


Screenshot Analysis, Movie Analysis







Screenshot analysis/ Analysis of a movie screenshot
1 Introduction
For example: The screenshot is from the movie *title of the movie* which

Screenshot analysis/ Analysis of a movie screenshot 1 Introduction For example: The screenshot is from the movie *title of the movie* which is a *genre (dramal science-fiction movie/thriller/...)* and was produced by *name of the producer* It was released in *year* and it's starring *name of the most important actor* * short summary of the movie plot * 2. Main body * * 10 introduce the movie in a first sentence (= "Basissatz") title of the movie * →year the movie was released in →genre of the movie → producer or director of the movie, maybe even the name of the most important actor * summarize, what happened before the screenshot describe the screenshot (logical structure, for example: from the left to the right, from the top to the bottom, ...) analyse the screenshot →shot size long shot: 00 3. Conclusion medium shot OO close up: 00 very distant → camera angles (low, eye-level, high, bird's eye view) → body language, facial expressions and posture of the persons → which objects are in the picture? Are they important? → time and location →light and colours how and why does the shown scene change the characters? summarize what happens after the screenshot sum up the main points point out again why the screenshot is important extreme close up: why was this particular screenshot chosen? How is it important for the entire movie? What does it focus on ? very intimate

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