


The hate u give the cycle of Thug Life







the hate w give
by Angie Thomas
Ex. 1) Describe the "cycle of Thug Life" that starts after the jury's decision not to indict the police offi

the hate w give by Angie Thomas Ex. 1) Describe the "cycle of Thug Life" that starts after the jury's decision not to indict the police officer who killed Khalil. black people Suffer violence between police & black protestors racist behaviour (from police & jury) -no adequate punishment working together to dean and rebuild the neighbourhood The cycle of "Thug Life" in the novel the police feels attacked & tries to end the protest fight against King together. Ex. 2) Then go through chapters 23-25 and note down what people do to break that cycle and whether they succeed. attempts to break the cycle black people feel. misunderstood and treated unfairly →have to face hate & prejudice they try to stand up for their rights protest against the police's behaviour violent protests non violent "protests" L like a concert behaviour of Haverick towards chris tagging their shops with black owned" 14.10.2021 Linea Sketch

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