


The Hate You Give Reading Log








Whats THE POINT OF HAVING A VOICE IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE SILENT SHOULDN'T BE? WHEN YOU - ANGIE THOMAS READING LOG "THE HATE U GIVE" by HENRIKE SCHENK The Hate U Give Intdex of my Reading Log -Page 1: My short opinions of every chapter The Text itself: -Page 2: The Text itself with Character descriptions (Answer of one Question, Important Quotes. The Characters) -Page 3+4: The Characters decribe the others -Page 5: My Favourite Characters and the Characters which I don't like Other sources of reference: -Page 6: The Author "Angie Thomas" Your Imagination (Creativity) -Page 7:Chris and Starr Story Part 1: How they met -Page 7:Chris and Starr Story Part 2: The long way to relationship -Page 8: Starr's speak from Chris's point of view -Page 9: Word Picture with lots of keywords which are telling about the story is - Page 10: Starr as a black panther -Page II: Chris as a wolf Personal response: - Page 12: My Opinion of the whole book, Answer the Question "Who else do you think should read this text?" - Page 13:List of sources, My comment to this reading Log The Hate U Give My Opinion of the chapter's in short sentences Chapter 1: The scene at the Party. I will never forget this so I think it's a good beginning for the novel. Chapter 2: This scene...

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was very sad and drammatic for me. I felt me like I was Starr in this situation. Chapter 3: In this scene I've learned a lot about Starr and her family, her life, her religion and about her childhood with the dead of another friend of her. Chapter 4: We've learned also a lot about Maverick and Carlos and we met Ms. Rosalie the first time, also I felt like I Live with Starr. Chapter 5: The first scene in Williamson, a great chapter with lots of feelings, information and we met Chris, Hailey and Maya the first time in real and the second Starr. Chapter 6: The scene with the talk to the detectives, it's good to read and I am felt like I was in this situation too or I Live Like starr. that's really great of the book, that you can live in the book during you read it. Chapter 7: It's a chapter about Starr and her friends at school with a basketball game and about an aggreement entry Starr and Haily, so what should I say... The author wrote it so real, so real like the whole book. Chapter 8: The chapter about the funeral of Khalil, so sad, but so real, the style of writing, the word choice, the feelings. I like it and I understand it. Chapter 9: It's a scene/ chapter with sides of Garden Heights, realationships of sister and brother, a basketball game and the King Lords, with dramatic and gold scenes, sentences and words, what can I say other about the book except I love it. Chapter 10: The chapter about drugs, the Hate U Give and the childhood of Maverick, a really sentimental scene with perfect aspects and words. Chapter II: Another schoolday with a protesting for Khalil at Williamson, so I can say that I like the act of Starr in the situation of the protest in class, the author wrote it very good and clearly to understand and see each of the different situations where played in this chapter. Chapter 12: This chapter is about Starr's opening to Khalils dead, I think she made alright and I like her doing, acting and speaching in this scene, also I liked Chris words in this scene about Fresh Prince and his other words to Starr.Also I Like DeVante with his questions, acts and words. Chapter 13: OMG I Love this Chapter. The Scene with Chris and Starr and Maverick and the boyfriend Story, the truth about DeVante and Khalil at the King Lords... OMG no words, so real and lovely and sad. I felt with the guides in the story. Chapter 14: I like this chapter. It is also so real and have more than thousand words and thoughts to show and teach us. I can't say more about that. Chapter 15: Yeah this chapter is really good in an other way. We can learn a lot and make new friends and enemies with old characters. Also it's the last chapter from part one and I can say it's a good ending topic for Part one. Chapter 16: It's the first chapter of part two. It's the Interview with M.s Carey. I could say that I like this little chapter. It's short, but exact. And I love the quote from Ms. Ofrah at the End of the chapter and the answers that Starr gave. Chapter 17: OMG that was once again a so sweat and real chapter. I love the dialogues between Chris and Starr, they are so real, cute, sad and sentimental the same time. I am so happy that Starr told Chris about her whole life and about her past. And I Love Chris's reaction. Chapter 18: It's a good chapter. I like the family scenes really much and how the author wrotes her realitionship together. I like this great family realationship in spite of the situations. Chapter 19: This is a important chapter for Starr. I like the words and situations in there, but it isn't one of my favourite chapter. Chapter 20: That is also a chapter which I Like because of this arguement between Hailey and Starr. Theese words, thoughts and sentences, so damn real, while I was reading. I thought I stand next to her and hear the arguement as a student in Williamson. So real and I must say that I've laughed at the End of the arguement what happened with Hailey. Chapter 21: What a wonderful chapter. I love it when I can read some happy scenes, where the family simply live. And theese words, so damn real, good, sad and lots of other adjectives too. I really knew at Kenya and her mom now and I must say. I am happy about the character of Kenya, she is a great girl. Chapter 22: Omg, that's also so a great chapter. First we have some cute and sad scenes between Chris and Starr and then this conflict at King's house with DeVante and Kenya. It's such a really evil situation and during read the situation. I felt like I was one of the persons too, so great words and pictures that the scene explained at us. Chapter 23: This chapter is real. So damn real. It's like you watch this in the news at this moment. I like the collaboration or maybe relationship between Starr, Chris, Seven and DeVante. They are special. Chapter 24: Wow, that's another great chapter, I Love Starr's speak to the crowd, so brave, emotional and real. Than this collaboration between the King Lords and the guys. perfectly. And the End is very exciting. Chapter 25: In this chapter we learn a lot about the solidarity of different people or the whole neighborhood. That was great and interesting to read. And I hope that King stays in prison for a while, because I hate him for this what he did. Chapter 26: What a great Ending for the book. I am so happy about the relationship of Kenya and Starr and about the others who found each other in this chapter. What can I say at last? I wish the book could be a story for ever. 1 The Hate U Give u Character description's Do characters change or remain the same? Definitely Yes. I mean everyone change into the years, but the characters change so much in this little time. From good personality into bad personality and from normal to good and from shy to really brave. It is as if you get to know someone new in your life of the book. Also I think someone remained the same, but when It's a little character. Important Quotes of the characters "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody (Khalil, Chapter 1, page 23) "If you're with somebody, you better hope they don't have nothing on them. or both of y'all going down." (Maverick Carter, Chapter 2. page 27) "Give me strength, Lord. Give me strength." (Lisa Carter. Chapter 5, page 64) "Unfollowing me is the same as saying 'I don't like you anymore." (Starr to herself. Chapter 5, page 71) "Funerals aren't for dead people. They're for the Living." (Starr to us. Chapter 8. page 107) "Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right." (Lisa Carter, Chapter 9, page 132) (Maverick Carter, Chapter II "Something to live for, something to die for. page 168) "You ain't gotta lie, Craig. You ain't gotta lie." Friday. Chapter 12, page 173) "When you fight, you put yourself out there, not caring who you hurt or if you'll get hurt." (Ms. Ofrah, Chapter 16, page 238) Brave doesn't mean you are not scared. It means you go on even though you are scared." (Aunt Pam, Chapter 19, page 271) "You can destroy wood and brick, but you can't destroy a movement. (Ms. Ofrah, Chapter 24, page 330) (Chris, from the film The Characters of the book with little informations: Starr Carter: protagonist and narrator of the book,16 year old black girl, who lives in the poor neighborhood Garden Heights, she has a boyfriend Chris and saw two of her childhood friends die. She goes to a high school in Williamson, she has two brothers Sekani and Seven, her firends are Maya and Kenya Seven Carter: Older brother from Starr, Kenya. Lyric and Sekani.he will go to college, Live also in Garden Heights, he has a girlfriend Layla, he has the same dad Like Starr and Sekani, but his mum is the mum from Kenya and Lyric Lisa Carter: The mum from Sekani and Starr (for her is also Seven a son), her husband is Maverick, works at the hospital, her brother is Uncle Carlos, wants to move from Garden Heights Maverick Carter: The dad from Sekani. Starr and Seven, his wife is Lisa, works at his own store, had a life in prison in the past, wants to stay in Garden Heights Sekani Carter: Little brother from Starr and Seven, 8 years old, goes also to School in Williamson, fights with the feeling of dead and the problems of his sister and tries to understand it Khalil Harris: Childhood friend from Starr, was shot by a police officer, became a drug dealer. Lived also in Garden Heights Uncle Carlos: Starr's uncle, police officer, served as a dad for Starr while Maverick was in prison. Live in a suburban, inserts into the white community. would like the same for Lisa and her family King: Leader of King Lords gang. drug dealer in Garden Heights, does not care about family and community. abuse his family Chris: boyfriend from Starr, white boy from Williamson, Love the Show The Fresh Prince", hears and sings often raps songs, Like playing basketball Devante: black teenage boy. Live in Garden Heights, member of the King Lords gang. Left the gang after an abuse from King, has a crush on Kenya, cares for his family and his live in a deeper way Kenya: friend from Starr, Live in Garden Heights, half-sister from Seven, would like that Starr decide whether she spends time with white or black people, wants that Starr speaks loudly about Khalil April Ofrah: attorney from Starr, has a community with the Name "Just Us for Justice", she is the key that Starr could use her voice and speak loudly Hailey Grant: High School friend from Starr, white teenage girl, has a crush on Luke. feels strange with the racism things from Starr's Life, is a little bit argue if people didn't make the things that she want Maya yang close friend from Starr, is the mediator of Hailey and Starr. is Asian American, has a black boyfriend Ryan. fights with Starr at Hailey's racism comments Iesha: Seven's, Kenya's and lyric's mother, has a relationship with King. Safeguard from her kids are more for her than her raltionship with King, victim of the abuse from King Mr. Lewis old black man, Lives in Garden Heights, is the barber of Garden Heights, is a complainer of gang violence, has sometimes clashes with Maverick because of past membership at the King Lords Gang from Maverick 2 Ms. Rosalie: Khalil's grandmother, looked after Starr and her brother in their childhood Brenda Harris: mother of Khlail, drug addict, was often addicted during the childhood of her son The Hate U Give The Characters descrebe the others Starr describes her family and her friends: I love my family even though we don't have always good moments. Seven and Sekani are presents of my life. Both of them are brave and stand up for their life. Sekani is eight and tries everyday to understand the teenage Life. Seven is Seven he tries everyday to care for me and Sekani, but also for Kenya and Lyric and Iesha. I am so proud of him. For me he is something like a bodyguard, he is always there for me. I think I could tell him everything of my life. He helps me. such a real brother...and friend. Also I love my mum, dad and my uncle, all of them are special at their own. My mum is always there for me and my brothers and she loves Seven as her own son, that makes me proud. She works so much to finance our family and she Loves us how we are. My dad is my dad, he has his own shop where I help at since I was a child. Yeah, it was really difficult for me when my dad was in prison, but now It's over and I hope my dad will know what live means, real life with yourself and without coolness, gangs or drugs. I trust him. Then I have a great uncle, my uncle Charlos, he was a person like my father, when my dad was in prison. He was there for me, he teached my by things which daddies teach to her childs, like riding bike or the first letters etc. Furthermore he was there for my mum, in all moments she needed him. He is cop, but he is a cop which does not thinks that the people are bad, he thinks the situations are the bad things in our life. Also he thinks that police officer are here to help and save, they would save all people whatever the skincolour says about the people. I appreciate him. Also he is for relations between black and white, for example my dad had a little problem with Chris and me at first, but for uncle Carlos it was not a problem. He was happy for us and accepted it. Now we come to my friends. All of my friends are special persons in my life and over my life. Khalil is one of my best friends I ever had. He was my first crush and my first kiss. He was a special boy with a good appetite. We had a great time together. We saw together how Natasha was shot and were sad together. For me is not important that he sold drugs, because I know he was able to do this, His grandma had cancer and his mother was addicted by drugs. He needed money and help. I wish he told me about this, that we could found a solution together. I had ever known that Khalil is a good boy and he did not make it with happiness, but with his dead he opened my eyes and my heart, now he is a piece of me. he saves me with his words and his thoughts. Maya is my closest friend in Williamson, she is a wonderful girl with such a great life. She textes me a lot, and asks about me, about my health and about my life. She is very helpful and tried to help in the conflict of me and Hailey. At the End she became a victim at herself with a racist sentence from Hailey about her Asian-American status.... But we fought together. Yeah that is it. Now we have my boyfriend Chris. He is my good and normal part of me. He is always there for me and with him I could Learn that black and white harmonized together, that we could be more than friends and that I must trust him. That I must live with truth and without the secrets. He helped me to get my better side of Life back, and that's all with his words, his sentences and his smiles. He is a special boy. Yeah, now we have Hailey. I can say that she is an old friend from Williamson. Why old? That is why, because I could not say that she is my friend at the moment. In past she wrote me everyday, now she writes me maybe one day in the week. Then she unfollowed my Tumblr account beauce I posted a picture of Emmett Till and she said to Maya, that she would not see my black content on her dashboard, then she named me by "fried chicken after a basketball match and Maya as girl who eats cat´s, because she is chinese. Hailey is girl who always wants that all of us make the things which she wants. She would be angry and rude, if we didn't follow her things which she wants. Yeah that's Hailey, a girl who realise the moments where she need to say "sorry" at Last. Then we have Kenya, she is my only friend from Garden Heights. She is a girl who get to know over years. But then she is a great friend. We can help each other, Love our brother Seven and encourage each other in difficult and important situatuions. She was it, she wanted that I speak loudly about Khalil, but for me it was difficult to trust her at this moment, but now I trust her, I know her story and I know her feelings and her problems and I wish that she also could go to Williamson. 3 Different Descriptions of Starr From her Family and Friends Her parents: Starr is a special girl. She is brave even though she does not say it. She could say what she wants whatever situation, dialog. place...She lives for Live and also for herself. She knows for what we need her and stands for her skincolour. We have educated her as a good girl and she knows in difficult situations what she needs to do. Starr lost two friends in her life, but this sorrow helps her to get to know wherefore we live and why it is unfair. That opened her eyes and she began to live in one person not in two persons. She realized that she must live her better side and that is only herself. But also she is stubborn in that situations where she wants to do her thoughts. We always worried about her, but that is Starr. She is with power, but she always makes it at her own way right. She does not go to protest, when she does not have a base for it or when she is not fine with the happening. Also she tries to make all things right, when she starts something. We are proud of her. Seven: My half-sister is my sister...no I think she is my friend. We are there for each other, help each other and love each other. We go into fire for each other and would die for each other. That is a real relationship between sister and brother. Family and friends are the important things of her life, what I Like really much. She Lost two of her best friends, she was hurt, I am too, but in this moment she lost his old personal shy side and got a new one. A perfect one of her. Brave, funny, fair, special and Lovely...maybe something parts of her old shyness, but she did not live with her two sides, just one Starr...the right Starr, my sister. With her speak she made something possible for her own and for us. she got the right words in the right moments, the perfect and stunning sentences and her aura. Chris: I Love her. For me she is my second part of my heart. I love it to make her happy with my raps and Love it to watch "The Fresh Prince" with her. Our favourite show and the Show of us. Without this show, maybe I would not met Starr at this way. Starr says her opinions. But in the past she had fear from the truth. For her it was really difficult to show me and the others at Williamson her second part of life. But I think with the dead of Khalil she realized it that the truth is always better than the lies or secrets. After she told me everything she was better and I am too, because in the past it was really difficult for me to understand her. Now we live simple with fun and love without fears and sorrows. Starr is positue of all topics in the world and has always the right words and the loudest, that is great. She stands up for herself and for us. She lives with us and for us. Alone is wrong in her life. She gives us perspectives of the thanks and of friendship. She knows who is right for her and not, that is so perfect and proud of her. Yeah...I am glad that I am the Lucky boy who could be her boyfriend. Khalil Starr is a star. She was my only real friend I have ever had and the best. She is not like the other girls in our age. She is different. I don't know why, but this is this what I like most on her. She is herself for herself and for ourself. She was the person who was sad with me because of Natasha. She would like to help me in each situation. We are like the trio of Harry Potter. Real Friends forever and ever. In the heaven and at the earth. At this moment and in hundred years. During we live and during we died. She is a good person, special, honest and have a brave heart even if she does not believe me. In a few moments I thought that she had fear from herself. from the truth and from the live, but now I am a piece of her mind. Maybe a bad piece, but she thoughts that I do her good. Maya: She is a good girl. But I think she textes me not enough. But she has good words with important meaning and fights against the bad topics from our live. She stands against racism and brutality. Also she fights for the rights for the black people. For her all people are the same, whatever of their skincolour, status, nationality etc. She goes step by step until to the top and she won't move her life for other and tries to tell this opinion to the other people. We don't have secrets before each other, and we are very close friends at highschool. 4 The Hate You Give My favourite Characters and they which I don't like For me it is really difficult to say which Character I like most and not. But what I can say is that I am absolutely in love with Chris. I don't know why, but I like this character very much. He is one of my favourites, because he has something special in his presence. That is why I liked him. Also he is a great boy with the right thoughts. He is Lovely, funny, serious and correct. For him it is not important what skincolour the people have. For him everyone are people whatever of their skincolour, nationality, status... The people who live are people. That is his motto. In the book Chris extended much. He mades lots of things with Starr. He helped her, trusted her, Loved her.comforted her and he lived with her and for her. In the middle of the book he was obsessed to get to know the truth from Starr, then he would like to help in Garden Heights. He went with Starr. Seven and Devante to a protest. He looks at Starr during she speak loudly and in the whole novel, from the beginning to the ending, he had fears for Starr. For me it is a really important character in this book. He shows us that also white people could be different. He shows that black people are not bad and black how the other says. With him I realized for what we live together. We Live together in a world, on the same place, maybe in the same land, eat the same food, need the same money, but why we can hate some people because of their skincolour? I don't know, but with Chris I saw that we also thought together, and that is a point where I can say that I have learned from Chris that we are people and people are not different because of their skincolour. People are always the same on the face on it, but we can say that people are different with their character, hearts, hairs. Every people have their own sign of life. In this point we can say that we are different. But with the skincolour we have not a different human at us. We are the same, with our thoughts, hobbies, words, Languages and our Live. Also I have learned from him that we must Look at the people inside and not outside, because the truth Live in the inside of the people. Another Character which is one of my favourites is definetly Starr. She is a power girl and lives right. I love her character and her style and her way of life. I was so sad when I read the chapter with the dead of Khalil. Starr has not deserve this at all. So a brave and loyal girl. I mean she is normal girl which such a normal life, but this situation makes her different. But she developes in a good and big way up to the top. She trusts her friends at all, trusts the truth and she trustes her heart. She realized what she is able to to with her power knowledge, what she could make do, to change into our live. And she made it great. She had the right words and she was so emotional, I am too. I have learned also a lot from her. I saw what is important in our live. What we should change, live or enjoy. I realized that we live at this moment and at this time. This our first and our last life, so we should live ist. Starr showed that. Also I have Learned how we should live, what is important, how could we live it and what makes it beautiful. Starr showed me that I have to decide what I wanna do. One thing not two things further you can not enjoy both because you are not able to live at two sides. That is not good for you and your life. Yeah that is why I choice also Starr for my favourite charcters. And she and Chris are the perfect couple. In this book I must say but for me I hate nobody of this characters really much, because this book is real life and the characters are not made for hate them. But I think that Hailey is one of this persons who I don't like so much. Simply because she is that typical girl who always wants that we make everything what she wants. Only if we do this she will be your friend further she hates you. Hailey is not a real friend of Starr and Maya. I think she uses their for herself not for the friendship. Also I find that she performs herself like the last bad girl, so yeah. She made lots of wrong in her life in the novel. She Lost and lost but had always the chance to win, if she would not like to perform at her way. If she realized herself doing wrong, she could be a nice friend and girl, because she looks nice. Also I don't like King and his gang, because they live at a wrong way. I can not understand what happened with them in their childhood to live at this wrong way now. Why they are so angry, so rude, so dark in their hearts. I don't understand it. But I can live with them, because you know that this is shit what they do so don't begin with that. That is my motto for such a situation. But a rape or something is really bad especially the own family. Also that King abuse his family, his girlfriend, his own childs. That is absolutely crazy. I hope that King learned in prison how precious the Liberty and the life are. For the End I can say that I can understand all of the characters in this book, because this book is real life with real characters. So I can not hate any character at much and I can not love one character at all. Yeah that is life, but I find all of the characters interssant of their own way. 5 Hate U Give The author "Angic Thomas" The Name: Angie Thomas Date of Birth: 20th september 1988 in Jackson (Capital of Mississippi) Childhood: She grew up with Losts of crimes and criminals. She witnessed a shootout after the shot of Medgar Evers. How she became a booklover?: Her mother introduced her: Her mother wanted that she saw another world, a world which is good and new: She became an reader and read first the popular Harry Potter novels Hobbies: Also she loves the rap music -> became a rapper herself Why Music?: She has been strongly influenced by music and lyrics of this one rapper Tupac Shakur (shot dead when she was eight) Education: attended an exclusively white institution: was the first black student to graduate with a degree in Creative Writing (Belhaven University) How she got the idea of The Hate U Give?: using her own life and Black Lives Matter movement as inspiration, she also felt that her personal experiences were not reaööy reflected by that genre of Life Starr and Angie Thomas: Similar or different? I think that Starr and Angie are two persons with equal lifes and experiences and similar characters. That idea is great, so I could say that Starr lives the live of the youth years from Angie. Both Love the the rap and feel her personal feelings with the music and lyrics and have also both a special connection with different rappers or singers. Both have a special education. Both were students at a white school or college. Both saw or heard her frieds die. And both were witnesses of such a situation. I also think that both have a similar character and would deal at the similar way in some situations. My opinion of Angie Thomas I can say that now she is one of my favourite authors. She is such a special person with so an emotional and understanding life. She has great ideas and a wonderful style of writing and telling the story with her special and own words. She uses right words for write situations and characters. She has the talent to write with emotions, so real and sad, happy or other emotions, simply the right for each situations. Also she writes real life, not fantasy or romantasy, such a real life. I like that, because she tells us so much with her books and teaches us in different situations which are really important for our live and for the Live from the other people on our world. With this one book from her I have learned so much, cried so much and my heart grew up. To sum up. Angie is that author which we need at this world. Lots of people should read her books to get to know what life is for our whole world and for our people. THE HATE U . GIVE dienes 6 The Hate U Give Chri's & Star-Their Story Part 1 Part 1: How they met A normal day in my life. I woke up and went to breakfast with my family. Everything was normal. I posted my daily post at Tumblr, where I showed lots of things from my favourite TV-Show, The Fresh Prince, I scrolled down my followers and messages, then I looked at my foryou page and liked some posts or wrote a comment. After that I went to school. It was a normal day with lots of stuff in class. but it was great and interesant. After school I went home and did my homework. At six o'clock it was my personal Fresh Prince Time. I watched an episod and wrote ca comment for that at my Tumblr. A few minutes ago I got a new follower. It was a boy. I thought that I knew him, but I didn't know who he could be at this moment. I looked at his page and followed him back. The page was great and the person also liked The Fresh Prince, so yeah. I liked his posts and reposts and wrote some comments and later he answered me. I wrote that I really like his page and his posts and that I would like to know his name, because I thought that I knew this guy. He answered me that he is very thankful for my great comment and he wrote that his name is Chris. At this moment I knew who he is and from where I knew him. He is one boy from my school, but we didn't knew each other very good, just from the meetings in school, the cafeteria or in class. One Saturday I posted some Fresh Prince GIFs and clips. Chris Liked all of them and even reblogged every single one. I wrote a comment and he answered. Yeah, that was it. The following Monday I went to school, had class, but then in the cafeteria, Chris came to me with Pop Tarts and grape juice and said to me that the first Aunt Viu was the best Aunt Viu. I smiled a little bit. That was the first time that he said a whole sentence to me without a request from the teacher. I answered him that he is totally right. Also I told him that he has a good sense of the characters from Fresh Prince. He laughed. His answer was "Well I have a good sense, like you, I like your style and sense of your Tumblr page and in real life, you are a cool person. And I like your Jordans. After that we gave us our phone numbers and talked a few minutes longer. It was funny and normal, I think with Chris I could be myself without two different versions of me. Yeah, after this day Chris was my friend. My first male friend at Williamson. Part 2: The long way to realtionship We are normal friends. We chat and talk a lot about the Fresh Prince. And we laugh a lot. Chris is a cool boy. He has style and is really attractive. And with him I can laugh very good. He makes funny cheats and very good music. He showed me a lot of his own raps and I must say that this is a great music. We met at his home a few times and at one time at the house of my uncle. I told my mum and my uncle that we are good friends. It was okay for them. I don't know why, but at this one friday. when Chris Looked deep in my eyes with his sweet smiling. I fell a little bit in love with him. But that was a secret, then I knew that he had not feelings for me, and I wanted him as my best friend at school. My fresh prince friend. But at the end of the schoolyear we have prom. I was sure that nobody ask me to come with them, but I was wrong. Two days before the prom I got a little letter from Chris with the question, whether I would go to prom with him. After school I told him that I would go with him. He was happy and I was too. Prom was one of our best evenings together. We danced together and he showed me some new rap songs. Then they played the intro music of the Fresh Prince and we both smiled together and he grabbed my hand slowly. I was a little bit shocked but very happy. He smiled at me and then he kissed me during the refrain. It was a short but lovely kiss. My heart jumped. "Thank You my little Fresh Princess.", he said and smiled. I got no words out of my mouth, so I smiled a little bit shy. I found you interesting since our first met and I love you since our deep glance in our eyes, my Little Princess.", he wispered quiet in my ear. I could't give him a answer so I kiss slowly his cheek. Then we both laughed and laughed. That was our prom. We are a couple since this evening and it is a good feeling. We love each other, trust each other, but I know that Chris didn't know about myy second Life, although I am the better Starr at his side. But I will enjoy our relationship and I hope that my daddy will be good with that. We met each other a lot. For my mum and my uncle Chris is a friend, but then we made the mistake, that we kissed at my uncles house and they saw us... Chris creeped red at his neck and face...Embarassing, but my uncle and mum only laughed. For them it is okay, there are happy for us. Yeah always is good at the moment, but I think that Chris and I will have ups and downs in out relationship..... But that is the story of our beginning. 7 The Hate u Give U Stari's speak from Chris's poin of view We were at the house of Kenya's grandma. They asked me, whether I would stay or leave. That's understood that I won't leave in such a situation. I really want everyone to know that decision is bullshit. After this words. Starr put her hand on mine, such a great feeling. Seven and Vante checked Twitter to find the place, where the situation is going down. I asked Vante whether he is up for this, and he answers quickly with his long information and told us another story from him at the King Lords, crazy. But I said to him, that I am glad and he not, that is typical for my character. I wanted more time to beated him in Madden. His answer was that I am a crazy-ass white boy, when I would think that my plan could gonna happen. At the protest or at Just Us for Justice it was a weird situation, because I was the only one boy with a white skincolour and the others glanced at me. But it is okay for me. I think that we all are the same and I would like to help the others so they are meant to glance at me or think that I am crazy... It was very crowded there. Lots of humans with their phones or posters. The situation with the King Lords was scary and new, because I didn't know such a situation before...I stay at my friends and go into silent. because of the words and pictures. "nigga was really bad for me. "Fuck the police! Fuck the police!" shouted the humans and Vante continued that. Seven stopped him and we went outta of this place. All of this what was happened I don't know why this happened, so I got into silence. Moments later they tested me whether I am black inside my body. Seven asked me whether I ate green bean casserole. No! That's a disgusting shit. Now all laughed. I am definetly inside my body.Starr asked whether I thought that Macaroni and Cheese is a full meal or a side dish. That's simple a full meal. After that the boys and I had a little discussion about proteins in meal and cheese and about the really good Mac and Cheese. Later I was able to ask one question about the black people because I answered a lot from them. I asked why did some black people give their kids odd names. Their answers were a bit ununderstanding and I recognized that I asked in a bad way. An embarrassing moment for Chris please... Color creeped in my neck and face....typical, but they answered my question good as they can. We had another roadblock and gunshots went off. that's creepy. I made a short cry. Worser was that we were out of gas..Sirens went off nearby and it is very hazy and smoky in the rest of Garden Heights. Seven and I tried to push the car to the next gas station..crazy and also my first time in my life. The sirens got Louder and the smoke thickened very much. We coughed and covered our noses with our shirts. It was difficult to breathe, but then we jogded to keep up with the car. I had an idea that two of us went to gas station to get and the others stayed at the car. It was a good idea. But we were able to leave together. I walked with Starr bhind the other two. My hand falled to my side, and I brushed up against Starr, that is my slowly way of trying to hold her hand, and she let me. So this is where you used to live?". I asked her. She told me that is a few of that, and that she is from the west side. I think she forgot that that was my first time in Garden Heights, but it is no worst. The boys made some cheats about me and Starr and about my dating game and I said that I have game. "I am letting my girl know I am happy to go with her anywhere no matter what neighborhood it is in. As long my Starr is here. I am good." I smiled to her without showing my teeth, because I know that this is one of her favourite smilings. She smiled back. A block away, people stand around in a four-way intersection, watching something on one of the other streets. We heard lots of voices. "A hairbrush is not a gun!" "You are unlawfully blocking traffic!" We went to the conversation. The protestors are on Carnation. I saw so much. Lots of colours, the Just Us for Justice Car and busses, and lots of angry and sad people who fight for their rights. It is sad to see such a situation. We met the attorney of Starr and Starr seemed a bit different. We shouted "A hairbrush is not a gun!" with lots of other people. The protest happened. And then Starr asked whether she could do something, she watched and talked, but now she will do something. That is so brave. She fired Ms. Ofrah as her attorney and climbed at the bus with the bullhorn in her hands. We looked exciting. Starr used her weapon to fight. Clever. I knew that she is nervous, so I shout "Don't be scared my star!". "Speak!" She spoke: "My name is Starr. I am the one who saw what happened to Khalil. And it was not right. The crowd shouted some yeahs and amens. "We were not doing anything wrong. Not only did Officer Cruise assume we were up tp no good, he assumed we were criminals. Well, Officer Cruise is the criminal." Wow that are the best words for that, I thought loudly. The crowd cheered and clapped. Starr turned to the cops. "I am sick of this! Just like you all think all of us are bad because of some people, we think the same about you all. Until you give us a reason to think otherwise, we will keep protesting. A lot of cheers to her and I saw that it egged her on. She forgot trigger happy, she knows that speaker happy is more her thing. "Everybody wants to talk about how Khalil died, but this is not about how Khalil died. It is about the fact that he lived. His life mattered. Khalil Lived!" Starr is crazy, she had the crowd on her side, I know that. Forever. "Khalil lived! Another and another one we shouted this. Starr screamed as good she can in the hope that Khalil heard her and I am sure he heard everything.... But then a quick silence... Tear gas! We catched Starr and ran, but Vante was not there. I searched him and found him leaning against a flickering streetlight. He coughed and breathed heavily. Starr reacted also of the tear gas. We ran and I grapped Starr's hand, so we ran together. But Vante could not ran, he was hurt. Luckily a car catched us and we drove to the shop of Starr's father to get milk. We got also a bit of clean air, then the air is smoky and bad, disgusting. At the store we grabbed some milk for our faces, that was good. Our drivers left us alone at the store. I did not suspect anything good.... Most of our phones were dead but at Starr's phone we heard a lot of voice mails from her mum, and later she knew that we were a a protest and she was very angry... We just wanted to go and then the front door creaked and something thudded onto the floor. Starr turned around. She recognized a glass bottle with burning cloth. After a few seconds and a "Whoomf" The store was suddemnly lit bright orange. A heat wave hitted like the sun dropped in. Flames Licked the ceilling and block the door. We were trapped in the flames..... 8 The Hate U Give The Book in Words Words say a lot. Words describe a lot. With Words we can talk. Words helps to Live. Words are talking now in this moment, hour, second, minute. Words could be everything and tell us how important every single human in this world is. (Henrike Schenk) GARDEN HEIGHTS BULLYING AGAINST BLACKS GUNS POLICE DISCRIMINATION PEACE GHETTO INVESTIGATION ARREST HUMANITY THE HATE U GIVE DEATH ILLEGAL CRIMINALS BLOOD DON'T BE QUIET DEMONSTRATIONS VIOLENCE INEQUALITIES SHOOTING RACSISM COPS MURDERICE DRUGS WHITE PRIVILEGE AWARNESS REVOLUTION BLACK LIVES MATTER SUPPORT JUSTICE I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya A.) 2 The Hate U Give Stain as a black Panter Black Panter Quotes: "If you were not so stubborn you would make a great queen." (Chadwick Boseman) "We Let the fear of our discovery stop us from doing what is right. No more!" "No need to send a king when a princess will do." (Nic Stone) "Power Lies not in what a king does, but in what his subjects believe he might do." (Ta-Nehisi Coates) Why I chose the black Panter For Starr?: First, Black Panters are brave and good. They will fight for each other and for themselves. Furthermore I love this animal, because of their colour. Theese animals are a kind of different. At day we can see them, but at night they will see us. They are very quick and quite at feet and a kind of the kings from the forest and rainforest at night. With their green, blue or black eyes. Fantastic. Starr is brave and fights for herself and for the others. She is a kind of magic in her life. Furthermore she looks different then the other people, but in herself she is like the other people. Also Starr is very active at sports, with friends and in school. She is very familiar and good. Also the perfect girl for a black panter. 10 Wolf Quotes> "Your Time is now. Start where you stand and never back down." "Look into my eyes and you will see how bad or good I want it. "The fears we fail to face become our limits." "Let your Heart passion and Spirit guide you, not your ego." I am strong, because I have been weak. I am Fearless, because I have been afraid. I am Wise, because I have been foolish." "A real Friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. "For it was not into my ear you wispered, but into my Heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." "I love you for who you are... Not for what I want you to be.... with th minth 11. 14 /thes The Hate U Give Cheris a's a wolf M M Dicual apr 1357 دار داد Brand in "\"\ 115 Why I chose the wolf For Chris? Yeah, so Chris is the perfect match for a wolf, because of his quality and braveness. He never let persons alone, especially the persons which he love and do everything to safe them. Also I think he would sacrifice his life or health for his lovers. Furthermore Chris is loyal and neutral of the others, but he show his fury and his fears at the people which he hate. He shows feelings and words, but also he could be quit and slow in the right situations, like a wolf. Chris has power and obligation for everyone and everything and is clever in this brain and head. So we have a perfect match into Wolf and Chris. \\\ 11 The Hate U Give My opinion of the whole book This book is one of the best books that I have ever read. It is a real story with important points to learn. It has a great style of writing and perfect matching words for the different scenes. Also I like the characters. They are different in their own way of life and they live, they simply live in our world. No fantasy, adventure or romantasy stories. Also it is very important to read for us, because we get a genuine perspective of the racism and brutality of the black people. The story is important to note, that while we stand with black people and realize their situations or what they are going through, we recognize that white people will never be in that place and feel everyday the same hate being thrown at us. We live with the characters and see their developement. Starr uses her weapon to fight aginst this big hate. She stood up for the black community and live for live and they live for the live and not for the death. That is for me the most important scene of the novel. because we can see that everyone can make it, everyone could speak to others, everyone could be brave, not important whether you are nervous.... To sum up, this is a important book for everyone, because of the real themes and the good, structure and real story. Yes, in a few scenes it is a bit scary or hard, but this is the life. So do not hesitate and read the book :) Who else do you think should read this text? That is a difficult question. I think this book is important to read for everyone, because it is a topic of the whole world. I think especially the "racism" people should read this text to understand how bad this could be. Or students in the age of me, which grow up with this problem. I think it is important for everyone to learn how bad this topic is as early as possible. 12 The Hate U Give List of sources and my comment to this reading log List of sources: - The novel The Hate U Give from Angie Thomas ( quotes, text parts and information about the author) - https://registerforum.org/5732/arts-entertainment/the-hate-u-give-stands-out/ for some inspiration -https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/the-hate-u-give/characters/ for some extra character information (in my own words in the log) - https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=black%20panther for the picture of Starr as a black panther - https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=wolf%20zeichnen for the picture of Chris as a wolf - https://angiethomas.com/undefined/ for the Information about Angie Thomas My comment to this reading log First I want to say that I really liked the idea of this reading log. It was really interesting and funny to make it. I had lots of ideas. but I had the problem, that I had to much ideas for the limit of 15 pages, so I chose the best one. During reading the book I fell in love with characters Starr and Chris, so I made the creative part with lots of textes, drawings and stories of them. I mixed it up, so it can not be boring to look and to read and we can learn something in a funny way. Furthermore we read intensive to bring good and right quotes and information in our textes. That was no problem for me, I can say that helped me a lot to understand the story even better. To sum up. I really like this task and I hope you can see my practice. I would make it again. 13