


William Shakespeare/ Elizabethan Age👑📜📝







born April 1564 in Stratford, died April 1616 at the
Same place
→ Lived during the time of Renaissance, between
Middle Ages and
born April 1564 in Stratford, died April 1616 at the
Same place
→ Lived during the time of Renaissance, between
Middle Ages and

Shakespeare. born April 1564 in Stratford, died April 1616 at the Same place → Lived during the time of Renaissance, between Middle Ages and the early modern the late period of history English poet and playwright:38 plays and 154 Sonnets married Anne Hathaway in 1582 (age 18) 1585-1592 "Cost years" : nothing known about these years Elizabethan Agel →> Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) >> Elizabethan Age time of discoveries, conguests and economic rise → Seamen Sir Francis Drake and Sir Martin Frobisher contributed to England's navy becoming the world's number one one sea power which defeated the Spanish. Armada 1588. → The East India Company, founded 1600, colonised large parts of Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent which increased the wealth of England and initiated the building of the British Empire 1 Society in Elizabethan times the same Structure: they were poor; wear clothes for weeks; Sundays: bell rings (church) → church in the middle of the city → houses were framed with heavy vertical timbers => class orientated the role of women: → women couldn't decide about their lives (whom they want to marry) → weren't getting allowed married → women to act on stage was an economic proposition were seen as "objects for trade" → women had to be submissive, fertile, reserved. modest, obedient, beautiful -> always were Someones property → weren't allowed to drink in public → women could not own property of their own Condon street life! → streets were dirty i there were rats; mudy, smelly → chaotic → class-...

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seperated "Streets" dark streets →no light → fruits were used to bring fresh air every body respected the queen n → london is full ob pubs and women were not allowed to go there, only for prostitution →> theatres had to be a funny place comedy plays