


The Hunger Games







The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme
The Hunger
Games Table of Contents
Definition Utopia/Dystopia
General information
Summary/The Key Moments
Dystopian eleme

The Hunger Games Table of Contents Definition Utopia/Dystopia General information Summary/The Key Moments Setting Characters Dystopian elements Intention ● Utopia (Capitol) • Perfect society ET ● Definition Utopia/Dystopia • Goverment got everything right • Equality and happiness Peace and safety ● Dystopia (12 Districts) ● ● ● Very bad or unfair society Discrimination Bad living conditions (sickness, poverty) Absolute control by the system ● ● General Information Dystopian novel by Suzanne Collins Trilogy (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay) Released from 2008-2010 The Hunger Games universe is a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 13 districts in varying states of poverty Every year, children from the first 12 districts are selected via lottery to participate in a compulsory televised battle royale death match called The Hunger Games AWALL 410425 THE HUNGE CATCHE ● Summary/The Key Moments Primrose Everdeen is picked as the female tribute from District 12 for the Hunger Games and Katniss Everdeen volunteers herself instead and is joined by the male tribute Peeta Mellark Katniss and Peeta convince their drunk mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, to take his duties seriously The duo wins the affections of the public during the opening ceremony, with the help of the flaming costumes designed by Cinna The Games begin, and Katniss flees to the edge of the arena and finds out that Peeta has teamed up with the "Career" tributes An artificial fire is created to push Katniss towards the Careers Katniss gets in danger and Peeta comes back to...

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help Katniss to escape Rue (friend of Katniss) is killed by another tribute and the first riots in the districts start A rule change is announced, allowing two tributes from the same district to emerge as victors (Katniss and Peeta team up) The duo becomes romantically attached, and emerge as the two remaining survivors Another rule change is announced, stating that there can only be one victor for the Games Katniss and Peeta decide to kill themselves together when the Games are hurriedly ended and they both emerge victorious Katniss recuperates for days at the Training Centre, after which she is informed by Haymitch that she's in danger for her acts of rebellion ● ● ● ● Setting Unspecified future time/ dystopian Capitol: Rich; Technological advanced; Controls and holds the power over 12 other districts 12 Districts: Varying states of poverty; People regulary die of starvation; Used to be 13 districts (has been destroyed) Hunger Games: Result of rebellion; Each year one girl and one boy from each district are selected by lottery to compete in the Games; Tributes are forced to fight to death in arena; Public event (provides entertainmant for Capitol) Districts 1: Luxury Goods 2: peacekeepers (and later, weapons) 3: electronics, cars, and explosives 4: Fisheries 5: Weapons and explosives 6: Gold and Silver 7: Wood and paper 8: Textiles 9: Cereal 10: Livestock 11: Agricultural Products 12: Coal (13: graphite and nuclear weapons) PANEM 1 Capitol 2 5 6 11 4 10 8 3 12 13 Katniss Everdeen ● ● Gale Hawthorne ● ● ● Characters The novel's protagonist From District 12 The primary caregiver for her family Volunteers for the Hunger Games to save her sister Peeta Mellark ● Katniss' best friend Helps provide for Katniss' family He is a source of inspiration for Katniss From District 12 The son of a baker He is in love with Katniss Haymitch Abernathy A past victor in the Hunger Games His loved ones were put to death after he used the force field He struggles with alcoholism Cinna ● ● Primrose Everdeen ● ● President Coriolanus Snow The ruler of Panem The novel's antagonist Rue Characters ● Katniss' and Peeta's stylist Created the image of the "Girl on Fire" ● Katniss' younger sister Katniss volunteers on her behalf for the Hunger Games A young girl from District 11 She is killed towards the end of the novel RUE DIE TRIBUTE VON PANEM S 22. MÄRZ 2012 CINNA DIE TRIBUTE VON PANEM KO 22. MÄRZ 2012 T 12 ● ● Dystopian elements Propaganda: Capitol influences the districts using war videos to convince the citizens that today they live in a perfect world where there is no place for war Information: No freedom -> trapped in their district, special work for each district (they receive information only through the capitol) Worshipped figurehead: Snow is president, but almost everybody dislikes him; Katniss is the symbol of a rebellion Constant surveillance: Peacekeepers and securitys cameras watch the citizens all the time • Illusion utopia: Capitol lives in a "perfect" world (common belief, peace, no work and homonious society) and the districts live in poverty Individuality: Every district is responsible for one part of the economy Intention • The film addresses some important issues such as oppression, dissemination of propaganda through the media and gender roles (topics that are still relevant today) The people living in Panem cannot act freely and are oppressed by the government, while the Panem government uses various means to oppress the population in the districts A comparison is made with today's countries, which still suffer from government oppression The Hunger Games film also challenges today's outdated, stereotypical gender roles of men and women Although this problem has improved significantly today, gender-based discrimination is still a serious problem Sources Rue | Die Tribute von Panem Wiki | Fandom Distrikt 12 | Die Tribute von Panem Wiki | Fandom The Hunger Games Themes and Analysis | Book Analysis The Hunger Games Analysis - eNotes.com The Hunger Games Plot Summary | Book Analysis End of the presentation Thank you for listening!