


The Circle - Characters







Annie Allerton
↳best friend & coworker
↳comes from a wealthy family
↳ specializes in internal law
Eamon Baile

جا THE CIRCLE-CHARACTERS Annie Allerton ↳best friend & coworker ↳comes from a wealthy family ↳ specializes in internal law را با Eamon Bailey 1 high-up in the Circle: Rang 40 Secures Mae the job. one of the "Three Wise Men"-founders of the Circle ↳most well-known face manipulates Mae chef family friendship ܝܐ Dan team leader in CE Kevin Mae's former boss ↳ Mae refers to him in order to contrast the Circle with her old job, thus emphasising the qualities of the Circle Mae's parents ↳are very imported to her ↳ father diagnosted with MS (multiple sclerosis) ↳> problems with health insurance, Mae got help from the Circle (medical plan) ↳are proud of Mae's position but the Circle has an increasingly negative impact Tyler Alexander Gospodinov/Kalden one of the "Three Wise Men"→ founders of the Circle has interest in Mae & their relation - ship becomes sexually ↳shuns publicity and is mysterious ↳ tries to convince Mae to stop the Circle from completing Haebilline Renner Holland (Mae) ↳maincharacter in the novel ↳in her early twenties (24) ↳ graduate from Carleton U→ studied art history, جا marketing and psychology ↳has a "wide mouth", "thin lips", "olive skin", affair realition- Ship "black hair", "brown eyes" and "high cheekbones", is curvier & looks soft Francis Garaventa Coworker & is concerned with child security ↳ have an affair, but She has issues with his bluntness and his sexual problems ↳ Mae is repulsed by him recording an inti- Imate video without her knowledge chef Ship realition- Tom Stenton ↳one of the "Three Wise Men" founders of the Circle remains in the background & looks after matters regarding the law and regulation ↳Owns the translucent shark Mercer Medeiros ↳Mae's ex...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

boyfriend ↳relationship friendly first, but changes dramatically ↳ tries to convince Mae that the Circle has negative impact on people's lives ↳tries to break off contact with Mae ↳commits suicide, when Mae uses the resources of the Circle to track him down