


The journey of the Jeans







(1) Germany
- Jeans are ordered
- To save production costs, the cheapest location is/ - Production of the indigo color
determined for each p

(1) Germany - Jeans are ordered - To save production costs, the cheapest location is/ - Production of the indigo color determined for each production step Work with harmful chemicals - Ecological damage (2) Kazakhstan - Cotton for denim Large amounts of water are consumed - Use of fertilizers and pesticides (3) Turkey - Cotton is spun into yarn - partly child labor The Journey of the Jeans (4) Taiwan - Jeans fabric is woven | 1 1 1 1 (5) Poland (6) Tunesia 1 - Denim is dyed - The fabric is treated with harmful acids! - Environmentally harmful waste water 7 (7) Bulgaria - Refining the denim, (8) China - Sew the jeans together - Buttons and rivets from Italy - Lining from Switzerland PA (9) France - Jeans used or stone washed process - Jeans are blasted or treated with bleach - used look happens in China (10) Germany - Jeans are commercially available then via the Netherlands to Africa (2nd journey of jeans) Polen Tunesien Türkei Frankreich Kasachstan Taiwan China

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