


Summary,Analysis and Mediation







Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Englisch Leistungskurs
2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022
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Textvorlagen: Hilfsmittel: Englisch Leistungskurs 2. Klausur Q1 - 25. November 2022 Bearbeitungszeit: Text A: Text B: (Textauszug aus: ,,Wonder", R. J. Palacio: Part One: August, ,,The Bleeding Scream") Bist du behindert, oder was?! (Online-Artikel: Aktion Mensch) Einsprachiges Wörterbuch Zweisprachiges Wörterbuch Rechtschreibwörterbuch (deutsch) 135 Minuten Tasks 1. Summarize the chapter "The Bleeding Scream” (Part One: August) from Palacio's novel "Wonder". (Text A) 2. Analyze what kind of emotions August shows in this chapter and how this contrast is presented in structure and language. Include the title in your analysis. 3. Mediation: A British friend has to give a presentation on how we deal with people with disabilities in society. Write an email to this friend and summarize what the given article says about how disabled people would like to be treated. Do not include your opinion. (Text B) Text A: Part One: August, pp. 76-78 The Bleeding Scream 1 Walking through the halls that morning on my way to the lockers was, I have to say, absolutely awesome. Everything was different now. I was different. Where I usually walked with my head down, trying to avoid being seen, today I walked with my head up, looking around. I wanted to be seen. One kid wearing the same exact costume as mine, long white 5 skull face oozing fake red blood, high-fived me as we passed each other on the stairs. I have. no...

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idea who he was, and he had no idea who I was, and I wondered for a second if he would have ever done that if he'd known it was me under the mask. I was starting to think this was going to go down as one of the most awesome days in the history of my life, but then I got to homeroom. The first costume I saw as I walked inside the A door was Darth Sidious. It had one of the rubber masks that are so realistic, with a big black hood over the head and a long black robe. I knew right away it was Julian, of course. He must have changed his costume at the last minute because he thought I was coming as Jango Fett. He was talking to two mummies who must have been Miles and Henry, and they were all kind of looking at the door like they were waiting for someone to come through it. I knew it 15 wasn't a Bleeding Scream they were looking for. It was a Boba Fett. Lyong a I was going to go and sit at my usual desk, but for some reason, I don't know why, I found myself walking over to a desk near them, and I could hear them talking. One of the mummies was saying: "It really does look like him." "Like this part especially...," answered Julian's voice. He put his fingers on the cheeks and eyes of his Darth Sidious mask. 20 "Actually," said the mummy, "what he really looks like is one of those shrunken heads. Have you ever seen those? He looks exactly like that." "I think he looks like an orc." "Oh yeah!" repetition î 25 "If I looked like that," said the Julian voice, kind of laughing, "I swear to God, I'd put a hood over my face every day." "I've thought about this a lot," said the second mummy, sounding serious, "and I really think. .. if I looked like him, seriously, I think that I'd kill myself." "You would not," answered Darth Sidious. "Yeah, for real," insisted the same mummy. "I can't imagine looking in the mirror every day 30 and seeing myself like that. It would be too awful. And getting stared at all the time." "Then why do you hang out with him so much?" asked Darth Sidious. "I don't know," answered the mummy. "Tushman asked me to hang out with him at the beginning of the year, and he must have told all the teachers to put us next to each other in all our classes, or something." The mummy shrugged. I knew the shrug, of course. I knew the 35 voice. I knew I wanted to run out of the class right then and there. But I stood where I was and listened to Jack Will finish what he was saying. "I mean, the thing is: he always follows me around. What am I supposed to do?" "Just ditch him," said Julian. metaphor I don't know what Jack answered because I walked out of the class without anyone knowing I to had been there. My face felt like it was on fire while I walked back down the stairs. I was sweating under my costume. And I started crying. I couldn't keep it from happening. The tears were so thick in my eyes I could barely see, but I couldn't wipe them through the mask as I walked. I was looking for a little tiny spot to disappear into. I wanted a hole I could fall inside of: a little black hole that would eat me up. illustrates he wants to how badly. +0 vanisch place Geitfrent because the of his friend" 2 betraggel e 1 Lyonga Text B: Online-Artikel "Bist du behindert, oder was?!" Wir haben junge Frauen und Männer mit Behinderungen gefragt, welche Sätze sie oft hören, und was sie Leuten ohne Behinderung so empfehlen: Constantin: Zwei Situationen sind typisch: Wenn ich z.B. mit Freunden durch die Stadt gehe, und ein anderer Rollstuhlfahrer kommt uns entgegen, höre ich immer wieder: "Hey 5 Constantin, wer war das eben?" Als ob ich jeden anderen Rollstuhlfahrer persönlich kennen würde! Oder: Als jemand mal beim Tischtennis spielen erst spät bemerkte, dass ich nicht laufen kann, meinte er: "Steh nicht im Weg und spiel vernünftig mit. Oder bist du behindert?" Ich sagte: "Ja" und er war ziemlich verdutzt. Mein Tipp: Lasst doch einfach den Zusatz "bist du behindert?" weg und seid kreativer bei euren Beleidigungen. 10 Angela: Mich stört: Wenn mich einer anstarrt. Weil ich das Down-Syndrom habe. Manche denken dann, dass ich doof bin. Sie sehen nicht, dass ich alleine mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln fahren kann. Dass ich kochen kann. Dass ich Englisch lerne. Dass ich eine Ausbildung schon längst hinter mir habe. Dass ich schon jahrelang Saxophon und Basketball spiele. Dass ich mit meinem Freund zusammen bin, mit dem ich mich verloben will. Ich 15 wünsche mir: Sie würden mich normal angucken - und nicht auf das Down-Syndrom. Wenn ich in den Spiegel gucke, gefällt mir mein Gesicht. Clara: Ich saß bei der Ärztin und wurde mehrmals aufgerufen, und ich merkte es nicht. Und als alle zu munkeln anfingen, kam eine Arzthelferin verärgert her, und ich deute an, dass ich nicht hören kann, sie so: Du kannst ja herkommen, aber nicht zu reagieren - das geht nicht. 20 Was ich besser fände: Wenn sie merken, dass ich nicht hören kann, brauchen sie nicht so verärgert sein, und mich anzuschreien, in der Hoffnung, dass ich es verstehe. Ich hatte ja mehrmals darauf hingewiesen, dass ich es nicht hören konnte. Auch mit einem Hörgerät höre ich es nicht, egal wie laut man sein mag. Judyta: Ich höre oft, was für ein hübsches Gesicht ich habe. Und dann kommt immer so ein 25 Zusatz zu dem Kompliment: "Wenn dir schon kein einwandfreier Körper geschenkt wurde, hast du wenigstens ein schönes Gesicht." Oder "Nicht jeder ist mit so einem hübschen Gesicht gesegnet wie du, man kann aber nicht alles haben." Besser wäre: ein Kompliment nur auszusprechen, wenn man es ohne Einschränkung auch so meint. Ninia: Sobald ich neue Menschen kennenlerne und irgendwann meinen Freund erwähne, 30 kann ich fast immer bis Zehn zählen und dann kommt diese eine Frage: „Und, äh, ist der auch, äh, klein?!" Genau. Weil, was anderes geht ja nicht. Braunhaarige können auch nicht mit Blonden zusammen sein. Wo kämen wir da hin? Mir ist das total wumpe, ob mein Freund groß oder klein ist. Hauptsache, er kann kochen. Das kann ich nämlich nicht. Graf Fidi (Rapper): Ich höre des Öfteren: "Was ich mich bei Ihnen schon immer gefragt 35 habe ist, wie machen Sie das morgens mit den Socken und wie ziehen Sie sich die Schuhe an?" Und sage dann: "Ich mach das mit links! Die Leute sollten aufhören sich zu fragen, wie ich meinen Alltag bewerkstellige. Die Tatsache, dass ich vor ihnen sitze, komplett angezogen, (mit Socken und Schuhen) sollte doch Beweis genug sein, dass ich einen Weg gefunden habe mich anzukleiden. Es gibt wesentlich interessantere Fragen, zum Beispiel: "Woher kommen to die Ideen für deine Texte?" [https://www.aktion-mensch.de/inklusion/bildung/impulse/inklusion-material/weiterfuehrende-infos/sprache-und-behinderung] 3 ✓ I disagree - the Silmati is emplained different later in the novel gor Tand gris talking about.. q: Covers (gr) gri-s P erp sp Summary The extract from the novel "Wonder" with the title "The Bleeding scream", written by R.J. Palacio published in 2012, is about August discovering Jack will really tell about him how in the first paragraph August feels happy because he cloesn't h eloes not to walk with his head have down because face so he The narrator anal hears a costume felt more confielent. a mask covered his walk to his students talking and Q1 25.11.22 Jack and about him, they keep talking because they do not notice August since. he is wearing his face. his friends make fun of that covers. All in All the finding out to be nice. classromom some other Jack the way August looks. August feels [very) overwhelmed. and leaves the classroom. text is about August that Jack only prefented vay ful gr. Tit is VOc: peopechive Analysis the provided text is an the novel Wonder , written by R. J. Palacio is about August tinding why Jack is nice to him. out In the following I will analyse what of emotions August shows in kind this chapter. Firstly narrative and In this wed perspective she I am going to it is he also perspektive of the why it is used. text the First-person central is because with this narrative extract from analyse the the reader story through the eyes of protagonist, which makes it easier for the reader to understand what he or is thinking, feeling and experiencing with this used because perspektive it is easier to identity and relate to the feelings of the not scared SU sees no one text protagonist. Moreover August also makes clear that to be is becaubecause everybody is dressed in recognices him a costume "I wanted which he the makes the seen becuse clear good! good! Voc: emphasizes. se Analysis with the following quote", 10 1 wanted to be seen." (1.4). With this goute August emphasis conficlent, he felt how nobody knew he the mask. August also describes how conflicteel Jack and his friends feels when talk about him seen "I knew in the class right then stood where who The " because following quote. I wanted to run out of the author he was under which since and Jack will finisch what he uses + 13 Saying." (11. 35-36). August points out through his actions that he is feeling hearing his so-called friends talleing behind his back. there. But I I was and listend to was she wants the sciel and suprised an emoitional tone readers to feel what August sadness which with using the metaphor My face felt like it was on fire [...] W (1.40) Which is used. to point out how aweful he is feeling and that he is feeling (very) devestated. is feeling which is indicates the author 1 good guate ✓ Sp exp: quite / rather Analysis The Repetition. [The author] shows. Julian August`s appereance, The emotions August could feeling in betrayal ^ (1.24) and (1.27). August also illustrates how baddy he to vanish into this to a considered and wants diffrent place betrag al from want to 2 11 spot to hole "If I to looked like [...1 now disgusted # his friends are can this and devestation. little black a friend. with the use of the alliteration² the author i ilustrates that I could be there moment because relate the a hoodl (11/24-25). I was looking for person by p." (11.43-44).. be are of the anymore. a little ting disappear into. I wanted a who he he client fall insicle of: a ир. The language the author used is [pretty) informal so that the to the plot more hole that would eat me 11 4 because it is the language we every day use everydag with of our friends and family for exemple " I swear to God, I'd put over my face every day." readers 3 ✓ (6: [special) Sp Analysis Even the title of the chapter. has a meaning going to interprate the the of title.. The title "The Bleeding scream" could mean indicate the Anger that the August felt in that moment. that all the emotions moment pain let out a "scream". he All in all spreads people and felt in the so now word "Bleeding" signifies the with should this overwhelmed him to he how they look. that I am message message chapter felt in moment. more be to not judge people the author that tolerant based on good introduction Mediation Hi Liz! How are you cloing? I reamember that you anything about working on working on. Since the article sum up anel But recently I have read an artille that fits in with the topic you are would " in the behinderung asked the topic you are I said no, the important informations. for you. If you like to look up further information, the article is called: Bist du behindert, oder on the website. was?!", published me if 1 knew article is in German to https://www.aktion-mensch. de-inklusion/ bildung /impulse / inklusion material / weiterfuehrende-infos Isprache und I will people are asked how be treated and they want accoreling to constantin people should leave stop mentionning their disability an while arguing and think of something else. F he thinks sp gr Mediation Furthermore person, who their that people should just ignore her disability and stor treating her they if the contr't cannot elo anything. they by herself the can. even though Anel that people should look at her fast Never the tess Clara points out tolerant personality not her appearance they are Based on people andl to Angela, another was asked states. And the like judge and enough to see not tot 100 ks that which is irrelevant. people are t they acid another are not orelinary people, opinion of Juclyta to compliment as that you she thinks people should only compliment if they really mean it. criticizes Ninia exitizes people that judge Realationships based on how someone which is not them compliment necessary nessegary according to Ninia... Graf Fieli, who is a rapper, mentions that people should stop thinking cannot being disabled means you can't do anything by yourself which they well done! actually a can. All in all the people and I hope should no Peggy text points out be more be quick to judge. I was able to help you. But if you have any further questions. feel free Talk soon, 1 people to contact me. that tolerant with elisabilities. 1 Schreiben Sprachverwendung Wortschatz Satzbau und Grammatik Textgestaltung Inhalt Leseverstehen / Reproduktion (50%) Textanalyse (50%) Sprachmittlung Sprachverwendung Wortschatz Satzbau und Grammatik Textgestaltung Inhalt Sprachmittlung (100%) Bewertung besonders präzise, differenzierte Wortwahl und idiomatischer Sprachgebrauch durchgängig variabler und funktionaler Satzbau, unter angemessener Verwendung komplexer Strukturen besonders überzeugende Umsetzung der geforderten Textsorte, durchgängig situationsangemessen, gelungener Adressatenbezug, besonders eigenständige Darstellung Bewertung weitgehend korrektes und umfassendes Textverständnis im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung gelungene Fokussierung auf geforderte Aspekte, Darstellung frei von Redundanzen souveränes Vorgehen gemäß der Aufgabenstellung treffender und durchgängiger Textbezug Bewertung besonders präzise, differenzierte Wortwahl und idiomatischer Sprachgebrauch Punkte 14 Bewertung alle durch die Aufgabe geforderten Informationen des Ausgangstextes präzise wiedergegeben durchgängig variabler und funktionaler Satzbau, unter angemessener Verwendung komplexer Strukturen hohes Maß an grammatischer / syntaktischer Korrektheit durchgängig zielgerichteter, strukturierter und kohärenter Text 14 14 Punkte 11 14 Punkte 14 14 14 Punkte 14 Bewertung im Bereich Schreiben Sprachverwendung Inhalt Bereiche 60% 40% erreichtes Ergebnis im Bereich Schreiben Bewertung im Bereich Sprachmittlung Bereiche Sprachverwendung Inhalt Punkte Gewichtung 14,00 14,00 erreichtes Ergebnis im Bereich Sprachmittlung Punkte Gewichtung Ergebnis 14,00 8,40 12,50 5,00 13,40 Gesamtbewertung Bereiche Schreiben Sprachmittlung 60% 40% Ergebnis 8,40 5,60 14,00 Punkte Gewichtung Ergebnis Gesamtpunkte Gesamtnote 13,40 70% 9,38 14,00 30% 4,20 Ergebnis 13,58 14 1