









Superdiversity Britain and the USA
Migrants from a wide range of origins used to migrate to these countries as more and more
Superdiversity Britain and the USA
Migrants from a wide range of origins used to migrate to these countries as more and more

Superdiversity Superdiversity Britain and the USA Migrants from a wide range of origins used to migrate to these countries as more and more asylum seekers, international students and workers seek places that are safer and offer more opportunities for them. This influx of migrants is transforming social landscapes and creating an unprecedented diversity of cultures, cuisines, identities, politics, beliefs, languages and immigration status. Superdiversity blessing or curse? Whether it's for a nice evening with friends or because you're too lazy to cook, everyone likes to order something to eat at a restaurant. There is often a wide choice of cuisines, such as Thai, Italian or Chinese, which are often prepared by people from the respective country. In many countries of immigration, diversity is continuously increasing. This complex "superdiversity" of languages, cultures, religions and qualifications offers good opportunities for innovation, increased demand and productivity growth. Numerous studies confirm this. On the other hand, proven findings also indicate that these advantages can be endangered due to social reservations and political misreactions. Although it is commonplace for us to meet people from other countries, we often hear in the news that not every German appreciates this. Therefore, in the following text, I will discuss the question of whether superdiversity is a blessing or a curse for today's society. First of all,...

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

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I will start with the arguments against. Here I would first like to mention that there is often discrimination against immigrants because they are "different". Often people are discriminated against because of their origin or their appearance. An example of this would be when an African comes to Germany and is then discriminated against because of the colour his skin. Moreover, the large increase in the number of people in Germany can trigger many things. The more immigrants from different countries, the more unrest and riots there will be, which will lead to much more violence. In addition, small groups are formed that fight for a certain cause, such as changes in the laws and much more. The more countries are at war with each other and the more the respective godfathers can clash, the more unrest there will be in the country. But there are also arguments that superdiversity can have a positive effect. Many regions and cities, such as Hamburg and Berlin, have a high proportion of immigrants and thus also a clear "diversity dividend" in the form of higher productivity and innovative strength. Moreover, the diversity of different people is the engine of creativity and ensures a particularly innovation-friendly environment in the respective regions. Many different people also mean that many different ideas can exist. These then differ from the other ideas and often contribute well to a large and whole project. Often immigrants come from their countries because they are not doing well. They come to study or simply to have a good life. Because there are more people in the country, there are also more workers who support the country. They support it through their own creativity or other knowledge that the locals often don't have. Lastly, I would like to mention that superdiversity is the result of global networking. This means that we can learn a lot from other countries, such as how to cook certain dishes. The experiences of other countries can also be exchanged and used. For example, we can learn a lot about the respective political systems and see which one is the best, or which one works best, or simply learn small things. I believe that superdiversity can be very positive for the people and the country. The arguments against are not strong enough for me personally, as there is hardly any discrimination nowadays. Especially the younger generations are, in my opinion, extremely tolerant and open to new things. When something wrong is done, they are happy to speak out and do everything to ensure that justice is done. A great example of this is George Floyd. He was caught by the police in Minnesota (USA) and died as a result. Many people demonstrated against this and also set a big sign. They put a big sign on the street saying "black lives matter", to show that dark-skinned people are the same as everyone else.