


The British Empire LK







The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The
The British
1. The British Empire
2. Shooting an elephant
3. Death men's Path
4. Benjamin Zephaniah
5. connectives
5B7FA6 The

The British Empire 1. The British Empire 2. Shooting an elephant 3. Death men's Path 4. Benjamin Zephaniah 5. connectives 03468F 5B7FA6 The British Empire The entire dominion of what is now the United Kingdom was called the British Empire. The British Empire, was the most important Colonial Power in history. The Empire and the commonwealth 1750 Economic boom, industrial revolution 1789 Independence of the american Colonies North America Philadelpnia Chorleston 1801 Foundation of the Colonial office in London whale oil, lumber, furs rice, silk, indigo, Tabacco wood sugar, molasses. South America Great Britain → Brexit Brexit is a word made UP Of "Britain" and "Exit" and refers to the Withdrawal or exit of the UK from the EU. Brig anufactured goods Furies ivory, Spices clotn, iran.. rum, iron, gunpowaer, clotn, tools slaves 1807 Britain abolishes Slave trade ondon Europe Africa 1858 India is Put Under direct control of Westminister 1876 Queen Victoria becomes Empress Of India Shooting an elephant Summarz Shooting an elephant is a Short Story by George Orwell about his experience as a British Police Officer in colonial Burma, where he is tasked with Shooting an elephant that has gone rogue and is causing destruction in a village. Despite feeling conflicted about the situation and recognizing the injustice of British imperialism, he Ultimately decides to Shoot the elephant to avoid 100king weak in front of the Burmese crowd that has gathered to watch him. The Story explores themes of Power, imperialism, and the moral dilemmas that arise when individuals are caught between their Personal beliefs and the demands of their roles in society. Characters The Protagonist Sub-divisional...

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Police Officer (Probably named after George orwell himself) Description of the Character: Operates in the OPPressive colonial system British Police Officer expected to enforce British rule in burma -> also recognizes the Burmese People and their culture • Experiences an inner conflict • Reflects the wider Political attitudes of the time -> as many individuals in colonial contexts Struggled with the moral implications of their role in enforcing colonial rule • Growing sense of anti-colonialism and nationalism The Burmese crowd • Represents the colonized People Of Burma and their political attitudes towards British imperialism • Portrayed as resentful and hostile towards the British colonizers, and their presence Puts Pressure on the narrator <-act in a way that UPhOldS their Perception of British dominance and authority Their reaction to the narrator decision to Shoot the elephant reflects their disillusionment with the British Colonizers and their resistance to Colonial Oppression The elephant Metaphor for the British empire and its OPPressive nature towards the colonized People of Burma Represents the dominant Power and force Elephants Power is beyond the control of the local People Rampaging behavior can be seen as a symbol- Of the anger and frustration of colonized People • Elephants death represents the moral decay and corruption that results from the OPPressive nature of imperialism, Which Ultimately destroys both the OPPressor and the Oppressed Elephant Powerful symbol of the Political attitudes towards imperialism and the destructive effects it has on both the colonizers and the colonized The elephant The elephant is a valuable tool for its owner The elephant is a huge, strong animal The elephant is hard to control The elephant is calm and Peaceful most of the time The elephant can be unpredictable and become aggressive it kills a man and a cow and destroys houses, a van and a fruit Stall The local POPUlation want to see the elephant dead- They want to eat the meat of the elephant (and POSSibly Sell the tUSKS) The elephant 100ks 'immensely Old The elephant takes a long time to die -compared to the B.E. AISO valuable to its owner Colonies being valuable to the empire Laws, trading system, School, hospitals SUPerior military Power Strong, Powerful, big impossible for the native POPUlation to controi the empire Strong system Peaceful as long everybody obeys B.E. (Military) kills People, destroy houses... and become aggressive With Others (cause wars) Slavery LOCAIS want the British to leave the country -> kept using the infrastructure afterwards -11- Long tradition, exists for long, fragile, close to dying Despite all Protest and independence movements it took a long time for the empire to end Hard to break, consequences some aspects of today Resistence Death Men's path Death Men's Path and Shooting an elephant Both Stories demonstrate how colonialism had a profound and lasting impact on the native POPUlations and the colonizers themselves colonialism led to the destruction of traditional cultures and ways of life, and forced native POPUlations to assimilate to Western culture and beliefs. Additionally, colonialism also had PSYChological effects on the colonizers themselves, who were forced to act against their own values and beliefs in order to maintain British dominance. Death Men's Path Portrays the clash between traditional African beliefs and the modern western culture -> IOSS of identity and cultural heritage for the native POPUlation Shooting an elephant Describes the Psychological effects of colonialism on the Colonizers themselves ShOWS how the British imperialists were forced to behave in ways that went against their won values and beliefs Benjamin Zephaniah Benjamin Zephaniah is a British Poet, writer, musician, and SPOken word artist. He was born on April 15, 1958, in Birmingham, England, and grew up in the city's Handsworth neighborhood. Zephaniah is known for his Politically and socially charged Poetry. Which Often addresses issues such as race, Politics, and Social Justice. He has Published numerous Poetry collections, including "The Dread Affair and "Rasta Time in Palestine," and has also written several novels and Plays. In addition to his literary work, Zephaniah is a musician and has released several albums of reggae and dub Poetry. He is a prominent figure in the UK'S SPOken Word and Performance Poetry scene and has been awarded numerous honours for his contributions to literature and activism. his poems Faceless YOU have to 100k beyond the face to see the person true. Deep down within my inner space I am the same as you: I've counted since that fire burnt the many lessons I have learnt. YOU have to talk to me and not the Skin that holds me in. I took the wisdom that I 90t to make sure I would Win: I'm counting weaker folk than me Who 100k but truly cannot see. I've seen compassion from the blind Who think With Open eyes, It's those that Judge me quick YOU'Il find are those that are unwise: Why Judge the face that I have on JUSt Value my opinion. checked on rhetorical styles Friends will come and friends will 90, now I need friends who feel My friends have changed so much and So. I make sure they are real: I took the ride and paid the price. I can't afford to do that twice. I came to here from ignorance I cannot call it bliss. and now I know the importance Of loving me like this: TO leave behind that backward State Of Judging 100kS is very great I'm beautiful. I'm beautiful this minor fact I know. I tell you it's incredible near death has made me grow: LOOK at me, smile, you are now seeing a great thing called a human being. What if If you can keep your money when governments about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can trust your neighbour when they trust not you And they be very nosy too: If you can await the warm delights Of Summer Then summer comes and goes with Sun not seen, And Pay so much for drinking water Knowing that the water is unclean. If You Seek Peace in times of war creation. And you can see that oll merchants are to blame. If you can meet a Pimp or politician. And treat those two impostors Just the same: If you cannot bear dis-united nations And you think this new world order is a trick, If you've ever tried to build 900d race relations. And watch bad POlicing mess your work UP quick. If you can make one heap of all your savings And risk buying a small house and Plot, Then Sit back and watch the economy inflating Then have to deal with the negative equality you've 90t If you can force your mind and body to continue When all the social services have gone, If you Struggle on when there is nothing in you, EXCEPt the knowledge that Justice can be wrong. If you can Speak the truth to common People or walk with Kings and Queens and live no lie. If you can see how Power can be evil And know that every censor is a SPY: If you can fill an unforgiving lifetime With years of working hard to make ends meet. YOU may not be wealthy but I am sure you will find That you can hold your head high as you walk the streets. Anaphora Anaphora Parallelism EPIPher Oxymoron Akkumulation Enjambement Listing/order To begin with TO Start with initially in the first place Then Finally TO conclude Last but not least comparison/similarity Equally Likewise similarly in the same way compared to.. Both But While the first Although Though Exemplification Namely For example. For instance That IS. That is to say Alternative Alternatively on the other hand Reformulation Connectives or rather TO PUt it another way in other words Zunächst/vorab Zunächst/vorab Anfänglich Dann Schließlich SCHIUSSfolgern Zu guter letzt Gleichermaßen Gleichfalls Ahnlich AUF die gleiche weise/genauso verglichen mit Beide Aber während das erste Obwohl Obwohl Namlich Zum Beispiel Zum Beispiel Das heißt Alternative Andererseits Oder eher um es anders auszudrücken in anderen worten Emphasis AS a matter of fact At any rate Clearly Evidently Ideally Undoubtedly concession Besides However Nevertheless Still Though In spite of that on the other hand Despite this Admittedly YOUR OWN Opinion From my point of view in my opinion in my view The way I see it TO my mind. TO my way of thinking Reference to something/someone According to AS for The former The latter With reference to Referring to. With regard to concerning in der Tat/tatsächlich Jedenfalls Deutlich Offensichtlich Ideal Zweifellos AUßerdem Jedoch Dennoch immer noch Obwohl Trotzdem Andererseits Trotz das Allerdings/freilich AUS meiner Sicht Meiner Meinung nach Meiner Ansicht nach Wie ich es sehe Meiner Meinung nach Meines Erachtens nach Laut/gemäß Wie fur Das vorherige Letzteres Mit Bezug auf in Bezug auf Betreffend/im Hinblick auf Über/betreffend/hinsichtlich Toning down arguments A little (worrying) Almost Fairly Hardly More or less somewhat on second thought At first sight contrast on the contrary in contrast By contrast on the one hand.. on the other hand compared to Although Likewise Ein wenig (besorgniserregend) Fast ziemlich Kaum Mehr oder weniger Etwas Beim zweiten Gedanken AUF den ersten Blick Andererseits im Gegensatz im Gegensatz Einerseits. Andererseits verglichen mit Obwohl Gleichfalls