


Titus and Sym - The White Darkness







Titus and Sym summary
Symone, "Sym", is in love with a boy named Titus Oates, who has been dead for ninety years. She
occasionally imagines

Titus and Sym summary Symone, "Sym", is in love with a boy named Titus Oates, who has been dead for ninety years. She occasionally imagines conversations with him in her head and they talk about many things. Sym admires Uncle Victor. He's very smart, as he used to help her with homework when she was little. Except she always got the answers wrong, which made her into thinking that Uncle Victor is smarter than her teachers. Sym is very curious about the polar regions and takes great interest in them. She recalls the day, which her shelf with books on Antarctica collapses on her bed and the books fall onto the floor. At school she is often made fun of when it comes to boys and kissing and one time for mentioning Titus, because no one believes that he exists. This situation really bothers her and makes her retreat and she decides on having an imaginary relationship with Titus. One day, while she is home alone, she watches the TV series "The Last Place on Earth" on DVD, which her uncle gave her, and immediately gets captivated by its content. It is at that moment she meets the love of her life Titus. As she is lost in thoughts about him, she...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

gets a call from her mother saying her father has passed away. Ever since then, Uncle Victor has been there for her and her mom.