


Vocabulary: the character auf a nation







© 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity
National Identity and Dive
© 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity
National Identity and Dive
© 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity
National Identity and Dive
© 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity
National Identity and Dive

© 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity National Identity and Diversity Words in Context (WIC) Words in Context: The Character of a Nation Word / Phrase culture (1.3) tradition (1.3) (to) identify with sth. (1.4) national character (1.8) stereotype (1.8) shared values (1. 11) ethnic and social group (1.12) sense of belonging (1.12) (to) unite a nation. (1.14) Cornelsen Memory help definition: = the beliefs, attitudes and way of life shared by a group of people or society word family: tradition traditional traditionalism - traditionalist (adj)- traditionalist (n) When travelling, it can be difficult to ~ with people from other countries. other collocations with national: national election / heritage / identity/ museum / news example sentence: The idea that all Americans eat burgers for every meal is just a stereotype! Do Europeans have a set of values? There isn't one and group which is more important than any other in this society. other collocations with sense: sense of duty / identity / purpose / security / smell Hosting the football World Cup can really - a Answer key - Lead-In / WiC German Kultur Tradition Answer Key sich mit etwas identifizieren nationaler Charakter; Volkscharakter Stereotyp; Klischee gemeinsame Wertvorstellungen ethnische und soziale Gruppe Zugehörigkeitsgefühl eine Nation einen Page 1 of 4 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Ο Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity Word / Phrase member of society (I. 14) basic set of beliefs (1.14) (to) respect a culture (I. 15) citizen (I. 16) adopted homeland (I. 16) (to) swear an oath of allegiance (I. 16) nationality (I. 18) ethnicity (I. 18) immigrant (I. 19) ethnic mix (I. 19) multicultural society (1. 20-21) Cornelsen Memory help All -s of...

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ought to feel they play a part in their community. Despite coming from different backgrounds, these people all share a set of - about society. example sentence: If you travel to a foreign country, you should respect a culture when you get there. definition: = a person who has a legal right to live in a country other collocations with adopted: adopted language /name/title = to make a formal promise to be loyal to someone/something word family: national nationalism - nationalist (adj) - nationalist (n)- nationality = particular race or culture word family: immigrant (to) immigrate - immigration other collocations with ethnic: ethnic clothes/ groups / strife / violence A truly society is one in which people from all over the world feel at home! Answer key - Lead-In / Wic German Mitglied einer Gesellschaft grundsätzliche Überzeugungen eine Kultur respektieren Staatsangehörige(r); Bürger/in Wahlheimat einen Treueschwur leisten Staatsangehörigkeit, Nationalität ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Volkszugehörigkeit Einwanderer/Einwanderin ethnische Mischung multikulturelle Gesellschaft Page 2 of 4 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity Word / Phrase diversity (1.21) (to) experience prejudice and discrimination (1. 22) (to) integrate (1.24) core culture (1.24) (to) assimilate (1.26) ethnic identity (1.27) mix of cultures (1.9) melting pot (1.31) homogeneous whole (1. 32) salad bowl (1. 34) (to) voluntarily segregate oneself from sth. (1.41) Cornelsen Memory help synonym: variety As the only foreign pupil at the school, he -d prejudice and ~. opposite: (to) segregate It is expected that new immigrants integrate into the core -. Many immigrants never completely into their new surroundings. other collocations with identity: corporate / cultural / national / personal identity example sentence: London is famous for being home to a real mix of cultures. = a metaphor used to describe the assimilation effect, where different cultures are blended into a new form other collocations with homogeneous: homogeneous group / mixture / population Answer key - Lead-In / WiC = a metaphor used to describe how a country's many different cultures are mixed together like ingredients in a salad, keeping their distinct features The new girl didn't want to make friends with her classmates and voluntarily -ed herself from them. German Vielfalt Vorurteilen und Diskriminierung begegnen sich integrieren Kernkultur, feste kulturelle Gesellschaftsstruktur sich anpassen, sich angleichen ethnische Identität kultureller Mix Schmelztiegel einheitliches Ganzes Gesellschaft, in der unterschiedliche Kulturen nebeneinander leben ohne zu verschmelzen sich freiwillig von etwas abspalten Page 3 of 4 2010 Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Context 21 Vocab sheets National Identity and Diversity Word / Phrase (to) be discriminated against (1. 42) ethnic ghetto (1.43) migrant community (1.47) Cornelsen Memory help example sentence: Ethnic minorities are still discriminated against in many countries. definition: = an area of a city where people of the same ethnicity live, often in poor living conditions Answer key - Lead-In / Wic = a group of people who have immigrated but remain separate from the core culture of their new home German diskriminiert werden Ghetto, in dem ausschließlich Angehörige einer ethnischen Gruppe leben Gemeinschaft von Einwanderern Page 4 of 4