


speech analysis - „ America,yes we can“ by Barack Obama







Orrspeech an
Sep. 25th, 2021
The speech "America, yes we can!" delivered in New Hampshire on January 8, 2008 by Barack Obam

Orrspeech an analy 284 loll l Sep. 25th, 2021 The speech "America, yes we can!" delivered in New Hampshire on January 8, 2008 by Barack Obama on the occasion of the election campaign, aims to declare to the audience that, together they can make America better for all and that they never stop hoping. " to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the The speech can be divided in three parts. The first one from line one to five, where Obama mentions the importance of hope (cf.11.42) and the strong Spirit of the American people, that shows that America can Icf. 11.4-5). Futhermore he repeatty mentions the therm "Yes we can" (1.5), which shows that he belives in America. The next part from line six to fourteen Obama recalls by using an anaphora "H was ..." (11.6, 8, 10, 12) many moments in history where you can see the nation striving for change. He uses an allusion to show the different moments of strength such as ... a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a king who took us Promised Land." (L. 13-14). In the last part from Line fifteen to twenty five Obama discribes all opportunities the American nation has. With a parallelism he mentions the elements of the American Dream: justice,...

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equality, opportunity and prosperity (cf. 1.15). At the end in line. 25 he again underlines the very exect words "Yes. We. Can." by putting a dot behind each word. Throughout the text, Obama mainly uses the pronouns "we" and "our", which shows that he is at eye level with the audience. Futhermore he say the ... we are one people; we are one nation..." (1.22.23) what also shows the bond with the audience. n In summary, the main massage to the audience is that America needs a change and that Americe as a nation can make it.