


Cartoon Analysis Englisch Klasse







Cartoon Analysis
A) Introduction
→>Author, date, first publication source
•The cartoon was drawn by... and it was published / appeared in so

Cartoon Analysis A) Introduction →>Author, date, first publication source •The cartoon was drawn by... and it was published / appeared in source on dorte • It was created in response to... • It shows/deals with / refers to / comments on... •The cartoonist makes fun of.../ criticises... for (doing sth.) in lon I ໂດ the top at in at the bottom în the corner on the... side in 2) Description →describe the cartoon in detail →include the contents of captions, speech loubbles etc. and their relationship to the picture •The cartoon consists of /is made up of (several).../is deviced inds... • There is a (short/an iconic) caption/speech bubble / thought bubble in / on /next to... •The caption says/states that ... / is a comment by.... 3) Analysis ->explain the message of the elements → function of the character Crepresent they a well-known people or a particular group?) •The cartoon stands for / represents/is a caricature of.... •The cartoon plays on the stereotypical view of..... • ... is exaggerated/stressed /symbolic for... • ... reinforces the cartoonist's message that ... •The humour lies in the discrepancy/contrast/parallels/missunderstanding bestween. and... 4) Evaluation •The cartoon (only partly) acieves its aim of (doing sth) • In my opinion, the cartoonist is not successful in presenting /criticising... because.... •The cartoon appeals (does not appeal) to me. In my opinion, it is convincing/simplistic/confusing/unfair. •The cartoonist skilfolly /effectively shows... • Unfortunately, it remains unclear wheder... or...

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