


I have a dream analysis Martin Luther King







"I have a dream" speech analysis
The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther
King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses t
"I have a dream" speech analysis
The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther
King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses t
"I have a dream" speech analysis
The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther
King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses t
"I have a dream" speech analysis
The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther
King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses t
"I have a dream" speech analysis
The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther
King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses t

"I have a dream" speech analysis political The speech "I have a dream" delivered by Martin Luther King in 1963 in Washington D.C. stresses the idea" idealistic world, where all people are equal and segregation a dream an of is non-exsistent. Primarly, he introduces the intention of his speech, which is a demonstration for freedom, a plea for justive. He continuer to refer to the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, anficting that it's promises haven't been fulfilled, since there is injustice still present. Furthermore he insists that the oppressed shall remain peaceful, since violence shouldn't be fought with violence. He talks about changes society must undergo, to qualify as a trive, free country. Finally, he heavily implies that hope and faith in his dream are the foundation for justice, liberty and equality for people y av and colours and backgrounds. In his spouch Martin Luther King uses various stylistic devives to underling his statement and implant hins betref deeply into the audiences minds Dive to his and ichre being people from all kind of heritages and backgrounds he needs them to understand and remember his words. Therefour, he user a lot of anaphoras, the repetition of words increasing the probability of them being remembered. The anaphora "but one hundred years later" displays the simotration of MLK, it also being supposed to reflect onto the audience. Despite the emancipation proclamation being signed, America, the "...

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promised" (and still dovon't guarantee it's main ralves to every single individual. This he criticizes that the U.S. had 100 years out the irregulanties between "raves" but didn't manage to do it completely. to even Realizing, that too much time has already been lost, the anaphora "Now is the time" awakens the meaning of "now" in the peoples mindo. 100 years haven't been , used properly so they must act now, as it might be too late to do so. But why should thery first king? He convinces them by moventonly for thire mortevent, puitting a introducing his position as their sheppard due to the "fision", "the "dream" he had and still has. "I have a dream" gives the peopher who have been bost over decades the guidavol they need to finally and the wrongdoing. Therefor, by giving them a pumpore and admobe, he found like a preacher and sheppard who protects his head and guides it. (1 He advrvices his people to art smart and not violently, since violence shall never be treated with violence This he uses the metaphona "aup of bittemess and hatred" to also imply, dire to the biblical teme, that doing with a for So Mad OMEN bad this would be acting against there belief and God would not support it. He still understands the suistration of the people and them wanting to act out on it since they still have to case their cheek, the counting still having to give them back what's already supposed to belong to them. There for he tells them that they should "go book to south", being reashurred that they will be ok but also will keep in mind and still peacefully act out and spread his vision. choosing biblical language like "brotherhood" ar "groedomining" che Informs the people about the importance of this plan, shoo A seems like a prophecy or command from goch. It also unites the people as one big family and since white people are also present in the and since again prohibits the moager of violence. connecting to this, especially in the last part of the speech, he wes a lot of hopefully connoted words like "freedom me" and free at last". By that, it is almost guaranteed, that the main ressage of his speech, the freedom for all, is understood and deaply implanted into the peopler minds, therefor them always thinking of freedom and the fact that relatively to the whites, they won't free , so they have to aut on san All in all it can be concluded that the united States were in a state of misery and in fact not bea free country, if their "brothers and roters" are still "in chains". That is why it was so urojent for the people to finally art and change the system, if their gortinor's won' do it for them. f