


American Dream







write a summary
Before writing read and highlight important things
devide the text into parts
introduction name the au
write a summary
Before writing read and highlight important things
devide the text into parts
introduction name the au

26.10.2021 LERNZETTEL write a summary Before writing read and highlight important things devide the text into parts introduction name the author, title, publish date /place, type of text, topic The article,...] "title" written by "author" in "year", deals with main part: essentials / basic facts use present tense use your own words. use formal language - use linking words. NO direct speech /quotation, personal opinion. According to the author... The author believes /points out... From the authors point of view....... How to analyse a speech identify the speaker's objective main part introduction In the following the speech will be analyzed in terms of... main part chronological analasis of the speech rhetorical devices. →name and function, give lines!!! conclusion · summarize your findings in relation to the task How to write a comment introduction start with a question Englisch GK who is the speaker cpublic person, politican. privat person) when and where is the speech in honour of smb/sth., in privat/public, political context) What kind of audience (small/ large, politicans, ppl. who share a common goal) what general theme has the speech (political, economic, cultural) give arguments for and against state your opinion conclusion · refer back to the question from the start Has the American Dream changed in the last 10 years or hasn't it changed at all? in the following this question. will be discussea? 26.10.2021 The American Dream built better not bigger same chances...

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for everybody give everybody a fair shot at success no matter where they are from, which religion they have, if they are rich or poor when you work hard you have the opportunity to give your family a better life cgood family life) it's not about getting rich chance of a better life freedom to choose your job where you want to live, reliligious freedom. equality of opportunity. upward mobility I have a good education. Liz Balmaseda → grew up in Florida (since she was 10) →she won the first-grade spelling bee → both parents nad a job →not equality of opportunity in the whole country (vote jobs...) ->her AD become true her life was built better not bigger. June Sochen →AD is still alive but harder to achieve →→The material side has become questionable cmoney) Translow Adamsa land where life should be better, richer and fuller →a social order LERNZETTEL → ->> irony rhetorical devices metaphor →→ Metapher personification Personifikation. everybody working together being recognized for who / what you are NOT a dream of higher wages, motor cars (material things) simile vergleich symbol Symbol alliteration →→ gleicher Anfangsbuchstabe assonance → similare sound of words accumulation →listing of words with similar meanings anaphora→ gleicher Satzanfang enjambement → zeilenübergreifende Sätze enumeration Aufzählung rhetorical question Englisch GK parallelism similar identical words repetition →→> wiederholung → use a word/phrase/sentence more than once in a sentence exaggeration →→übertreibung Hyperbol strcng overstatement