


Stylistic Devices (Stimittel)







▷ simile (vergleich): An explicit comparison between two things which are basically quite different using word such as l

ENGLISCH Stilmittel ▷ simile (vergleich): An explicit comparison between two things which are basically quite different using word such as like of a.s. She walks like an angel / I wondered lonely as a cloud Metaphor (Metapher) A comparison between two things which are basically quite different without using like or as. while a simile only says that only that one thing is another And all the men and women merely players.. P All the world's a stage / D Personification (verkörperung) A kind of metaphor in which animals, plants, inanimate (leblos) objects or abstract ideas are represented as if they were beings and possessed human qualities. Justice is blind / Necessity is the mother of invention (Not macht erfinderisch) Synecdoche (synekdoche) A figure of speech in which a part of something stands for the whole or where the whole stands for a part. All hands on deck (Ake Mann an Bord) / P symbol (Symbol): something concrete (like a person, object, image, word or event) that stands for something abstract or The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Germany (= the German team) lost 1.2 P Alliteration (Alteration): The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning neighbouring words. Many workass Oxymoron (oxymoron). The dove sweet sorrow / wife fool / bittersweet 1 (Taube) symbolizes peace / is symbolic of peace, Peter...

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Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Anaphora (Anapher): The repetition of a word or several words or several words at the beginning of successive (aufeinander folgend) lines, clauses or sentences. .To raise a happy, healthy, and hopeful child, it takes a family; it takes teachers; it takes clergy; it takes those who protect our health and safety." Syntacial structure in neighbouring phrases, clauses, sentences. Paralism (Paralismus): The similarity of Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend to assure the survival and the success of liberty. Enumeration (Auf Aählung): The listing of words or phrases. It can stress a certain aspect e.g. by giving a number of Similar or synonymous adjectives to defcribe somet find their labor mechanical, boring, imprisoning, stultifying (lähmena) and repetitive. A condensed (kcomprimiert form of paradox in which two contradictory words (mostly adjective and noun) are used together. o hateful love! o loving nate!" invisible human > Rhetorical question (rhetorische Frage). A question to which the answas is obvious and there fore not expected. In reality rhetorical questions are a kind of Don 4 we all Ilove peace and hate was ? 1 Shouldn't we try to be frienduer yowards each other? statement.