


Utopia Dystopia







Utopias and Dystopias
• Usually set in a future in which
technology is used to create
perfect living conditions
Socialist ideas

Utopias and Dystopias Utopia ● • Usually set in a future in which technology is used to create perfect living conditions Socialist ideas Abolition of money, happiness etc No problems such as war, disease etc. O Place one can only dream about, paradise (perfect society) Characteristics of science fiction and fantasy ● Peaceful government, equality, education, healthcare, employment Can have different aims, are not compatible with each other and therefore they can possibly imply something completely unrelated A perfect society can lead to dangerous consequences (death camps etc.) The future should be better with utopianism →→ rebuild Dystopia Antithesis of the utopian society O Societies which claim to be perfect, but aren't. Authors share their concerns about ● ● ● independent thought is banned, manipulation, dictatorship absolute control over citizens think they cannot criticize the system o achieve fear by violence & education (brainwashing) warning ● society and humanity → how things can go bad totalitarian/ authoritarian form government familiar to the reader→ echoes of one's experiences war, revolution, rebellion, O overpopulation, natural disaster ruling class: lives in luxury reader confronted with a protagonist's view who questions the society propaganda: controlling peoples minds the role of technology (attitude towards)

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