


utopia and dystopia







Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut
Utopia & Dystopia Content
1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia
2. Common aspects
3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ ut

Utopia & Dystopia Content 1. Definition/ characteristics of dystopia & utopia 2. Common aspects 3. Hunger games: Plot summary, dystopian/ utopian aspects 4. Characterization -> Katness Everdeen 5. Are we living in a utopia/ dystopia? Utopia Utopia (Greek: „no place“ / „good place") ● Imaginary perfect society • Often set in the future (good and perfect) CONF • Includes better life and peace, equal rights -> ideal living conditions • There is no death or illness, abolition of money • It reflects people's desires • There have been different ideals in the past • People only work in jobs they enjoy ● • Science and technology allow better living standards • Cannot exist-> illusion maina Dystopia Dystopia ● ● ● ● ● ● Pessimistic version of future society-> opposite of utopia Often created realistically Mirroring society's failures Characteristics: dictatorship, totalism-> non democratic form of government, discrimination, illness, bad living conditions People should see the future as a serious danger, but also leaves room for hope Developed cause utopian ideals seeme abssurd ● ● ● Both take place in the future Both create the desire of improvement/ aspire for better tomorrow Both deal with the society and living conditions There couldn't be one without the other (often there is a mix) • Both themes in literature Both can be highly individual (different ideas)/ are changing ● Common aspects ● Exhibits extremes (perfect world vs. nightmare) Both aren't real The Hunger Games Plot summary • Totalarian national: Panem...

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-> divided into 12 districts and the Capitol • Two young representatives from each district are selected for The Hunger Games • Are forced to eliminate their competitors • Are observed by the citizens of Panem • Katniss young sister Prim is selected => Katniss volunteers to take her place participates with her fellow tribute Peeta ● • Critizens are observed by the "Peacekeepers" Poverty and oppression Goverment's control of people-> methods such as Hunger Games Critizens are forced to compete at the Hunger Games Only one person can stay alive => power over people's lifes Unfair distribution of wealth => District 12 very poor vs. the rich Capitol ● ● ● Dystopian Elements ● ● luxury and "freedom" enjoyed by the citizens of the Capitol rewards => victors of the Hunger Games • Revolution by Katniss & relationship between Katniss and Peeta. -> hope, humanity Utopian Elements ● Characterization • Introduction: introduce the person you want to characterize in a few sentences -> name; age; place of residence/ origin • Role in the text (main or secondary character) ● • Main Part: turn to the appearance, behavior and position of the character within the character constellation ● Character's physical appearance: clothing, hair color, high, special physical characteristics Which characteristics are described or can be derived from the behavior: Feelings, personal characteristics, interests, habits Conclusion: assessment of the character (personal opinion, if this is required) Katniss Everdeen ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Katniss Everdeen, 16 years old-> protagonist Place of residence: District 12, Panem Responsible for mining coal for the capitol Relationships: Peeta: in love with each other Gale: long time best friend; he gets feelings for her before the games, which she can never have Primrose: younger sister; Katniss voluntarily goes to the hunger games so that prim doesn't have to go since she was actually drawn Clara Everdeen: mother Appereance: straight black hair; grey eyes; olive skin; 5'7m Characteristics: athletic, introverted, courage, powerful, confident, hard working Is against the government Are we living in a dystopia or in a utopia? Utopia • Government like Denmark, Germany-> strong core of democratic elements • Constitutional and judicial measures Organizations (UNICEF, Save the children) and their vision of a world with freedom, no poverty Artificial intelligence-> makes work easier, improves efficiency ● Dystopia Exploitation of individual workers by political-industrial complex -> people from developing countries like Bangladesh, India • Ecological problems-> negative consequences for people Totalitarian, authoritarian governments-> China, North Korea • -> no participation of citizens -> illegitimate coercion like force, threats to stay in power -> press-> subject to censorship ● • Influence of artificial intelligence on humanity-> loss of control Pandemic-> illness ● • War-> Russia- Ukraine crisis Thank you for listening! Do you have any questions?