


The Hate You Give Ch. 4-6







2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ
2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ
2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ
2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ
2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ
2: Police officers
5: Starr
Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial
or the cop who killed him?
(p. 92, ll. 1-2)
1 Summ

2: Police officers (defectives) hisa 5: Starr Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trial or the cop who killed him? (p. 92, ll. 1-2) 1 Summarize the course of the police interrogation and how Starr experiences it. What happens? How does Starr experience it? Starr remembers the rules about dealing with the police. Gomez asks Starr to tell her about the incident with Khalil, Starr asics her if she means the night Khalil was killed. The ask her about the part and why khalil was there, what he was doing, if he was involved in the fight. Then starr was very nervous at the beginning, so her mother wanted to take her home back, but Starr wants to let it go, when they ask her to describe the night Khodil was killed, it was quite difficult for her, so she started crying, Her tears stop when they ask her Starr starts if had telling them about the night and the officer. She knew the anything to do with drugs. The detectives, start to search for reasoils for she doesn't tell them anything about the I them • truth but doesn't want such as: he obeying the officers etc.... After that they drugs, she also knew that they were start asking if khalil had anything to do discrediting her, but she doesn't fail for with drugs, or if he and starr were drunk it....

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in the end, she leaves the police station knowing that night. In the end Lisa demands to that the police Jon't want justice. know why the detectives are acting like this. 2 Analyze the language of Starr, her mother and the police officers during the interrogation as well as the officers' interrogation technique. What does this tell us about their intentions and feelings? The police interrogation Aspect Courtesy (P) Intentions and feelings They want Starr to feel can tell them about the night. comfortable so that she They are nice and show empathy). lunderstand this is hard They want Starr to trust (P) indirectly pressure (P), right now' (p.90,.25-26) them. "Did Khalil comply (p. 80,1.10) They want to find reasons "Rid Khalil seem irate" G.88, 6.17) for tahalil's murder, they " the night of the incident" (p:86, want to protect their 4:27). colleague. Don't belive Starr (P) Protective() Example It's sonice to meet you both" (p.86, 11). Please have a seat (p.86 49 "... "I see", but she didn't see it...she probably joesi't belive it" (p.89, (L.11-12) 1. I don't care (p. 89, 1.21) belive starr, because they The delictive doesn't actually don't know the othe perspective and they think that black people are thugs she doen't allow the detectives to put her daughter under pressure 3 Analyze why Lisa gets the impression that the police officers are putting Khalil and Starr on trial instead of One-Fifteen (cf. p. 92, II. 1-2). What could be Angie Thomas's reasons for describing the police interrogation in this negative way? Write a short text. 3 Asped motivator (2) angry (L) Smarti Street smart (2) Example "That's it. You're okay.. As a mother disa We're okay. "(p. 84, 1.10) wants to motivate Stair and shows her that she's not abone "I don't care-" (p. 89, 4.27) she's angry because the detectives aren't taking Informal English (LS) talks in short sentences (S) Internitions and feelings "Are y'all putting Khalil and starr on trial or the cap into consideration, that starr is going through hard time She knows very that the police are who killed him ? " (p. 92, 11. 1-2) protecting One-Fifteen. * well • Y'all!! (p. 92, 1.1) Shit" (p. 86, 30) Starr is now the real one 11 No. I don't drink (p. 91, 4.31) She tries to avoid No" (p.91, 6.26, 28) so much to not say anything wrong. talking so that the police will catch something on Khalil / she's paying. attention on what she because say's everything is being recorded. Lisa gets the impression that the police officers are putting Khalil and Starr on trial instead of One- Fifteen (cf. P.92,11. 1-2), because the police officers do not ask a single question about One-Fifteen, but only about Khalil and Starr, as they are trying to find only one reason for Khalil's death. They ask if he was dealing drugs, if he and Starr were drunk, if Khalil obeyed One-Fifteen, etc. They even say "Khalil's incident" instead of "Khalil's murder", which means that they use a euphimism to hide their colleague's act and protect him. They are trying to pin the blame on Khalil, but they have not been able to find out anything about him yet. Angie Thomas' reasons for describing police interrogation in this negative way are, for example, that the police do not want justice but only want to protect their colleagues when it comes to the death of black people. They also act friendly and show empathy to gain people's trust and to look better for the community. So that people think they are the right side and believe them. Another thing is to show that black people are labelled as thugs, even though the police officers have not found any proof that Khalil is a thug, they still try so hard to find something about him because they believe that black people are thugs. Which means that black people will always be judged because of their dark skin color. The Hate You Give Chapters 4-6 Starr's conflict of identity 1 Collect information on Williamson and Starr's friends at her school. Williamson: Starr's friends: 2 Find examples of how Starr speaks and acts differently when she is in her school and not in Garden Heights. 3 Analyze the shift in the narrative perspective when Starr speaks about herself at Williamson (especially p. 65, I. 28-p. 66, I. 6). What does it tell us about her conflict of identy? 4 Starr seems to be a different person when she is at Williamson. Is this just a necessary means of self-protection or is she denying her true identity? Get together in groups of four and discuss. 1. Williamson gated school, the campus has new modern building with lots of windows and marigolds blooming along the walkways, it's a fancy school for white community, it gets forty-five minutes for Starr to get to school, there are just few black students at school, Starr acts different at Williamson Starr's friends: Maya: she is short, plays basketball, wears her hair in a high bun, besides her great- grandparents in Taipei in the spring break, has a black boyfriend called Rayan, hates the Notre Dame Rayan: people think that he and Starr are together because they bother are black. Hailey: has a crush on Luke since sixth grade, has blue streaks on her honey-blond hair and it's her shoulder-length, she doesn't give shit, she's protective and violent when it comes to her friends, used to be Starr's best friend, she barely text Starr, she unfollowed Starr because Starr posted a picture of Emmet Till's mutilated body and Hailey thought it was awful, she regrets posting her video on YouTube, she spent the spring break at the house in the Bahamas for family bonding, she lost her mother early, she was born a Notre Dame fan. Hailey, Maya and Starr had a YouTube channel Luke: has a crush on Hailey, has curly hair und dimples Britt: spent his spring break in the Harry Potter world Chris: Starr feels and acts like herself just with him at Williamson, he wants to get his relationship with Starr back, he knows how to make Starr laugh, he used to tell Starr caramel and she tells him marshmallow, he's wearing the Space Jam Elevens that he and Starr decided to wear at the first day back, he's rich, he pisses Starr sometimes off but he means a lot for her, he used to have deep conversations with Starr, his and Starr's show is The Fresh Prince, he looks at Starr as she is the best thing in his life and he is one of the best things in Starr's life, he does not care about what people say about his relationship with Starr. 2₁ Starr uses no slang so that nobody will think she is the angry black girl, she is approachable, no stank-eyes, no side-eyes, she is nonconfrontational, she doesn't discuss with Hailey about NBA, she does not give anyone a reason to call her ghetto, she wears her polo shirt with a Williamson crest instead of a hoodie, her J's match her backpack, she doesn't want to talk to Chris about the death of her friends Natasha and Khalil, she uses 'Eww' instead of her usual 'I'. 3. Starr we know until now is usually a first person narrator with only limited information. But Starr at Williamson uses the third person narrator to refer to herself. This tells us that Starr isn't herself at Williamson, she describes herself with the third person narrator because she sees another person and not herself. She's also afraid of being judged because of her skin color and being called ghetto, she does this also to not make any mistakes which make people judge her, especially that black people are marked as thugs, which means she has to see herself as another person to watch out whenever she says or does something. Another point is that Starr describes herself with the third person narrator to know how people at Williamson see her and what impressions they get about her. To sum up Starr has the ability of flipping between the two identities to get far more opportunities at Williamson. She is the real Starr in her community and describes herself as another character at Williamson. 4. Starr seems to be a different person when she is at Williamson because it's necessary to protect herself. She tries to protect herself from the judgment of the white community towards the black community, especially that black people are marked as thugs and she knows that whatever she does she will be judged because her skin color. Furthermore, Starr doesn't want to feel like an outsider who is not loved. She also doesn't want to lose her friends, evidence of this is that Hailey stopped following her on Tumblr because Starr posted a picture of Emmett Till, the black boy who was murdered in 1955 for whistling at a white woman. Moreover, she does not want to talk about her friends' deaths because she is afraid of how the stories will affect how her white friends will see her. In summary, Starr feels that she needs to keep these two identities separate in order to fit in with the people from the two different worlds.