


The rain missed my face and fell straight to my shoes







The rain missed my face and fell straight to my shoes
Character Analysis
The short story `the rain missed my face and fell straig

The rain missed my face and fell straight to my shoes 18.02.2021 Character Analysis The short story `the rain missed my face and fell straight to my shoes' written by Saeed Taji Farouky in 2005, deals with the problems of the male immigrant Samir in London. The short story is told by the first-person narrator called Samir. He is an illegal immigrant from Cairo and Muslim (I. 149 f.; I. 196 f.). In the story, we don't get to know much about his outer appearance. One only gets to know, that he is wearing his dirty clothes from work (I. 486) and that his left she has a hole where the sole is split (I. 452). The narrator lives under poor conditions in south London. He doesn't have a home and sleeps behind the warehouses and factories (l. 462 f.). He also has no life partner (1.317 f.). Samir is working in the underground station and in the kitchen of Café Tangier (I. 462). He couldn't serve in the restaurant, because the police caught him working without papers (I. 368). Furthermore, he lost his job in the cinema after stealing money. He needed the money to buy a plane ticket for his mother, so she can get free treatment on London (I. 157;...

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I. 152). One can see, that he has a close relationship to his mother. He stayed with her all night and at midnight he would go to the underground stations to work (I.160). But after seventeen days his mother died and he has no money to send her body back to Cairo. Samir doesn't like crowds, is insecure and afraid of being alone (I. 48 ff.; l. 445). When his friend Aqil asked him, if he wants to come with him and Yousself to Paris, because of the better living conditions and their need of jobs, Samir is afraid to go. But on the other hand, he also is afraid of being alone, when his friends leave (I. 443; I. 445 f.). Clearly, he is scared about what other people are thinking about him: 'that people would see something that isn't really in [him], but if they look hard enough, they might see it anyways. (I. 51 ff.). One can say, that it is very important for Samir to appear positive to others. He is very concerned what his family would think, when they knew he's criminal. That is why he tells them he's doing 'fine and [he's] happy` (I. 378) and that he is making money. Furthermore, he is very unhappy with himself. His friend Yousself often convinces Samir, to do things like stealing and drinking (I. 115 f.), which he wouldn't do by himself. He 'hated to think of [himself] as a criminal' (1. 344). Continuing, he claims: 'I still felt like thief. That made me sick' (I. 349), meaning that he feels guilty about his actions. This passage is related to Samir trying to sell a stolen stereo, but no one wanted to buy it (l. 339 ff.). Samir states out, that he doesn't wanted to be a rich man and 'suck the money out of this country' (. 382 f.). The only thing he wants is to live happily and simply. All in all, one can say, that Samir is an insecure person, who feels guilty about the criminal actions he must do in order to earn money. He is afraid of being alone and had a close relationship with his mother.