


Acceptance Speech Obama







Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Die Schülerin/Der Schüler
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Die Schülerin/Der Schüler
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Die Schülerin/Der Schüler
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
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Die Schülerin/Der Schüler
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Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch
Inhaltliche Leistung
Die Schülerin/Der Schüler
Teilaufgabe 1
Teilaufgabe 2
stellt den Text vor: Red

Klausur Q1/1 LK Englisch Inhaltliche Leistung Die Schülerin/Der Schüler Teilaufgabe 1 (Comprehension) Teilaufgabe 2 stellt den Text vor: Rede von Barack Obama, gehalten am 28. August 2008 vor der Democratic National Convention nach der Wahl Obamas zum Kandidaten für die Präsidentschaft, Thema: Situation der USA vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen. erläutert, dass Obama sein eigenes Beispiel im Text als Beleg für die Gültigkeit des Amerikanischen Traumes anführt. (ZZ. 1-4, 48-49). führt an, dass Obama die aktuelle Situation der USA erläutert wie Krieg und wirtschaftliche Probleme (ZZ. 10-16). 4 zeigt auf, dass Obama für die aktuellen Probleme die Regierung Bush verantwortlich macht (ZZ. 17-19). führt an, dass Obama die USA als Staat sieht, der besser als die Vorgängerregierung mit den Problemen wie fehlende Kranken- versicherungen oder der Globalisierung umgehen kann (ZZ. 20-26). beschreibt Obamas Idee des Amerikanischen Traumes: die Freiheit, etwas aus seinem Leben zu machen, die Verantwortung des Einzelnen und der Wirtschaft für die Gemeinschaft, die Verantwortung der Regierung für Bildung, Umwelt und Innovation, aber auch dafür, dass der Amerikanische Traum weiterhin für jeden gültig ist, der dafür arbeiten will (ZZ. 31-46). führt an, dass Barack Obama aus dieser Beschreibung den Anspruch ableitet, als Präsident für Veränderung zu sorgen (ZZ. 6-9, 27-30, 47, 50-52). erfüllt ein weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. (2) 5 Erwartungshorizont Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech, 28 August 2008 8 Die Schülerin/Der Schüler analysiert Obamas Rede und führt an: 1 Obamas Verwendung von Stilmitteln, z.B.: enumeration,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

1. 8 (also parallelism), to stress the variety and number of people; rule of three, I. 10, to stress the idea of crisis at the moment; repetition of more", II. 13 ff, to stress the idea that so many people suffer from the mistakes of the Bush government; we are (a) better... anaphora, II. 20 ff, to stress the idea of what America could be; rhetorical question, I. 31... IN 22.09.2020 Punkte 2 1 2 12 Summe Teilaufgabe 1 2 18 Punkte Obamas Verwendung seiner eigenen Biographie: he describes his parents as neither "well off" nor "well-known" (ll. 2-3), he's from a 6 modest/normal background; he doesn't have the "typical pedigree" nor the "career in the halls of Washington" (1. 49) but he made it to the top as a candidate because of his belief in the American Dream. 3 Obamas direkte Anrede und sein Aufruf an die Wähler: he's using we" and our", he's using a direct address to his audience to make them see the importance of change in politics (II. 10 ff, 29 f, 47). 4 Obamas Verwendung von Elementen des Amerikanischen Traumes: Declaration of Independence, 1.7; from rags to riches", II. 4-5, 1. 34, 1.43; Manifest Destiny/Puritans, II. 45-46, Individualism, II. 31-32; Equality, II. 8-9; II. 1-5, 11. 42-43. 5 ggf.: erfüllt weiteres, aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. (4 Die Schülerin /Der Schüler | 1 Teilaufgabe 3.1 (Evaluation: comment) 3 erläutert die Idee, die Amerikaner selen Opfer des Amerikanischen Traums: widersprüchliche Werte; Werte, die den Einzelnen stark unter Druck setzten wie self-reliance, responsibility for oneself; Vorstellungen, die nicht verwirklicht werden und die die Amerikaner davon abhalten, die Realität so zu sehen wie sie ist erläutert Barack Obamas Karriere als Beispiel des Amerikanischen Traums: er ist der erste afroamerikanische Kandidat für die Präsidentschaft; hält vor diesem Hintergrund Obamas Begeisterung für den Amerikanischen Traum für echt/hält die Verwendung des Amerikanischen Traums in der Rede für ein rhetorisches Mittel Egf.: erfüllt weiteres, aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. (4) Die Schülerin /Der Schüler 11 Tellaufgabe 2 führt Barack Obama als Beispiel für den Amerikanischen Traum an: er ist der erste afroamerikanische Kandidat für die Präsidentschaft. Summe Teilaufgabe 3.1 gibt als Mitglied der Democratic National Convention seiner Begeisterung für Obamas Aufruf, seine Rede unter Verwendung der Elemente des Amerikanischen Traumes, die sehr positiv bewertet werden, und Obamas Zielen Ausdruck. Darstellungsleistung/sprachliche Leistung 3 ggf.: erfüllt weiteres, aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium. (4) 1) Kommunikative Textgestaltung Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. Punkte beachtet die Normen der jewells geforderten Textsorte (Zusammen- fassung, Analyse, Teilaufgabe 3 a) Kommentar; Teilaufgabe 3 b) persönliche Email) strukturiert seinen Text in erkennbare und thematisch kohärente Abschnitte, die die Darstellungsabsicht sachgerecht unterstützen. A gestaltet den Text ökonomisch (ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten) 18 Summe Tellaufgabe 3.2 Summe Inhaltliche Leistung 50 60 6 9 8 9 6 18 mögl. tatsächl. Pkte 6 S 6 1012 6 6 S 6 2) Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit Der Prüfling S 9 belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Sprachrichtigkeit (30 Punkte) Summe Kommunikative Textgestaltung 30 sprachlicher Mittel löst sich vom Wortschatz des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes. bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und 3) Sprachrichtigkeit Textproduktionswortschatzes. bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus (z.B. Wechsel zwischen Para-und Hypotaxe; Partizipial-, Gerundial- und Infinitivkonstruktionen, Aktiv und Passiv). Summe Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkelt sprachlicher Mittel Die Aufgaben werden sprachlich differenziert nach folgendem Raster bewertet: Orthographie In (nahezu) jedem Satz ist wenigstens ein Verstoß gegen die Regeln der Rechtschreibung feststellbar. Die falschen Schreibungen erschweren das Lesen erheblich und verursachen Missverständnisse. Einzelne Sätze sind frei von Verstößen gegen die Rechtschreibnormen, Fehler treten allerdings nicht so häufig auf, dass das Lesen und Verstehen des Textes stark beeinträchtigt wird. gegen die Es sind durchaus Rechtschreibfehler feststellbar. Jedoch sind Abschnitte bzw. Testpassagen weitgehend ohne Verstöße Rechtschreibnormen. Das Lesen des Textes wird durch die Rechtschreibfehler nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt..... Der gesamte Text ist weitgehend frei von Verstößen gegen die Rechtschreibnormen. Wenn Rechtschreibfehler auftreten, haben sie den Charakter von Flüchtigkeitsfehlern, d.h. sie deuten nicht auf Unkenntnis von Regeln hin. Grammatik In (nahezu) jedem Satz ist wenigstens ein Verstoß gegen die grundlegenden Regeln der Grammatik feststellbar. Diese erschweren das Lesen erheblich und verursachen Missverständnisse. Einzelne Sätze sind frei von Verstößen gegen die die grundlegenden Regeln der Grammatik. Fehler treten allerdings nicht so häufig auf, dass das Lesen und Verstehen des Textes beeinträchtigt wird. Es sind durchaus Verstöße gegen die Regeln der Grammatik feststellbar. Jedoch sind Abschnitte bzw. Testpassagen weitgehend fehlerfrei. Das Lesen des Textes wird durch die auftretenden Grammatikfehler nicht wesentlich beeinträchtigt. mögl. tatsächl. Pkte Pkte 6 8 6 10 30 mögl. Pkte 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 0-1 2-5 4 27 6-9 5 6 ( 25 tatsächl Pkte 5 Der gesamte Text ist weitgehend frei von Verstößlen gegen die Regeln der Grammatik. Wenn Grammatikfehler auftreten, betreffen sie einen komplexen Satz und sind ein Zeichen dafür, dass der Schüler/ die 10-12 Schülerin Risiken beim Verfassen des Textes eingeht, um sich dem Leser differenziert mitzuteilen. Wortschatz In (nahezu) jedem Satz sind Schwächen im korrekten und angemessenen Gebrauch der Wörter feststellbar. Die Mängel im Wortgebrauch erschweren das Lesen und Textverständnis erheblich und verursachen Missverständnisse Einzelne Sätze sind frei von lexikalischen Verstößlen. Der Wortgebrauch ist jedoch nicht so fehlerhaft, dass das Lesen und Verstehen des Textes beeinträchtigt wird. Vereinzelt ist eine falsche bzw. nicht angemessene Wortwahl feststellbar. Einzelne Abschnitte bzw. Testpassagen (mehrere Sätze in Folge) sind weitgehend frei von lexikalischen Verstößen. Der Wortgebrauch (Struktur- und Inhaltswörter) ist über den gesamten Text hinweg korrekt und treffend. Summe Inhaltliche Leistung Summe Darstellungsleistung Gesamtsumme Datum: 8.10. 2020 Note sehr gut sehr gut- gut erreichte Punkta 15 14 Note 143-150 befriedigend+ 135-142 befriedigend 128-134 befriedigend- 12 120-127 ausreichend 11 Summe Sprachrichtigkelt Summe Darstellungsleistung Eine ungenügende Leistung im inhaltlichen Bereich liegt vor, wenn weniger als 12 Punkte erreicht werden. Eine ungenügende Leistung im Darstellungs- und sprachlichen Bereich liegt vor, wenn weniger als 18 Punkte erreicht werden. Ist die Leistung im inhaltlichen Bereich oder im Darstellungs- und sprachlichen Bereich ungenügend, so ist die gesamte Klausur ungenügend Die Klausur wird mit der Note 1- (sehr gut minces). 13 Punkte 113-119 ausreichend 105-112 ausreichend- Unterschi Punkte 98-104 90-97 83-89 75-82 68-74 58-67 erreichte Punktzah 8 7 6 0-1 Note 2-5 mangelhaft mangelhaft mangethaty. ungenügend 6-9 10-12 10 30 7-9 50 129 150429 60 90 bewertet. Punkte erreichte Punktzahl 30-39 0-29 use of "you" (1.1,14) LK Englisch/Q1 use of "we" Klausur 1 Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech (extract), August 28, 2008 repitition of "tonight" 1.7, 13,26 15 22.09.2020 [...] Four years ago, I stood before you and told you my story, of the brief union between a young man from Kenya and a young woman from Kansas who weren't well off or well-known, but shared a belief that in America their son could achieve whatever he 5 put his mind to. = allusion to American Dream Canifest Desting)? It is that promise that's always set this country apart [...]. That's why I stand here tonight. Because for 232 years, at each moment when that promise was in jeopardy, ordinary men and women - students and soldiers, farmers and teachers, nurses and janitors - found the courage to keep it alive. 10 We meet at one of those defining moments, a moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil, and the American promise has been threatened once more. Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are working harder for less. More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can't afford to drive, credit card bills you can't afford to pay, and tuition that's beyond your reach. These challenges are not all of government's making. But the failure to respond is a direct result of a politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush. ( America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this. 20 This country is more decent than one where a woman in Ohio, on the brink of retirement, finds herself one illness away from disaster after a lifetime of hard work. We're a better country than one where a man in Indiana has to pack up the equipment that he's worked on for 20 years and watch as it's shipped off to China, and then chokes up as he explains how he felt like a failure when he went home to 25 tell his family the news. [...] Tonight, tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and independents across this great land: Enough. This moment, this election is our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive. [...] American Dream 30 What... what is the American promise? It's a promise that says each of us has the freedom to make of our own lives what we will, but that we also have obligations to treat each other with dignity and respect. Individualism It's a promise that says the market should reward drive and innovation and generate growth, but that businesses should live up to their responsibilities to create 35 American jobs, to look out for American workers, and play by the rules of the road. Ours ours is a promise that says government cannot solve all our problems, but what it should do is that which we cannot do for ourselves: protect us from harm and provide every child a decent education; keep our water clean; invest in new schools, and new roads, and science, and technology. 40 Our government should work for us, not against us. It should help us, not hurt us. It should ensure opportunity not just for those with the most money and influence, but for every American who's willing to work. - parallelism That's the promise of America, the idea that we are responsible for ourselves, but that we also rise or fall as one nation, the fundamental belief that I am my brother's 45 keeper, I am my sister's keeper. allusion to the Bible That's the promise we need to keep. That's the change we need right now. [...] I realize that I am not the likeliest candidate for this office. I don't fit the typical pedigree, and I haven't spent my career in the halls of Washington. But I stand before you tonight because all across America something is stirring. What Speaking 50 the naysayers don't understand is that this election has never been about me; it's about you. humble way of Fundstelle: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/28/us/politics/28text-obama.html Annotations: to be well off-to have a lot of money; to set sb./sth. apart - to make sth./sb. special; jeopardy- danger; plummet - to go down very fast; tuition - money you have to pay for education, here especially university education for young people; beyond sb.'s reach-something nobody can achieve; I am my brother's keeper - alludes to the bible, the story of Cain and Abel, it means that we are responsible for each other; pedigree - Stammbaum, Herkunft 2008: The speech is held one day after Barack Obama's nomination as the candidate for the Democratic Party on 28th August 2008 in Denver at the Democratic National Convention. Later that year, in November 2008, Barack Obama was elected president for the first time. In 2008 the USA are militarily involved in Afghanistan and Iraq. Especially the Iraq war turned out as a great fiasco of the Bush government: it had been an invasion against international law. 2008 is also the year of a worldwide financial crisis, hitting the USA first and very hard. Lots of Americans lost their homes when banks crashed: they couldn't get a new way of financing and thus had to sell their houses. Tasks: 1.) Point out Barack Obama's demand for change and his view of the US politics of the Bush administration. comprehension (18 points) 2.) Analyze how Barack Obama tries to convince his listerners that "this election is the chance [...] to keep the American promise alive" (II. 29 f) by examining the rhetorical devices as well as the content of his speech and his references to the American Dream. analysis (24 points) 3.) US author Emilio DeGrazia claims that Americans are victims of the American Dream story. Do you think Barack Obama would agree? Discuss. evaluation - comment (18 points) or You are listening to the speech as a member of the Democratic National Convention. You think Barack Obama is the American Dream personified. Write an email to your best friend at home about the impression the speech made on you. evaluation - re- creation of text (18 points) Ast English Exam Sard Englisch LK ал 1.) The acceptance speech was held by Barack Obama on 28th August 2008 in Denver at the Democratic National Convention.. In his speech, which is addressed to the citizens of the U.S., Obama talks about the solutions he has for America in regard to the financial crisis. His aim, on the one hand was to accept his candidature at the elections but also to sympathize with the citizens, so that more people. I will vote for him. The extract of Obama's speech Starts with the many problems. America has to face due to the financial crisis in 2008, which was, in Obama's opinion, a result of George W. Bush's failed policy. He lists a lot of problems. Americans have to face, like for example unemployment, losing their 22/09/20 A homes and so on. Obama continues by talking about the American promise and makes appeals to beep this promise alive. He points out that the govern- ment should help all citizens and provide them with all they need but he also demands to all citizen that they should look out for each other. and makes him seem like a "friend" because he talts directly to the listener. Obama's aim in this stylistic device is to sympathize with his addressees. They see that he talks directly to them which makes them more likely to vote for him. He also uses the personal pronoun "we" often throughout the text. For example in line 19 he does this At the end of the speech Obama by using the anaphora "we are demands for a change once. better.. 3 we are better "(1.19.). again and underlines that the This gives the listener the feeling next election could be a possibility of unity and, especially when for a change. looking at the context, Obama talks about the negative things Americans have to face and the use of "we" shows them that they are not alone and they live in a nation with unity. In line 2-5" who weren't well off or well-known, but shared a belief that in America their son could achieve whatever he put his mind 2) In his speech, Obama tries to convince his listeners that in the next election, the American promise can be kept alive by indirectly saying that they should vote for him. He does this by using various Stylistic devices. Obama starts by using the personal to." Obama alludes to the pronoun "you" in line 1. He uses -pronoun many times throughout the text, for example in this line 14. This gives the listener American Dream. Here he refers to the concept of "Hanifest Destiny" of "from which states that the "chosen people will achieve everything they a feeling of closeness to Obama want if they just work hard and raps to niches" R Z R ✓ "put their mind" (1.5) to whatever they want. This is also a reference to the saying "from rags to riches" which states that even though someone is really poor, one can become rich and prosperous by working hard and believing in aneself. Obama mentions the expression "tonight" many times in his speech. He does this in the lines 7,, 13 and also in line 26 as the repitition "Tonight, tonight (...)" He uses this repitition to stress the problem, Americans currently have to face. It shows that the financial crisis is a current and present. topic which can affect everybody. It also states that the people. should act now and help to keep the American promise alive and they should not just wait until Some changes happen, but they Should keep this idea alive.. In line 30-32 Obama wants to explain what the "American promise" is with the question "What... what is the American promise?". Here, he also makes use of the repitition "What... what C...]?". In the Sara s. f following lines he answers the question himself which is why the question in line 30 cannot be seen as a rhetorical question. He explains. "the American promise" (1.30) by the use of the concept of Individualism which belongs to the American Dream. Individualism states that everyone has the possib -ibility and freedom to achieve what they want but also have some responsibilities towards their governments. It also says that the government. should intervene as little as passible because everyone is responsible for oneself which he also mentions in line 43. From line 36-39 one can see that Obama partly agrees with the idea of Individualism. He says that "government cannot solve all of their problems [...]" (1.39) which agrees with the idea that the government should intervene as little as possible. But he continues by. saying that also the government has responsibilities towards the citizen. Their obligations are to protect us from harm C..Jprovide every child a decent education, keep our water clean (..]" (1.37 38) R Worter micht trennen A and so on. This shows the audience that they are not alone and that they will always be provided with all their when he says "rise or fall as one nation [...]" (1.44). This, once again, gives a feeling of unity. Towards the end of the speech, Obama talts in a very humble. way about himself. He says that he is "not the likeliest candidate. for this office. (..) don't fit the typical pedigree (...)" (1.47 ff.). The function of this is to make. the audience relate to him and show that he is not above them but rather on an equal footing with his audience. Here he also alludes to the American Dream because it shows that, even though he does not fit into the typical "I am my brother's keeper, I am stered type of a president and my sister's keeper" (1.44-45) even though he came from poor marks, on the one hand, an conditions, he was able to bring it A anaphora but it is an allusion to far in life and me through. the bible as well. Here he refers to his hard work he could become the story of Cain and Adle, where a president. one brother killed the other but In the last sentence of the speech here he wants to show the contrary." [...] never been about me., it's His aim is to show that a person is not only responsible for themself but should also look out for other people in times of need. been about you," he marts, one last time, that he cares for the audience, for his citizens. His manner of talking is not selfish but he This gets stressed in line 44 as well tries to show that he wants the needs. Obama's promise is that when they vote him all these things will be provided for the citians. In line 40-42 he uses parallelism in the phrases "government should work for us, not against us. It should hap us, not hurt us. [ ] (1.40). This stresses, once again, the security and providence Obama ensures the audience. This has mainly the function to create a feeling of Safety and encourages the citizens to vote for him. A best for this country and the citizen. In conclusion, one can say that Obama sympathizes with his audience by relating to them and them that he is not a Showing person of authority, but more of a friend. He indirectly appeals to them that they should vote for him by demanding change and the maintenance of the American promise. 3) Dear Jenny, a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to hear Barack Obama's acceptance speech in real-life. It was a great experience and the speech had a really good impression on me. First of all, he always addressed. to us as "you" and also used "we". This gave me the feeling as if he is directly talking to me. which I thought was great. He promised many things to us, that if we wrote him, the government Saras. will will provide for us and give us all our needs in times of crisis. But he also demanded that we Should help to keep the American promise alive. That can only be achieved if we all work together as one nation, respect and help each other. I really liked this part of the Speech because on the one hand, Obama reminded us that there will be problems and hardships, like the financial crisis we are currently facing. But he also reminded us that together, as one nation, we go through this. In my opinion, Obama is the American Dream in person, which is why would make him the perfect next president. He does not come from a wealthy family or has the perfect background. but clearly we can see that he achieved something in his life. Through his hard work and perservance he was able to climb up and be a candidate for this years presidency. This could be an inspiration for everyone, including me, that we all can achieve something like this in our life and everything is possible through hard work and commitment. This also represents the idea of the American Dream, so I think Obama. really is the American Dream personified. I also think I am going to vote for him at the elections in November because he really convinced me and I think he has the best interests at heart for our country. I will send you an extract of the Speech, so you can tell me w wat what you think about it. Best wishes, Sara