


The Third And Final Continent (summary and short character analysis)







-in 1964, an Indian man leaves native country to sail to
-studies at London School of Economi

"THE THIRD AND FINAL CONTINENT" Summary -in 1964, an Indian man leaves native country to sail to London -studies at London School of Economics -shares apartment with other Bengalis -5 years later -> age 36, gets job offer from a library in Massachusetts -same time, marriage was arranged by family-> flies back to Calcutta and then onwards to Boston -guidebook says that Americans are less friendly than British people -first meals are cornflakes-> on a budget, spending little money until wife arrives -comes across an ad for a free room to rent but is told they only let boys from Harvard or Tech in -still makes appointment for next day. -would be first house without other Indians -woman who owns house is old and named Mrs Croft -one becomes aware of the fact that his mother has passed away -they have a conversation -despite the fact that he ist not a Harvard or Tech student he moves into the apartment, no girls allowed tho -awaits his wife Mala who is waiting for her green card -old woman wants narrator to sit next to her on piano bench. -> becomes routine. -Helen (Mrs Croft's daughter) tells him that he is the first boarder her mother has called a gentleman -moves out of the apartment and says goodbye to Mrs Croft -Mala arrives and narrator picks her up at the airport -they speak...

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Bengali (his first time in America) -however, they talk little and the situation is awkward -one day they want to go out and Mala puts on her Sari -> narrator feels uncomfortable as she seems to be overdressed -they go out at night and visit Mrs Croft -Mala and Mrs Croft have a connection and get along very well -Mrs Croft dies a month later and Mala consoles him -story continues and they have a son who attends Harvard Notes. -narrator disregards traditional norms and seems to be uncomfortable when he is being confronted with it -arranged marriage doesn't surprise him, he simply accepts it but doesn't seem to be very happy to be married -Mrs Croft seems to remind hum of his mother which is why he enjoys talking to her Narrator -adaptive -simple man -untraditional -unsociable (no friends...) -friendly, good hearted -engaged in building a new life -naive (arranged marriage) -unbothered (has to life with wife he doesn't even love) -humble