


interview mit samir (the escape, short story)







An Interview with Samir
his life in the UK Pakistan when he was younger
his life in the UK in the last couple of years
•his latest journey t
An Interview with Samir
his life in the UK Pakistan when he was younger
his life in the UK in the last couple of years
•his latest journey t

An Interview with Samir his life in the UK Pakistan when he was younger his life in the UK in the last couple of years •his latest journey to Lahore ✓ -his decision to live in an old people's home ✓ his idea of home ✓ 5.10.21 Good moming ladies & gentlemen, I'm XY& today we're welcoming Samir Lakhani, he's a migrant from Lahore, Pakistan & he will talk about the challanges he had faced as a migrant in the UK. 1: Good morning. Sir, welcome S Good morning, thank you for having me! 1: Today I want to ask you about your journey of finding your home. I: So Samir, what is your definition of home?Is it the place you were born in? S: No, that's what I used to believe, but my journey to Lahore teached me some- I thing different I Well, what did it teach you? S. Well I came there with the expectation of returning to my "real" home but lahore didn't fee like home anymore 1: Oh, why is that? What happened in Lahore? go S. I used to call Lahore my love affair, I loved the Pakistani traditions & still do, that actually made back.. but when I got there, I knew, my heart belonged to Manchester. I raised my children here & adapted the British culture more than I...

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thought. 1: Well, what's the difference between the UK & Pakistan? I'm sure it's not just the food (lach) S When I was younger I used to live in Pakistan, my family was poor & therefore I moved to the UK... to start a better life. That's why lactually thought I would be returning someday. At first I went to the UK to earn enough money to support my family back in Pakistan. I thought I'd return someday. 1: Yeah but you didn't? S: No, in the last couple of years. I lost my wife & my kids moved out. I felt alone & like a burden to my children. I lived alone in a huge house & didn't feel home anymore. But after my journey to lahore I fig. ured I needed a change of setting. A new home. 1: You're talking about home all the time but what does that actually mean to you? lost my S Home? Hm, Home' is different to each individual. I always called a place home, but once my wife died, I realized, I "home" & I started looking for a new home. A home is not the place you were born at nor is it the place you're living in. It can be, but it needs to make you feel safe & secure. It needs to feel like a hug&happy&cozy. To me that is the old peoples home. I have great friends there, who are making me feel wanted &needed. I Well I'm glad you've found a new home! Thank you for joining us today, Mr. Lakhani !