


Word list: genetic engineering







word list-topic-genetic engineering
genetic engineering:
the science of changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to ma
word list-topic-genetic engineering
genetic engineering:
the science of changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to ma

word list-topic-genetic engineering genetic engineering: the science of changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to make it healthier, stronger, or more useful to humans DNA: →carrier of genetic information double-stranded helix: →structure of DNA In-vitro-fertilization: →a treatment for a woman who cannot become pregnant naturally, in which an egg is fertilized outside her body and the resulting embryo is put in her womb to develop into a baby Genetics/cell components (to explain how designer children will work): gene: →part of the DNA in a cell that controls the physical development, behaviour etc., of an individual plant or animal and is passed on from it's parents. genome: →>complete set of genetic material chromosome: →part of a living cell that contains all uterus: →> the organ of a woman in which a baby develops before birth in vitro: →happening outside the body in artificial conditions, often in a test tube nucleus: →> Zellkern heredity: →the process by which characteristics are given from a parent to their child through the genes PGD(pre-implantation genetic diagnosis): →a technique using in vitro fertilization to ensure that a baby does not possess a known genetic defect of either parent. After genetic analysis of the embryo, only those free of defect are implanted in the mother's womb Egg donor is given fertility drugs genes Multiple eggs are produced Eggs are fertilized to produce embryos Only healthy embryos are injected into uterus Embryos...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

analyzed for gentic defects Mother gives birth to genetically healthy baby Stem cells: →a cell in a very early stage of development, that can develop into any other type of cell pluripotent: →a pluripotent cell is able to develop into several different types of cell. embryonic stem cells: → a cell derived from the early stages of an embryo, that if implanted into a woman's body will eventually grow into a foetus. adult stem cell → cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated Cloning: → creation of genetically identical copies of living matters therapeutic cloning: → the nucleus of a cell, typically a skin cell, is inserted into a fertilized egg whose nucleus has been removed. →therapy for a disease reproductive cloning: →is used to produce identical twins of animals through genetic manipulation → researchers remove a mature somatic cell from an animal that they wish to copy. Then they transfer the DNA of the donor animal's somatic cell into an egg cell, that has had its own DWA-containing nucleus removed