


Zeche Zollverein







Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada
Zeche und Kokerei
› Zollverein, Essen
IBA Emscher Park Table of content
► History
IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein
► Nowada

Zeche und Kokerei › Zollverein, Essen IBA Emscher Park Table of content ► History IBA Emscher Park/ Association Bauhütte Zollverein ► Nowadays The Zollverein Foundation IBA Emscher Park Sources History Mine was opened in 1932 One of the most modern coal mine at that time Designed by architecture firm Schupp & Kremmer Until mid 20th Century, the coal mine was the most powerful in the world Largest coking plant in Europe The mine closed in 1986 The coking plant closed in 1994 Zollverein was seen as a structural emblem of decline demolition was considered State authorities prevented these plans 2001 it became UNESCO world cultural heritage the construction association Bauhütte Zollverein was founded in 1989 IBA Emscher Park- Association Bauhütte Zollverein ► Developed an... The initial concept for preservation Refurbishment Repurposing of the existing buildings managed the redevelopment o shipping containers on the former coking plant site into a swim Nowadays the industrial monument is a lively center for culture Design industrial history home to two museums The new Ruhr Museum The Red Dot Design Museum Vibrant public venue due to Concerts Performances Festivals Etc. Roughly 1.5 million guests from around the world visit the site each year Many companies and institutions have opened premises here The Zollverein Foundation established in 1998 the successor of Bauhütte Zollverein took on the responsibilities of the Entwicklungsgesellschaft Zollverein the site since 2001 in Had been commissioned to redevelop the site since 2001 continues to drive local development with a series of new...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

buildings and reconstructions IBA Emscher Park ► Programm for structural changes For the Ruhr region from 1989-1999 The ,,rust belt" towards a green, modern and wealthy metropolitan area The 7 Principles Reconstruction of landscape Ecological restoration Adventure space Industrial cultural heritage as a national treasure Working in the park New forms of houses and housing New options for social, cultural, and sport activities Sources https://www.internationale-bauausstellungen.de/en/history/1989-1999-iba- emscher-park-a-future-for-an-industrial-region/zollverein-coal-mine-complex- essen-from-coal-and-steel-to-art-and-culture/ ► https://www.hochtief.de/ueber-hochtief/geschichte/zeche-zollverein-in- essen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationale_Bauausstellung_Emscher_Park