


Writing a Summary







Linking words
when (als)
after (nachdem)
while (während)
because of /due to (wegen)
although (obwohl)
however (jedoch)
nevertheless (dennoch
Linking words
when (als)
after (nachdem)
while (während)
because of /due to (wegen)
although (obwohl)
however (jedoch)
nevertheless (dennoch

Linking words when (als) after (nachdem) while (während) because of /due to (wegen) although (obwohl) however (jedoch) nevertheless (dennoch) despite/ in spite of (trotz) in contrast to / contrary to (im Gegensatz zu) as a consequence (folglich) therefore(deshalb) in order to (um zu) Summary ->length: about 1/3 - 1/4 of original text ->present tense (simple past → present perfect) ->No! unimportant details, personal opinion or comment, direct speach, quotation No! copying the text ->No! short forms (don't, she's) → use linking words use reporting verlas instead of "say" (explain, agree, complain, apologize) -> introductory sentence (including text/genre, title, author, year /date, main idea) Example of an introductory sentence: The short story "Mr. Mumsford" written by Larry Frenche and published in C...] and deals (or is about) a conflict between a principal and the school's janitor about respect.

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