


Shakespeare Overview (Elizabethan Age, Theatre, Life)







Shakespeare and his life
not much known about his life
- baptized on 26th April, 1564
in Stratford-upon-Avon
William's father: glove

Shakespeare and his life not much known about his life - baptized on 26th April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon William's father: glove maker, mayor in Stratford William's mother: Mary Arden, prosperous family - oldest of four boys - school education up tot he age of 14/15 1582, he married Anne Hathaway and they had 3 children - - between 1587 - 1592 only few is known about William → lost years - in 1594: member and co- founder of the Chamberlain's men London - during his life he became prosperous - in 1611: William came back to Stratford - on 23rd April, 1616: he died first folio was sold for 1 pound Elizabethan Age Golden Age - English Renaissance - Queen Elizabeth I (Tudor) and King James I (Stuart) were the rulers - time of political stability, peace and prosperity tolerance of religions → Protestantism and Catholicism - strong and central government - Parliament: House of Lords and House of Commons - defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 England grew in power and importance - age of discovery → America, - establishing: East India Company - heyday of development of English culture literature, arts, architecture, philosophy, music - London: centre of culture - huge poverty, massive lack of hygiene - belief: hierarchical order → chain of being → logical order of society → ruler with divine rights; superstition - Change: from geocentric to heliocentric worldview -invention of printing press Theatre - performance at 2PM - announcements of plays in town admission: groundlings 1 penny, seat 2 pence, cushion 3 pence - food and beverage permitted - intimate...

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theatre: all seats within 50 feet from stage - only male players allowed also in female roles - fascinating for the people/ audience - three types: amphitheatres open roof (Globe), small indoor playhouses (Blackfriar), Inn Yards (near Pubs) - up to 5 different plays per week performed - entertainment Shakespeare: prolific a huge amount of plays and sonnets