


The Hunger Games - dystopian characteristics







Worshipped figurehead:
Constant surveillance:
Banished nature:
Illusion utopia:
Worshipped figurehead:
Constant surveillance:
Banished nature:
Illusion utopia:

Society Propaganda: Information: Worshipped figurehead: Fear: Constant surveillance: Banished nature: Individuality: Illusion utopia: capitol influences the districts with the aid of videos of the war →to convince the citizens that today, they live in a perfect world in which is no place for war Dystopias Characteristics no freedom-> trapped in their district, special work for each district receive information through the capitol only - Snow is president, but almost everybody dislikes him Katniss Everdeen is the symbol of a rebellion (tricks the government in the Hunger Games) Controls Bureaucratic control: peacekeepers and security cameras watch the citizens all the time the citizens are not allowed to leave their district they are afraid to react against The Hunger Games or the political system → otherwise death by peacekeeper in the capitol there is almost no nature a lot of nature between districts every district is responsible for one part of economy capitol lives in a „perfect" world districts live in poverty strict rules every district is responsible for one part of economy Relentless regulations →The Hunger Games (entertaining for the capitol) lack of democracy→government has full power Protagonist Katniss questions the political system →Snow is her arch enemy, tricked them in the Games The dystopia is written from her point of view, so the reader can feel her disgust against the capitol She starts a rebellion (without being aware of it) because she feels like the capitol was messing around with her and Peeta...

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in the Games