


2-minute-presentation: Black-Lives-Matter







This is not
a trend.
The #BlackLivesMatter movement isn't a
Racism is a system not an event.
This is not
a trend.
The #BlackLivesMatter movement isn't a
Racism is a system not an event.

WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN This is not a trend. The #BlackLivesMatter movement isn't a Racism is a system not an event. #BlackLivesMatter black children black lives matter. ONY MORA 't a trend. BLACK CK LIVESTE LIVES WE SEE BULLETS ALL OVER THE BODY black BLACK MANTEATT SAY THEIR NAMES Justice AC BLM pence Bens BUC BLACK LIVES MATTER **** MATTER NO PEAC SELEM SETRA) THE COLOUR OF MY SKIN SHOULD NOT PLACE A TARGET ON MY BACK!! TER BLACK LIVES MATTER TANE RACISM IS GETTING WIRE me WHEN WILL IT END George Floyd, Tamir Rice Breonna Taylor. Botham Jean Ahmaud Arbery. Sandra Bland Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner RI.P PRO BLACK ISNT ANTI WHITE BLACK LIVES MATTER JUSTICE IF YOU'RE TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT RACISM IMAGINE HOW TIRED PEOPLE ARE OF EXPERIENCING IT #BLM HAD DOWN SMOTTEL Nottel Man Matter Black Lives Matter Hattverk Watse Block Matter the P Dener Jack wes Man Flack Black Baller BERIS Matter Black Live Matter Bla BLACK LIVES MATER TABERE ERA NYWEDD 12690 Clattica Meck ves Matter Black Liv es Matter Black Liv 's Matter Block M SMatter Block HITE BLACK MATTER CONSE Rad Jack Boyle F tasellookd tter Atter BLACK LIVES MATTE LACK AVES MATTER NURSES JUSTICE ST George Floyd GOOD COPS BUTELL NEED TO #blm FRIEN BAD COPS BUTE AM I NEXT? LIVES MATTER It's 20 C 1 R NO JUSTICE | NO PEACE Black Lives Matter: 3-minute-presentation Last year, in 2020, George Floyd, a black male was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who pressed his knee into Floyd's neck for multiple minutes. Although George Floyd begged for him to stop as he had trouble breathing, neither the police officer nor his four former colleagues who were bystanders at that scene stepped in. I think from this event at the latest every one of you has heard about Black Lives Matter, because following this incident 15million to 26million people participated in the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in the US making it one of the largest...

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movements in the US history and the phrase one of the most shared hashtags on social media in 2020. But in fact the movement exists in reality much longer. In July 2013, the movement began with the usage of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media in response to the acquittal of George Zimmermann in the shooting death of African- American teen Trayvon Scott 17 months earlier, in February 2012. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.