


Vokabeln Kommunikationsprüfung







Englisch Kommunikationsprüfung
Interesting beginning.... (General Topic, opinion of others, etc.)
Today I would like to tell you something a
Englisch Kommunikationsprüfung
Interesting beginning.... (General Topic, opinion of others, etc.)
Today I would like to tell you something a

Englisch Kommunikationsprüfung Interesting beginning.... (General Topic, opinion of others, etc.) Today I would like to tell you something about TOPIC/ Question Let me start by describing the cartoon I was given. .... IN the cartoon you can see.... I believe the cartoon symbolizes the aspect of ... The quotation given refers to the fact that... This quotation shows that... Now let's have a closer look at... We should also discuss what this means for... Personally, I believe that... I'm convinced that... It may sound really obvious, but... I would like to stress/emphasize that... Let me illustrate this with an example. Statistics show... Most scientists now agree that... I saw this from first-hand experience. Take..., for example. On the one hand..., but on the other hand... For this reason, ... The logical consequence is that... So, to come to an end I would like to sum everything up. So, all thinks considered, I would like... Thank you very much for your attention. In addition (to...) Furthermore To put it in a nutshell Beyond that... However Nevertheless Indeed Obviously In fact Especially Due to As a consequence Just as Similar to Compared to... Not only... but also Because of For example/ instance Such as... Today we are repeatedly confronted with the fact of some experts state that let's assume that what I'm especially concerned about is I'm convinced that I have absolutely no doubt that let's take a critical look at a further problem is my biggest wish would be considering the pros and...

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cons I think that we should also discuss what it means for advocates Befürwöter nobody will deny that the main problem is I don't quite agree I'm convinced that The problem consists of two aspects this report aims to cover the social dimensions of ... we should look at this problem from a different angle we have to come to a decision it is a very complex issue since there is not ... several factors are significant in the first place This situation has short term / long term consequences this decision might have serious consequences for our projects are beginning to show results consequently, we should be optimistic the final outcome was extremely positive they managed to solve /overcome /achieve /put an end to ... the outcome was that we conclude it the job although this problem has been known for some time, no countermeasures have been taken yet. despite this problem, nothing has been done so far