


summary “Junk raft completes voyage to Hawaii” - Placific plastic and water pollution







Pacific plastic
Task 1: Understanding the text
• boad made out of a bunch of plastic bottles, strapped together with old aluminium spars
Pacific plastic
Task 1: Understanding the text
• boad made out of a bunch of plastic bottles, strapped together with old aluminium spars

Pacific plastic Task 1: Understanding the text 1) • boad made out of a bunch of plastic bottles, strapped together with old aluminium spars and topped with an airplane cockpit and a mast 15 thousand plastic bottles and an old Cessna 310 (small airplane) as the fuselage . 0 carried Dr. Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal across the eastern pasific O from long beach in California to Ala Wai Harbor Fuel Dock on Hawaiian Island of Oahu 2,600 miles in 87 days (nearly three months) they met Roz Savage and had an adventure o collected ten 24.02.2021 2) They want to bring awarness to the issue of ocean pollution, because of our plastic consumption. They also say that they transformed two third of the ocean surface into a plastic soup, just in half a century. Because of that they know that doing nothing is not an option and would be extremly immoral. Task 2: Summary 1) 7 main ideas: • The ,,special" boat . Their route The actually dramatic situation in the ocean • Photos and videos to bring special attention and spread awarness • The Hurricane Meeting Roz Savage • The upcoming return 2) Summary of the journey of Eriksen and Paschal The article "Junk raft completes voyage to Hawaii" written by Kim Hampton and published by YachtPals on 28 August 2008 deals with the journey of Dr. Marcus...

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Eriksen and Joel Paschal and their “junk raft” with which they drove across the ocean. First of all the author explains, how the "junk raft" by Eriksen and Paschal was made out. They used all the garbage they could find in the ocean, to build a boat with. The boat named “junk raft” was made out of nearly 15000 plastic bottles, which were strapped together by old aluminium spars, topped with an airplane cockpit and a mast. They also used a main body part of an old small plane, as the sail. They realized how brilliant this idea was and drove 2600 miles from Long Beach, California to a Hawaiian island of Oahu named Ala Wai Harbor Fuel Dock, to bring awareness to the urgent issue of water pollution and the extreme consumption of plastic in general. The author points out the importance of their work in the dramatic situation in the ocean, we humans have transformed in half a century. At their journey Eriksen and Paschal toke many photos and videos of the current situation in the ocean, for example the ever growing mass of garbage roughly twice as big as the U.S., described as a "toilet bowl that never flushes", to bring special attention to the whole topic of water pollution and especially to the Pacific Ocean pollution and the North Pacific Gyre. On their way they come across with Hurricanes, which made them loosing hope. In the middle of nowhere, one of their biggest dreams has come true. They met Roz Savage, an english sportswoman who has rowed solo across the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. After all of that the author also tells about their thoughts and feelings of Eriksen and Paschal, during the upcoming return. They were questioning if they will miss the time at their junk raft, but they also miss their old usual life with all their families, loved one's and friends.