


the curious Incident of the Dog in the nighttime / Suppergute Tage und die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone







Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Chapter 5:
(p. 8)
Chapter 7:
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Chapter M:
(p. 11-12)
Chapter 13:
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Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Chapter M:
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Chapter 13:
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Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Chapter 7:
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Chapter M:
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Chapter 13:
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Chapter 17.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Chapter M:
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Chapter 13:
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Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 6-7)
Chapter 5:
(p. 8)
Chapter 7:
(p. 9)
Chapter M:
(p. 11-12)
Chapter 13:
(p. 13)
Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 6-7)
Chapter 5:
(p. 8)
Chapter 7:
(p. 9)
Chapter M:
(p. 11-12)
Chapter 13:
(p. 13)
Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(p. 6-7)
Chapter 5:
(p. 8)
Chapter 7:
(p. 9)
Chapter M:
(p. 11-12)
Chapter 13:
(p. 13)
Chapter 17.
(p. 14-16)

Chapter 2 (p.5) Chapter 3 (p. 6-7) Chapter 5: (p. 8) Chapter 7: (p. 9) Chapter M: (p. 11-12) Chapter 13: (p. 13) Chapter 17. (p. 14-16) Chapter 19: (p.17-18) Der Tod von Wellington: The narrator Christopher John Francis Boone findes Wellington, the poodle, who belongs to Mrs. Shears, his neighbor, dead on Mrs. Shear's lawn with a garden fork through its side. He wonders who killed Wellington and why. Infos zu Christopher (Name). Christopher explains that he has difficulty determinig people's emotions from their facial expressions. But he can name each countrys in the world, their capitals, and every prime number up to 7,057. He recalls the first time he met Sioubhan, eight years earlier. ↳ when Sioubhan drew faces on a piece of paper and asked him what emotions the faces expressed and Christopher could only indentify the sad face, which represents how he felt when he found Wellington and the happy face, which shows how he feels when he wanders the neighboorhood at three or four in the morning, but he could not identify the other emotions. Mrs. Shears bemerkt den Tod von Wellington: The story returns to Mrs. Shears's lawn, where Christopher removes the garden fork and picks up Wellington, Mrs. Shears yells at Christopher to get away from her dog. So Christopher puts the dog down, puts his hands over his ears and curls into a...

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ball on the grass, trying to block out the sound. Kriminalromane: Christopher reveals that we are reading his murder-mystery novel, written after Sioubhan advised him to try writing a story he would want to read. Sioubhan thought that the opening opening of the novel should grab people's attention, which is one of the reasons that Christopher started with Wellington's death. The other reason is that he could not start it any other way is that this story actually happened to him. Polizei kommt: Two police officers arrive. Christopher finds their presence comforting, but he grew agitated (wurde aufgeregil when the policeman begins to ask him questions too quickly, seeming to implicate him in the murder. Christopher curls into a ball again, and he hits the police officer when the officer tries to lift him to his feet. Witz vom Valer und warum Christopher Witze nicht mag. Christopher states his book will not be funny. To be funny you have to tell jokes, and jokes often rely on the multiple meaning of words. The fact that one word can have multiple meanings confuses Christopher and makes him feel uncomfortable, so there will not be joke in his book. Auf dem Weg zur Polizeiwache: The officer arrests Christopher for assault. Now they are on their way to the police station. Prim zahlen: Christopher describes the rules used to determine prime numbers. He thinks prime numbers are like life: logical, but impossible to fully comprehend. He has ordered the chapters in his book. according to prime numbers, because he likes them. Chapter 23: (p. 19-21) Chapter 29 (p. 22-23) Chapter 31 (p. 24-26) Chapter 37 (p. 27-28) Chapter 41: (p. 29-30) Chapter 43: (p. 31-32) Chapter 47: (p.33-35) Chapter 53 (p. 36-38) Auf der Polizeiwache At the police station, Christopher emplies his pockets at the front of the desk, carefully describing every item When the policeman put him in his cell, he marvels that the cell is almost a perfekt cube. He wonders. Mrs. Shears lied and told the police that he killed Wellington. Metaphern/ Warum Menschen verwirrend Christopher finds people confusing because they often communicate non-verbally through facial expressions. They also use metaphors which connect one thing with another when neither has any actual relation the other Vater kommt auf die Polizeiwache Father arrives at the police station and greets Christopher by holding up his hand with his finger outspread. Christopher does the same, allowing their fingers to touch. He explains that they greel each other this way because he does not like hugs. Christopher was released with a stern warning. Lügen erzählen & Christopher can't tell liars, because for that he has to pick an event that did not happen to replace the one that did and he can not do that. Consequently, everything that he has written in his book is true. Heimweg On the drive home, Christopher tries to apologize to his father for making him come to the police station, but his father does not want to talk about it. When they arrive home, Christopher goes to his room. At 2.07 am he goes to the kitchen to get a drink before bed, and notices his father sitting alone in the living room with tears in his eyes. Christopher asked him, if he feels sad about Wellington. His father stares at him for a long time before replying that he does. Infos zum Tod der Mutter' Christopher remembers the two years ago when his Mother died. He came home from school and the house was empty. When his father arrived home later, he made a lot phone calls to locate her and then he went out for a few hours. When he returned, he told Christopher, his Mother was in the hospital because of a heart problem and that Christopher wouldn't be able to visit her. Symbole Supergule Tage/... Christopher likes to have an order for things, even if the order is not logical, because it makes him feel safe. Christopher ranks the day according to the number and colour of the cars he sees on his way to school. three/four red cars in a row → Good day five red cars in a four yellow cars in row -> Super Good Day a row -> Blackday (Christopher refuses to speak to anyone and sits by himself at lunch) weitere Info's zum 'Tod der Mutter' Christopher recalls that his Mother died two weeks after going into hospital, because of an unexpected heart attack. Her death surprised Christopher because she had lived an activ and healthy life and was only 38 years old. On the night she died, Mrs. Shears came over, cooked dinner and played Scrabble with Christopher. Chapter 58: (p. 38-42) Chapter 61: (p. 43-46) chapter 67. 46-55) Chapter 71: Lp. 56-58) Chapter 73: (p.59-61) Chapter 79. (p. 62-64) Chapter 83: (p. 65-66) Wieder bei Mrs. Shears Back in present, Christopher knocks on Mrs. Shears door, to explain that he did not kill wellington. But she closed the door. Then he Sneaks around the side of her house and jumps over the garden wall. There he sees the garden fork used by the murder in a shed. That's why he concludes that the murder had to know Mrs. Shears in order to have access to her garden. fork. Iwas passiert nach dem Tod? Christopher believes that heaven doesn't exist. He reasons that heaven could possibly lie on the other side of a black hole, but for the dead to get there they would have to be fired off into space by rocket. Befragung der Nachbarn über Wellington Christopher draws map of his neighborhood and sets out to question the people on his block about the murder, because it is a Good day. At number 39, Hrs. Alexander, an elderly neighbor, has nothing to add regarding Wellington's murder but invites Christopher in for tea. But Christopher worries, she might be calling the police and walks away. Christopher knows. that most of the murders know their victim and the only person who would want to upset Mrs. Shears is Mr. Shears. He left about two years ago and didn't come back. Christopher decides to find out more about Mr. Shears, because he might have kill Wellington. über Schule + Zukunft Christopher considers all of the other children at school stupid. He plans to prove that he is not stupid as his claas mates by getting an A grade on his A-level math test, which no one at his school did before. After this test he will do an even more advanced math test advanced physics test, and use his scores to attend college in another town. and an Verhaltens probleme von Christopher Christopher escribes the arguments that his mother and father used to have as so bad that he thought they might get divorced. Their fighting, he says, had to do with the stress that resulted from taking care of him and dealing with his behavioral problems. He writes that many of his problems have gone now, because he has grown up and can make decisions for himself. Streit mit Vater über seine Ermittlungen white lie When Christopher gets home, his father asks him where he has been. Christopher responds with a - that he has been out-, but his father already knows, that he had been poking around Hrs. Shears garden. Christopher explains that he thinks Mr. Shears killed wellington, his father got very angry forbids Christopher from ever mentioning Mr. Shears's name again and orders. him to stop asking questions about who killed Wellington. Christopher promises that he will do as his father says. Traumberuf Astronaut Christopher wants to be an astronaut. He explains the many ways the jobs fits him: he is intelligent, he understand how machines work, and he doesn't mind small spaces, so long as he doesn't share them with anyone. Besides, no yellow and brown things exist on space ships and the stars I would surround him. It would be a dream come true. Chapter 88. (p. 67-68) Chapter 97: (p. 69-76) Chapter 101. (p. 77-80) Chapter 103: (p. 81-85) Chapter 107: Chapter 109: Chapter 113: Chapter 127. Reden mit Sioubhan At school the next day, Christopher shows Sioubhan his "finished" book, because he promised his father not to continue the case anymore he won't be able to write anymore. Spaziergang mit Mrs. Alexander Five days later, it was a Super Good day. Christopher feels that something special will happen. When he goes to the shop at the end of the road to buy candy, he meets Mrs. Alexander and she asked were he went the other day. Christopher confesses he was afraid she would call the police. Christopher decides to ask her about Mr. Shears. Mrs. Alexander reveals thal Mr. Shears and his Mother had an affair and Christopher had to promise her not to tell his Father about their conversation. Das Monty Hall Problem Christopher says that Mr. Jeavons believes Christopher likes math because, in math, straightforward answers exist for every problem, unlike in life. He disagree that math problems always have straightforward answers, and he uses the Monty Hall problem as proof. Rhodri zu Besuch Christopher returns home and there was Rodri, a coworker of his father, talking with his father. He responds with a white lie, when father asked him where he has been. Then he eats dinner, but it was yellow so he colored it red before eating. Lieblingsbuch Christopher describes the plot of his favorite book, The Hound of the Baskervilles. He likes it because it is a detective story with many clues and red herrings (plot elements that lead the reader to think the story will proceed in one direction when th story actually goes another way). Christopher indentify with Holmes, because he can focus solely on the task at hand, and to notice obivious things that other people do not observe. Siobhan korrigiert Buch (Affäre) Christopher writes some more of his book and takes it to school the next morning to show Soubhan. When she reads it, Siobhan sits down with Christopher to discuss the conversation he had with Mrs. Alexander. Christopher assures her that he does not feel upset about the affair because his mother is dead and Mr. Shears does not live nearby anymore. Christophers Gedächtnis Christopher likens his mind to a DVD-player that can skip backward through his memories to a specific moment in the past. As an example, he recalls July 4th 1992, when he was nine years old, and describes a family vacation to the beach in Cornwall, Christopher says that when he meets people. he runs a search through his memory to determine if he knows them. He also uses his memory to navigate difficult situations. Streit mit Vater über sein Buch When Christophers father returns, he is holding Christopher's book. He asked him if the conversation that he had with Mrs. Alexander is true. Christopher replies that it is and his father grabs him hard, like he never has before. Frightened, Christopher starts to hit his father. His father goes into and then out into the garden, where christopher can hear him drop the book. into the trashcan. the kitchen, Chapter 131: Chapter 137 Chapter 138: Chapter 148: Chapter 151 Chapter 157: Chapter 163: Chapter 167. Gründe für das Hassen. von Gelb und Braun Christopher describes some of the reasons why he hates the colors yellow and brown. Lm Twycross Zoo (+ Grafik) The next day, Father apologizes for hitting him and decides that he will take Christopher to Twycross 200 to make up for it. At the Zoo, Father tells Christopher how much he loves him, and says he was only angry because he doesn't want Christopher to get into trouble. Christopher remembers all the things father has done for him, like picking him up from the police station, and cooking meals. To christopher, love is helping someone when they get into trouble, and telling them the truth. They press their hands together in their substitute for hugging. über Elfen /Aliens / Sherlock Holmes Suchen Finden sei Buches Briefe Christopher returns from school before father gets home from work. That's why he wanted to search for his book, but when he doesn't find it in the trashcan, he realizes that his father might have hidden it elsewhere in the house. He found the book in a shirt box underneath a toolbox in father's bedroom closet. Then he notices a letter in the shirt box addressed to him and sees there are several such letters. He takes one of the letters and puts his book back. The letter is from Mother, and it describes a new job she has working as a secretary in a factory. The letter confuses Christopher because Hother never worked at a factory or lived in London. hypothetische Grafiken Christopher describes scientific mysteries as problems that have yet to be solved. He concludes, that some times complex problems follow simple rules, and that whole populations can die out for no than the way the reason other numbers work. weitere Bri der Mutter On monday evening, Father goes out to lix a flooded cellar, so Christopher sneaks into Father's room. He counts 43 letters addressed to him in the same handwriting 1. letter: The first letter describes a memory that Mother has of Christopher playing with a I wooden train, she bought him for Christmas. 2. letter: Mother explains why she left the family. She decided Christopher and father would be better off without in the house and moved with Roger to London. her 3. Letter. Mother writes about her new job as a secretary in a real estate office. => He realizes that Mother didn't have father comes into the room, he sees verstand der Menschen verstehen Siobhan teacher a heart attack and that Father has been lying to him. When the letters and begins to cry. Raussch leichen von zu Hause After a bath, father apologizes for lying about Mother and keeping the letters. He doesn't want any more lies between them, so he confesses to killing Wellington. Christopher decides he can't trust father any more, so he waits till 1:20 am, takes out his Swiss Army knife and hides behind the garden shed. Chapter 173: Chapter 178. Chapter 181: Chapter 191. Chapter 193: Chapter 197, Chapter 199. Chapter 211. Chapter 223: Sternenbilder From the space behind the shed, Christopher can see the constellation Orion. Aufbruch zum Bahnhof -> London Christopher sleeps in the garden that night. He decides to go to London to find Mother, because he can not live with Sioubhan, Uncle Terry or Mrs. Alexander. Christopher goes to Mrs. Alexander's house and tells her he needs someone to watch Toby while he goes to London. She tries to get him to come insid, but when she says she is going to phone father, Christopher runs back home. Christopher fills his schoolbag with food, clothes, math books and father's bankcard. He puts Toby in his pocket and walks to school to ask Sioubhan, how to go to the train station, but when he saw father's van in the school parking lot he decides to ask a stranger for directions to the train station instead. So he walks to the train station. Wahrnehmung von Christopher Christopher explains that he must memorize every physical detail of his environment. He attributes the fact that he is good at maths and logic to his attention to detail. Am Bahnhof/ Fahrkarten kaufen Christopher feels sick from the crowded tunnel before him. A policeman came to him, asking why he has been sitting in the café in a trance for two and a half hours. Christopher says he is going to visit his mother in London. The policeman escorts him to a cash machine and after that to the licket window. He reaches the train. Tagesablauf von Christopher Christopher likes timetables because they make sure that he does not get lost in time. Im Zug In the train, the policeman from earlier appears, he says father is looking for Christopher and that he has come to take Christopher back to the station. But the train starts to move, so the policeman has to wait until the next. stop. Christopher, not knowing the train has a bathroom, wets his pants. He goes to the bathroom to clean up. The train begins to slow down and he hears the policeman knocking on the door of the bathroom, then leaving. Christopher stays there until the train starts moving again. Leben auf der Erde (Zufälle) Christopher thinks that people believe in God illogically, because they do not realize that unlikely things can happen by chance. Information U-Bahn zu Chapter Road When the train stops again, Christopher leaves his hiding place. He follows the sign that reads "Information to a small shop and asks if he is in London. Yes, he is. When he asks the way to Mother's address she tells him to take the subway to Willesden Junction or willesden Green. In the subway, Christopher hides in a photo booth, because he felt sich of the other people at the station. über Reklame Chapter 227: Chapter 229: Chapter 233: Toby ist weglauf Gleisbett / trifft auf Judy + Roger / Grafik Wohnung climbs onto the tracks to get him. Christopher sits in a trance for five hours on the platform before realizing that Toby has run away. Christopher Spots Toby between the tracks and he Christopher Stays on the train until Willesden Junction, where he gets off. He uses an atlas to get to Mothers address, but no one answers when Christopher rings the bell. That's why he sits down to wait. At M: 32 p.m he hears Mother's voice. She tries to hug Christopher but he pushes her away. Christopher explains her that Father hept all the letters hidden in his closed and said that Mother was dead. At 2:31 a.m Christopher wakes up to the sound of father shouhing in the living room. Mother, Mr. Shears and father had an argument until the policeman comes back and escorts Father from the flat. Lieblingstraum That night, Christopher dreams a virus has killed nearly everyone on earth. Schlafanzug / Streit Judy + Roger / Heimfahrt/Abitur -> Eins/ Sandy - Hother and Hr. Shears argue a lot - Hother and Christopher go to Swindon -Christopher does the exams •Hother gets a job at a garden center and a doctor prescribes her medication for her depressions ->he lives with Mother in a room in a brick house, but he has to stay at fathers house after school, Toby dies ->Father gives Christopher a two-month-old golden retriever to start rebuilding trust → Christopher got an A on his A-level math test. => Christopher wants to get A grades in A-level Further Math an A-level Physics, so that he can attend university in another town, where he will live in a flat with a garden and live with Sandy. He will become a scientist