


Rhetorical devices







metaphor (Metapher)
comparison (vergleich).
Simile (vergleich)
Symbol (Symbol)
personification (Personifikatio

RHETORICAL rhetorical IMAGERY metaphor (Metapher) comparison (vergleich). Simile (vergleich) Symbol (Symbol) personification (Personifikation) SOUND alliteration (Alliteration) Onomatopocia (Lauten over ei) Consonance (Harmonie) STRUCTURE enumeration (Aufzählung) repitition (wiederholung) parallelism (Parallelismus) anaphora (An aupher) chiasm (Kreuz stelling) Climax (klimax) anticlimax (Antiklimax) key words (schlüssel begriffe). contrasts (Gegensätze) juxtaposition (Nebeneinander stellung) antithesis (Antithese) MISCELLANEOUS quotation (Zitat) reference (Hinwa's) device rhetorical question (rhetonische Frage). direct address ("you") (okrekle Anrecte) imperative (Imperative) pronouns like "1"("we") (Pronamen) pathas (Gefünt sausdruck) euphemism (besonönigl. Umschreibung). hyperbole under statement paradax pun Satire Irony definition D Comparison between two things (without "like" or "as") general term for two aspects of the same sphere of life which are compared with one another comparison between two things, with "like" or "as" sth. concrete that stands for sth. abstract or in visible thing or concept which given human attributes the use of words which imitare the sound repitition of a sound at the beginning of the neighbouring word € listing of words and phrases, use of commas. repitition of consonant sounas especially at the end of neighbouring words words or phrases that are repeated, often list of three (unity, memorable) arrangement of sentences / phrases so structure or meaning are similar refer to repitition of the same word (s) at the beginning of neighbouring sentence. Suaden fall from an idea of importance V order of elements in the first half of a sentence is reserved in the second two ideas/ are proped slave by side Series of words rise step by step, start with least important the bringing together of opposing views/words the mentioning of 8th arrangement...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

of contrasts in grammitically similar (identroal construction a group of words taken from another source a question asked for a rhetorical effect, but not demanding the answer use of personal pronouns/ possessive adjectives a device wea to hide the true nature of sth. an exaggeration the appeal to emotions like pity and sympatny or sorrow the presentation of sth. as less important than it really 18 a statement which seems self-contradictory, but has a deeper meaning meanings a humorow play on words that sound similar, but have different a kina of fictional text which criticizes certain conditions, events or people by making them appear ridiculow, often use of exaggeration. words conveying a meaning different from the apparent meaning appeal to the imagination of the audience, to illustrate the idea. function to aim at a dramatic serves to make key words memorable n "I CFARCH to stress lemphaise the importance of ideas, to bring home essential (deas to the audience. gives the speech a coherent structure so that the listener can understand and remember the lacas better for emphasis; most convincing and memorable is mentioned at the end. emphasizes a contrast. to compare to emphasize or highlight a difference historical appeal to patriotic feeling, invocation of a glorious past general: underline the correctness, validity of the speaker's Statements forces the listeners to a certain conclusion, there fore influence his thoughts, often. wed to heighten the emotional feeling try to bridge the gap between the speaker and the audience, to induce the listeners to become active to involve the listener, to underline the appellative character of the message to create the feeling of solidarity and loyalty; to unoverline one's own engagement & identification with the audience, to create unison to gain sympathy and agreement to make unpleasant things sound less dramatic for comic effect. to emphasize a particular longing or feeling for serious or comic effect. to create a comic effect to create the illusion of a dialogue used to emphazise a point or situation