


The Great Gatsby







1: Introduction
2-6: Rising Action
7: Climax
8: Falling Action
9: Resolution
the great
1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest
2-6: · Nick
1: Introduction
2-6: Rising Action
7: Climax
8: Falling Action
9: Resolution
the great
1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest
2-6: · Nick
1: Introduction
2-6: Rising Action
7: Climax
8: Falling Action
9: Resolution
the great
1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest
2-6: · Nick
1: Introduction
2-6: Rising Action
7: Climax
8: Falling Action
9: Resolution
the great
1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest
2-6: · Nick
1: Introduction
2-6: Rising Action
7: Climax
8: Falling Action
9: Resolution
the great
1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest
2-6: · Nick

1: Introduction 2-6: Rising Action 7: Climax 8: Falling Action 9: Resolution the great 1:· Nick moved to NYC from the Midwest 7: 2-6: · Nick attends his first party at Gatsby's · he is amazed at all the wealth he is there to make his fortune in the bond track · Gatsby befriends Nick and the two got really close ·Tom introduces Nick to his mistress Myrtle gatsby the rumors about Gatsby, about his past are starting to spread ↳ Nick sees the validaty of these rumors when he meets his business partner Wolfsheim 4 seems to be involved in some illegal behavior Daisy and Tom attend one of Gatsby's parties L Daisy and Gatsby seem to be in love = Gatsby's plan is working. Tam discovers Daisy's and Gatsby's affair = tension explodes Gatsby and Tom battle over daisy. Daisy chooses Tom 8:· Myrtle is killed by Gatsby's car driven by Daisy • Tom sets up Gatsby by telling George Wilson that Gatsby is responsible for her death George takes revenge and killed Gatsby and after that also himself 9. Nick is shocked that almost no one attends Gatsby's funeral even though weekend and week out hundreds of people attend his parties. Nick is disgusted with the life in New York and all that's happend he returns home to the Midwest Jay Gatsby: Embodiment of the American Dream; self-made...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

man; elusive, mysterious; born poor as James Gatz; keeps his origins a secrets; focused on building wealth, power and prestige; dreams are hollow and fleeting Nick Carraway: Novel's narrator; bright; insightful; honest and fair; struggles with superficiality of affluence Daisy Buchanan: Cousin of Nick; superficial, self-absorbed love interest of Gatsby; married with Tom Buchanan; has an affair with Gatsby; represents "flappers"; risk-taker Tam Buchanan: Boisterious; arrogant brute; self-centered and controlling; lacks respect for women; manipulative; represents the elite ; locks down on those without money and those with new money George Wilson: Owns Wilson's garage; resigned himself to live lover class; murders Gatsby and kills himself over heartbreak Myrtle Wilson: Has an affair with Tom; wants to escape low social status; dislikes her husband for being poor Jordan Baker: Daisy's childhood friend; wealthy professional golfer; represents modern women; ignores social conventions; willing to cheat to get ahead i romantically involved with Nick but their relationship deteriorates when Nick discovers She's dishonest Valley of Ashes: symbols ·located between New York and Long Island symbolic of the life of the have-not's and the waste left behind in the pursuit of wealth. The Wilsons are collateral damage in the wake of the Buchanan's immoral pursuit Green Light: a literal beacon to alert boaters that there's an obstacle they need to avoid · for Gatsby: symbolizes a dream → his dream of obtaining in border terms it symbolizes the American Dream The novel opens with Gatsby reaching towards this light and ends with Nick's realization that the dream is elusive and possibly can't be obtained. The novel questions the sacrifices that individuals make to achieve these dreams and whether the ends actually justify the means. The Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg: symbolic of the immorality of the 1920s (a time of fierce capitalistic gains cultural explosions and wild parties) Americans abandon their religious morality this billboard serves as a reminder of Gods watchful eyes It's faded a parent's suggest that the characters are no longer concern with the consequences of their actions and that they've made a choice spirituality and toward a more decandent and to move fram away superficial base themes Class: demonstrated in geography (East Egg = 1 = elite with old money ; West Egg = elite with new money; Valley of Ashes = middle and lower classes) another location comparison is the Midwest is the east coast (Midwest depicted as a place of new money but also one of strong and new ideas i East coast old money elitism but it's at it's very worst) → dramatic irony that Nick, Daisy and Tom moved form the MW to the EC for a better life Superficiality VS Truth: American Dream: facade us reality 's existence personifies superficiality. Gatsby's - he changed his name and fabricated. his past, he distracts by throwing lowish parties with no true guests at the care, Gatsby is motivated by his love for Daisy, he seeks power and to money be accepted among the wealthy and deserving of Daisy's love by the time the story begins he's so entrenched in the lifestyle he's lost his way L Nick discovers this when Gatsby attempts to buy his friendship. the Buchanan's and Jordan Baker lived superficial lives, directionless existence is characterized by luxury, wealth, power and the never ending pursuit for more • the story is set in the 1920s before anyone could imagine a crash and Great Depression individuals can recreate themselves and became succesful no matter where they begin • the chasing of the American Dream → that comes with harsh realities for some ↳ Nick recognises Gatsby's 's insecurities and lack of social skills, he is chasing a love he has idealized beyond realistic boundaries Degradation of Society: · following WWI the populations post-war emotional relief accessibility to consumer goods and affluence led to unrestrained pursuit of wealth, pleasure and material goods Gatsby: symplistic view of life; Nick: Midwestern moral but swayed by New York character constellation Jordan Baker Childhood friends, Cousins Nick Carraway Neighbours & Friends Daisy Buchanan Affair Jay Gatsby (James Gatz) Harried O kills her "1 "killed her Tom Buchanan takes revenge for his wife and kills him Affair Myrtle Wilson Married George Wilson Accused him falsely for murdering Myrtle