


Utopia and Dystopia: Elements in "The Hunger Games" Analysis of a fictional text







1)Dystopian elements in "The Hunger Games"!
a) a futuristic setting with amazing technological
hightech medicine
means of t
1)Dystopian elements in "The Hunger Games"!
a) a futuristic setting with amazing technological
hightech medicine
means of t
1)Dystopian elements in "The Hunger Games"!
a) a futuristic setting with amazing technological
hightech medicine
means of t
1)Dystopian elements in "The Hunger Games"!
a) a futuristic setting with amazing technological
hightech medicine
means of t

THE HUNGER GAMES 1)Dystopian elements in "The Hunger Games"! a) a futuristic setting with amazing technological hightech medicine means of transport (train) arena with its catheras, its tracking devices, its possibilities to invoke natural disasters. hovercraft. Society at the Capital: modern, wealthy, fanciful. Outfits and hairstyles •Costumes of Katniss and Peeta' can be set on fire. .muttations: mackingjay, jabberjays, tracker jacters, elogs b) a back story involving war, revolution or some variety of natural disaster, which changed the old system so that a new system could take over natural disasters: creation of Panem in the territory of the former. USA • the Dark Days uprising of the districts, destruction. of District 13 and birth of the Hunger Games. the new system usually is some sort of unjust totalitarian government system that exerts power and control over people: •President Snow has complete power over the people. demonstration of power: taking the children of the as •rules concerning districts fences, nobody is allowed to leave the districts peacekeepers: they control everyone so that no one clares to start a rebellion • gamematers: exert power over the games. el the societal structure is usually characterized by a class System and an unfair distribution of wealth: difference between people in the Capital have more rights than the people in the districts : people in the Capital are wealthy, people in district are starving hierarchical system/class system: people in the Capital have more...

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rights than the people in the districts, the districts also have hierachy. •the poorest people have the highest rist of being chosenas a tribute BRUNNENifference between the people in the districts: Hayor's daughter. Hadge Peeta live in better. conditions than Gale /Katniss from the Seam. e) a hera from this society feels that there is something wrong with the way society is and fights to change it." •Katniss: she knows the system is unjust, but her desire to fight the system develops Slowly, after Ruth's death.. she becomes aware of it.. •Peeta while he is very much influenced by his love to Katniss, he realizes. from the beginning how. unfair the is f) a figure of conflict (=a.sumbol ar symbolic event represents everything that the dystopia promotes: The Hunger Games - they represent the brutality and inequality of the system. 1 2) Dystopia and Utopia: Dystopian elements Utopian elements perfect world, Saciety - common belief. -peace (no war! Fino money /no work manipulating, brainwashing-hamonious society • repressive /authoritarian government. control of state /military. • extinction of humans. 3) Katniss, the girl on fire": strong and brave personality, temparament. motivates others, inspires others. • fire = Symbol of hope of rebellion & symbol for passion • she's taking risks (playing with fire"). •connection to formation of Panem out of natural disaster /Katniss as some form of natural disaster • outfit [Katniss being an eye-catcher 4) Katniss realizes that the system is unjust : •Rue's death - Rue is like a sister to Katniss (Prim.). ..she realizes how cruel it all is -changes the way. She sees, the Capitol, wants to take. revenge - rebellis (symbolic). •She finally understands what Gale! Peeta mean - after the death she really becomes girl on fire ) S). The interviews: •Katniss thinks Hunger Games are unfair + doesn't want to please people she hates •doesn't want to share anything about herself. doesn't like everybody Katniss feels pressure people want to know about her Caffer She made a good impression). is easily. Dostile. feels insecure too serigus, not open. •doesn't feel special Katniss public character | Peeta's public character Katniss comes across as Sympathetic and funny, but also as a real dangerous competitor strang, selfless, brave 6)Symbolism child-Shope, future Peeta comes across as Sympathetic and. funny, but not as a serious competitor. > love story with Katniss mates him weak cave - trap, imprisonment Ls sometimes positive protection (e.g.mother's womb.) light -> beacon of hope tolling the bell -> funeral, death. dripping water. -s a warning, time's running out lake life-giving. Hunger Games: • dandelion - source of hope, she gains hope/ confidence bread-7 kindness (Peeta), thantfulness (Rue) Structure 1.) Summary: The given excerpt from the dystopian novel "Hunger Games shows a scene(...). The novel was written by Suzanne Collins and published in 2008. "Tilbe Hunger Games" deals with the dystopian society. of Panem. The main character Katniss. volunteers in the hunger games, in which 24 so called are fighting in an arena. The last one standing wins In the scene..... -> summary 2) Analysis 1). Solution of the analysis (Lesellentung). - In the Scene →→ wants to show ... through. 2) narrative perspective. -> first person narrator 3) choice of words, character, relationship, narrative techniques.