


Seven Methods of Killing Kylie Jenner - Zusammenfassung







seven methods of killing kylie jenner.- notes
twitter/irl 1, pp.4-9:
tweet about Kylie becoming the youngest self-made billionaire
Cleo twee

seven methods of killing kylie jenner.- notes twitter/irl 1, pp.4-9: tweet about Kylie becoming the youngest self-made billionaire Cleo tweets methods of killing Kylie switch to irl, Kara is in Cleo's room, Kara critisizes Cleo for the tweets, Cleo shows frustration on racial topics twitterlude 1: ppl making fun of Cleo's tweets mocking her, making memes, not taking it that seriously irl, pp.11-12: Kara mocks Cleo for her tweets Cleo insists that she wants to be taken seriously and explains, how Kylie being called a self-made billionaire ignores black history Cleo implies that she wants to continue tweeting about killing Kylie Jenner twitterlude 2: ppl calling her crazy and a SJW Cleo generally getting mocked for her tweets irl, pp. 21-27: . Cleos clarifies that she isn't done talking about methods of killing Kylie Jenner method 2: death by drowning Kara explains how it's wrong to threaten to kill people →> refers to MLK as a way to explain how Cleo should deal with injustice with dignity Cleo wants to hear none of it Cleo recently broke up with her partner, they talk about her relationships and sexual desires Kara thinks Cleo's twitter tirade is a result of her relationship problems and her ex being together with a white woman twitterlude 3: method 3: skinning -> fantasy about wearing Kylie's skin as "whiteface" ppl calling Cleo ill and...

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schizophrenic racist remarks get more frequent some ppl still want to follow her tweets for the sake of drama irl, pp. 32-40: Kara tells Cleo that she's taking things too seriously Cleo accuses Kara of gaslighting her Cleo tells Kara that she can't understand her situation because she is light skinned . according to Cleo black women are only considered beautiful by society when they're light skinned Cleo tells Kara why she always had an advantage as a light skinned women when they were growing up Kara was desired, Cleo discarded (p. 37) Kara argues that she didn't choose to be light skinned and still had her fair share of struggles argument ensues after Cleo implies that Kara is less oppressed as a black women just because she has light skin twitterlude 4: method 5: death by immolation ppl start commenting slurs under Cleo's posts racist imagery gets posted under her tweets irl, pp.43-49: Kara freaks out over racist comments on Cleos posts Cleo's still mad about an incident when they were 16, calling it #wiggate ->gets humiliated and assaulted at a party →> Kara doesn't stand up for Cleo twitterlude 5: several news headlines written in different languages in the form of tweets reporting about Cleos thread about killing Kylie Jenner irl, pp. 52-53: Cleo sees the headlines as something positive, as she's finally being heard twitterlude/irl rest of the play people are calling for Cleo's real identity to be revealed old tweets resurfacing Cleo gets called a homophobe Kara telling Cleo that she never put up for queer rights Kara urges Cleo to delete her account method 6: death by disgrace Cleo rejected Kara and hurt her in the past when she came out people on twitter find out Cleos identity Kara blocks Cleo after an argument mash up of twitterspace and irl method 7: death by displacement story of Sartije 4th wall break at the end