


The making of a nation-Timeline







dia covery
Jamestown, the final
British settlement
in the New World, is

timeline cumbua' dia covery America 1492 Jamestown, the final British settlement in the New World, is founded 1600 European coloniala began to arrive in the USA (from England) 1607 1664 the citizens of Boston rial up againat Great Britain, demanding representation in Parliament and the end of unfair faces 13 British coloniza independence "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" Beaton Tea Party Dec 16, 1773 Nieuw Amsterdam is brought from the Dutch and renamed "New York" immediately 1730 o colonies try to break free from Great Britain once and for all Announcement of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson July 4,1776 1775-1783 Begin of the Revolutionary War Chinese Irish Italian 4787 1791 1845 The Conalitution Bitt of Right a was Irish people began to added to the immigrate Constitution AMERICAN Germana immigrated after the failed revolution after 1848 melting pot =different nationa ↳mostly European immigranta merge into one homogeneous American culture alavery was (finally abolished 1865 Civil Righte Movement 1960s 1920 women gained the right to vote 1934 1970 The Epic of America -coining the term AMERICAN different DREAM by T. Adama Salad - Bowl nationa → mostly atul own identity non-European immigranta

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