Mal is angry with Mercer and regrets dating him •Mae finds a kayak alter hours and thinking about stealing it • she's caught by See - change - cameras and questioned by the police Dan informs her that Eamon wants to discuss the incident L, they talk abt. transparency and secrets ·Mal admits to sneaking into Baileys office with Annie and is forgiven · Mal confesses her kayak incident at a Dream Friday talk and presents new slogans she created, emphasizing transparency Part 7: •Mae wears a camera 2417; Congress and Circle members go transparent ·Mal gains 2.1 mio. followers, ranks high in Parti Rank • Rumors about "Completion" circulate; it's meaning is unclear Mal records a special event at the Cirde's aquarium involving a transparent shark · Kalden contacts Mal, dircusses harm of "Completion", plans a meeting Mae encounters "reciprocity" policy, must engage personally with customers Annie's and Mae's relationship strained due to Mal's constant filming • Annie reveals a family history program "Pout Perfect" • Dr. Villalobos informs Mae about See-change- cameras at her parents house • Mercer's note reaches Mae during dinner where Mercer says she's taking things too far and they break up •Mae accidentally records her parents having sexi Bailey won't delete the vid for transparency Part 8: •Mae experiences a panic attack • She seeks comfort from Francis who engages in role-play and sex -Bailey introduces using Cirde accounts for voter participation •Mae proposes mandatory Girde accounts for voters; Annie objects The discussion explores using Circle profiles for government systems • Mae gains fame for her idea; Circle develops "Demoxie" prototype (Democracy) L> shows 97%. support •Hae obsesses over the minority's opinion •Mae learns Annie's advantage due to socioeconomic status · Circle hopefuls pitch a tracking system for criminals and domestic violence Part 9: •Annie confesses to Mae about discovering her family's slave-owning past through Past Perfect · Mercer sends a letter urging Annie to leave the circle Annie's parents were caught on surveillance ignoring a drowning man - Annie breaks down - Annie questions the Circles mantra •Annie suffers a breakdown due to mounting stress •Mae presents " "Soul Search" ·Mae tests it on Mercer->he flees, drones chase him and he drives off a cliff to his death • Mae feels torn inside, Bailey consoles her, invites her to a shark feeding •Mae meets Ty, who is Kalden Circle founder ly warks of Circles control. Part 10: - Mae visits Annie in a coma at the campus clinic · Doctors suggest stress or exhaustion caused Annie's breakdown • Mae believes her loyally saved the Circle from destruction •Mae informed Bailey and Stenton about Ty's true identity Ty is isolated on campus, Moe hasn't seen him since Mal to dendance the aide and run away with Al •· Mae hasn't spoken to her parents in months • Mae contemplates Annie's state and her own annoyance · Francis appears, they plan to meet at the Circle event · Ten million people globally go transparent, celebrated at event • Mae believes Circle's completion will bring unity and peace • Mae ponders the mystery of Annie's thoughts, plans to discuss with Circle leaders The circle character summary's translation /important characteristics /development Mae Holland: ●characters the protagonist of The Circle • bright, young woman, whose friend, Annie Allerton, gets her the job at the Circle • Mae goes from being politely skeptical of the Circles policies to becoming an enthusiastic advocate for these policies • Little by Little, Mae comes to accept that privacy is immoral, that human beings have an obligation to socialize with millions of other human beings via the internet, and that the Circle is building a global utopia • Mal becomes distant from her family and old friends, effectively trading a couple of real people for millions of virtual friends worldwide •As Mae becomes increasingly loyal to the circle, it becomes increasingly obvious to readers that Mae is a pawn (-bauer, unterwärfig): the circles executives are using her as a poster child (-Paradebeispiel) for their company and a tool with which to manipulate the worlds population into accepting the circle Annie Allerton high-ranking member of the Circle In the novels final pages, Hae betrays. Ty Gospodinou (= Herr ) - the founder of the circle, who has come to question his company's ethics - which signifies that she has surrendered to the circles corrupt agenda. at the beginning: intimidated by the company, lured into its ideology /victim at the end follows and actively decides to complete Circle, invests her complete life, sacrifices her private life • first half of the book she seems to be enthusiastic advocate C-Fursprecher) of the Circles culture and beliefs •Annie encourages Mae to post online about her experiences, and she expresses shock and anxiety when Mal ignores her messages for 15 minutes •However, in the second life of the novel as Mal becomes increasingly enamored (= verliebt) with the Circle and its philosophy of transparency Annie becomes increasingly uneasy and stressed out and seemingly jealous of Hal Annie begins ignoring her old friend and eventually has a nervous breakdown, which places her in a coma • the breakdown in Annie's friendship with Mal is one of the most tragic aspects of the circle, and the arc of their relationship is an argument that social networking pushes people further apart instead of bringing them closer •Three Wise Men Ty Gospodinou, an introverted computer genius, is the founder of the arcle and the creator of Truyou - the online identity system at the core of the Cirdes success L> thought he was creating a digital utopia, but he becomes uneasy with the Circles rapidly growing power Although he's one of the 3 Wise Men, who run the company, he is sidelined (= An den Rand gedrängt) by the others after he calls for privacy protections • mysterious character, seen only via webcam at meetings At the end of the novel its revealed that Ty is Kalden mysterious Circle employee, who has been having an aflair with Mae Holland •Kalden, trying to act on his ethical qualms (=Bedenken) with the Circle, enlists (-anstiften) Mae to help him undermine (=untergraben) the Circles plans, but Mae betrays Ty to the other 2 Wise Hen is under arrest /or murdered at the end rejects transparency as totalitarian (nicht - demokratische Herrschaft durch einen Diktator /eine Gruppe) Tom Stenton is one of the 3 Wise Hen he's the most stereotypically, corporate - aggressive, dangerousty charismatic, and ethically lax (= ethisch schlaff) ·seems to play a minor role in the company from Maes perspective and Circle employees toward the end of the book it becomes clear that Stenton is the most powerful of the Wise Hen, whose visions of ruthless (= rücksichtslos), totalitarian control will prove most influential · Eggers implies: he is a SHARK ! has a transparent shark that he feeds openly won't stop until he's gained power over the entire world, devours (= verschlingt) everything in his presence welcomes transparency 'cause its totalitarian Eamon Bailey • most charismatic and according to Ty sincere (aufrichtig) *folksy and flatering speaker, a pious (fromm) Christian, and the father of a child Gunner, who has celebral palsy (= Bewegungsstörung) *passionately devoted (=anhänglich) to the notion that human beings should share their experiences every Friday he makes speeches to his adoring employee's about the Circles utopian mission to eliminate secrecy and unite the world electronically • most dangerous → seems to be the only one to sincerly believe in the ethics of total transparency • instrumental in persuading employees especially Mae H. to surrender (aufgeben) their privacy to the company bolsters (=stärkt) an ideological program that threatens to engulf (=verschlingen) the entire planet • intimidating, flattering, manipulative, dominant, patronizing (=herablassend) Francis: Francis Garaventa is a Cinde employee dates Hae of and on affair · typical tech- nerd. shy and awkward suffers from premature ejaculations Hae finds him adorable and deeply sympathetic his allure (Reiz) has to do with his difficult childhood more than one of his siblings were abducted and killed, while he was a child thats why he is passionately working to design a program for tracking down kidnapped children •his awkwardness makes him strangely alluring (=reizend) *Mercer: • Hercer Medeiros is Mae's ex-boyfriend embodies the analog way of Living and the last gasp of resistance to the Circles unethical philosophy of transparency he is everything that Circle employees aren't confident, outspoken (=frei, offen), overweight and committed to the importance of face-to-face contact he insists that the Circle has reduced human connection to a shadow of what it once was, trading rich relationships writes a letter to Hae that he's going to live as a hermit (= Einsiedler) •Hae sends drones after him to harass him and he commits suicide driving his car into a gorge (-Schlucht) He would rather die than live in under the arcles totalitarian regime Hae's Parents : • Vinnie Holland is Mae's father and suffers from MS and unable to get good heathcare •Hae arranges for him to receive high-end healthcare from the company • Vinnie becomes exasperated (= verärgert) with constant surveillance that Grcle demands in exchange for health care •Mae's mother is proud of her daugther's job and that she helps her father •Mae's mother quickly becomes skeptical of the Circles commitment to creating total transparency Covers cameras with cloth to protect her privacy this rebellion against Circle leads to a rift between Hae and her mother then they don't talk anymore at all · side characters: ·Kevin Mal's former boss •·Dan: Mae's team leader in CE -> customer experience • Marion owns Kayak shop Important facts and data: totalitarianism: system of government, when the gov. controls every aspect of a persons life • number three : plays a important role in the novel and is a magical /holy number triangle = 3 sides, religion ->trinity the Circle's mantra: "Secrets are lies; sharing is caring; Privacy is theft (-Diebstahl) " - equates privacy with a crime, promoting transparency • circle opened /closed system?: closed system, 'cause inner circle can only be accessed by the chosen few. The outer Circle consists of who are controlled by inner Circle and those who act against, refuse to participate or question it (outcasts, in danger of retaliation by the inner Circle) Circle Systems and programs: · Circle Honey payment system, selling plattform · Circle Surveys: Circle's market research Conversion Rate a measurement of the connection between online activ. and purchases • Complete Health Data Data Program, CHAD: program to collect real-time health data from every Circler • Child Track child protection program, chip into bone in child to track - Francis • Demoxie voting algorithm > Democracy Homie : smart home system •durdur: tool to find out information abt. any person, matchmaker that sets up perfect date Participation Rank, Part Rank computer-generated number resembling Persons activity in inner Circle • Project 9: term for secret research and development at Circle •Retail Raw: total price of all products that people buy based on recommendations · See Change Wifi - cameras ·´Soul Search program to trace a persons ancestry •Tru You master account that combines persons online acc's, payments, identities ... •Tru Youth potential alternative name for Franci's child program • Youth Rank: system to compare and rank the academic achievements and learning processes of students transition sentence -> Aufgabenstellung wiedergeben Scene analysis - How to 1. Content /Structure: "Briefly point out.... Zusammenfassung von der obigen Frage, keine allg. Zsm.fassung sondern aspektorientiert Preparation read, highlight key words, express main points introduction Author: xy " · content: novel Text type narrative text, dramatic text or poetry... literary genre /sub-genre sonnet, comedy, tragedy... What is the story? what situation is presented? Which conflict is the story based on? ->ONLY write a short summary if u didnt have a comprehension task before • structure : How is the text structured? 2. narrative techniques and devices: . narrative techniques/devices: · narrative POV: characters : they create a certain effect / suspense / mood/atmosphere narrative point of view : 3rd person limited narrator -> through Mae's perspective (. Stream of consciousness technique: showing the inside of a charac. mind as chaotic like real thinking). ->reader is introduced ·how is the way the elements are connected to a plot? into charac. interior life • mode of presentation: panoramic and scenic mode of presentation •tone of narrator · narrative point of view 3rd person limited narrator>through Mae's perspective •focalizer: Mae one main character - focalizer • Does the perspective make the reader identify with focalizer? • Is the narrator reliable? · advantages /disadvantages of narrative perspective and its effect on the reader • Who is protagonist / Canti) hero? · major /minor characters? •Which role do they play in the plot? • What do we get to know ? (name, sex, social status, family etc.) What does the charac. behavior/actions/(monologue/dialogue) reveal abt. them? • Is what they say in line with what they do ? character development? static /dynamic character? representing a cliché / stereotype? do they stand for an idea? character constellation . & nome How are they presented (indirectly /directly) ? • Is the inner emotional world of the character revealed? norrator Mae ) • Action : · Plot: setting: ·mood /atmosphere: • everything that happens action unfolding through dramatic dialogue/monologue is dramatic irony used? how does action develop? · exposition : beginning, introduces setting atmosphere/characters rising action an increase suspense climax moment when conflict is most intense turning point / falling action: a reduction of suspense denouement final outcome when conflict is resolved · open ending Cunsolved conflict) /closed ending / denouement (conflict is resolved) suspense /tension? how is it created? back/frame story? -> what effect? time, place ·by characters or situation mode of presentation: · scenic mode L> narrator describes what happens in detail L> often a dialogue L> charac. words /actions are shown in dramatic scenes L> conveys an intense moment vividly Canschaulich machen --makes the reader feel close to the action and allows them to empathize w/ characters also effect on immediacy (persönlich) 3. Analysis formal elements of language: · style: formal, literary, personal, precise, cliche -ridden... • tone : • the way the writer treats his topic •Serious, detached, ironic, critical, sentimental... · register · Sprachebene formal, informal, neutral, biased ... · for a certain readership / target group ? dialect, slang? ->what effect? syntax, sentence structure : choice of words : • stylist devices / imagery • convention : 4. Evaluation: ·Purpose / Intention · vocab •Effect on reader · terms simple, complex? · para- / hypotactical? . .connotations passage's style appropriate to its subject matter? what effect? what effect? exam: listening Summary scene analysisterschreiben comment . symbols The screens > number of screens increases due to higher Position -> the chinese sculpture transparency as visualisation of circles goal, appears on campus the voice -> her own voice in her headset, Mae feels motivated by it representing old traditions elderly couple -> •Kayaking -> moment of comfort, enlightment, gives up bc of Seechange, always after visiting family letting go of stress / pressure the black tear the Circle · religious (three Wise Men), transparency --glass, closed system shark devours everything around him, hierarchy Ceats octopus)-> Stenton is very brutal octopus >never know his next step the seahorse -> ->represents the socially awkward (Ty), shy and scare, Ty is oppressed by Stenton and Bailey •the seal -> her intrusive thoughts ·Mal doesn't really feel at home and the Circle drifts them apart