


Utopia & Dystopia Presentation







Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M
Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
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Utopia and Dystopia ●
Definition Utopia
Definition Dystopia
Features of Utopia
• Features of Dystopia
Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in
• M

Utopia and Dystopia ● Definition Utopia Definition Dystopia Features of Utopia • Features of Dystopia Examples of Utopia and Dystopia in • Music ● ● ● Table of contents Literature • Art Impact on culture and society UTOPIA DYSTOPIA dylano Utopia definition Utopia = outopos (“no place”) First used by Sir Thomas More in 1516 in his work Utopia It is the term for a perfect ideal society • In such a society, inequality, criminality or injustice are not existing Usually takes place in the future Features of Utopia • Each person is individual, has the same rights and has an equal prosperity ● ● There are no problems like climate change, pollution or others that harm people, animals or anything else Medical and technological advances impact life positively All in all living there is perfect and the persons are always happy there NITI Dystopia definition Dystopia = dystópos (“bad place") • First used by John Mill in 1868 as he denounced the Irish land policy ->he was inspired by Thomas More • Describes a society contrary to the Utopian perception A dystopian society is embossed by problems and inequality Technology affects life negatively in ways of oppressing Usually takes place in the future • Sometimes post apocalyptic Sa Features of Dystopia • Loss of privacy Loss of individuality and freedom • Different stricter and oppressing political system ● • Dehumanisation due to violence or other ways • Government tries to make society seem perfect Utopian music • “I see trees of green, red roses too" ● "I see skies of blue, and...

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clouds of white" ● "I see friends shaking hands sayin' how do you do" ● "They're really sayin' I love you” "What a wonderful world" LOUIS ARMSTRONG WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD ● Thomas More critics about the European and especially English politics and social conditions Critics about the death penalty • More explains his dream of a Utopian future society Life in harmony between all people No private belonging Utopian literature – Utopia by Thomas More Sir Thomas More UTOPIA ● palin DOVER THRIFT EDITIONS fous stydu XCO CURT noocco kaisupaa Utopian art by Robert McCall & Al P5524 A FOLE Dystopian music — Rolling Stones "Gimme Shelter" 1970 THE CRITERION COLLECTION THE ROLLING STONES GIMME SHELTER DIRECTED BY DAVID MAYSLES ALBERT MAYSLES CHARLOTTE ZWERIN "War, children It's just a shot away" • "See the fire is sweeping Our streets today" "Rape, murder, it's just a shot away" • "A flood is threatening My very life today" Dystopian literature - Brave New Worlds by Huxley BRAVE NEW WORLD ALDOUS HUXLEY n HARPERPERENNIAL MODERNCLASSICS P.S. INSIGHTS, INTERVIEWS & MORE Society in the year 2540 • Different social classes or boxes Drugs and consume Manipulation of the embryos • Different boxes -> different tasks ● ● Alpha Plus persons are the highest educated and ruling people Epsilon Minus persons are the lowest educated and have to do easy tasks Dystopian art by Alex Andreev ● Impact on culture and society Can create or manipulate readers to do certain actions: Etienne Cabet's "Travels in Icaria" lead to a movement of French people They wanted to fulfil their dream of Utopia and started settlements in the USA Settlements went down in 1898 ● Utopian literature was popular in Russia because it was a way of thinking about the ideal future and not about the ongoing war -> escape of reality • Russian citizens became dependent ● • Lenin was not a fan of it because he did not want them to become obsessed about Thanks for listening Sources: http://www.utopiaanddystopia.com/utopia/utopia-definition/ https://www.anthonyburgess.org/twentieth-century-dystopian-fiction/ https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2012/10/a-separate-reality-new-paintings-of- dystopian-worlds-by-alex-andreev/ http://art-now-and-then.blogspot.com/2012/06/utopian-art.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopian_and_dystopian_fiction